
Deploying containers to Docker hub IMHO is the same as deploying Java artefacts 
to Maven or Node.JS modules to NPM or whatever. It is a release of a 
convenience binary in addition to the official source release.

As such:

+1 to supporting Docker, just like Maven Repositories or NPM repositories for 
convenience binaries of releases

+1 to not requiring the „incubator“ suffix or prefix (similar to referred to 
Maven discussion)

+1 to requiring notes regarding incubation of the respective notes in any 
Docker Hub description functionality (see for example 


Am 05.01.2017 um 10:32 schrieb Greg Stein 

Taking off my Infrastructure hat from within that issue, and speaking to
this from a Foundation policy standpoint ... I think this is probably okay,
if the docker image is named (say) u/apache/incubator-singa. We allow
incubator projects in our github namespace as

But then we also get into an area of "what happens around graduation?" ...
do we then offer both u/incubator-singa *and* u/singa ? ... If that's
acceptable, then this may be a simple decision. But for downstream
stability/continuity reasons would a podling want to *start* at
docker/u/singa ? ... and that is where I ask if the IPMC is willing to give
up the incubator- signal within our namespace on docker.

And yes, I recognize the similarity to the concurrent discussion about
Maven Central artifacts. There are costs/benefits around continuity and
impacts on downstream users.

Putting my Infra hat back on: the IPMC needs to specify a policy on
allowance and naming around hub.docker.com<http://hub.docker.com> hosting, that 
Infra will use to
assist podlings.

Greg Stein
Infrastructure Administrator, ASF

On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 12:11 AM, Thejas Nair 
<thejas.n...@gmail.com<mailto:thejas.n...@gmail.com>> wrote:

As per Greg Stein's comment in
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-13156, we haven't had any
podling request for a docker image (aka a "convenience binary") to be
published within Apache's namespace in hub.docker.com<http://hub.docker.com> .

Starting this thread to see if we should have a vote on for this or we can
get incubator VP approval for this.


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