On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 3:19 AM Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com>

> Hi,
> > My interpretation of the term "compiled code" means compiled versions of
> the source code within the package.
> So how is including a jar in a source release to which there is no source
> code included (or even a pointer to that code that I can see) actually open
> source software?
I'm not saying it is.  What I'm trying to make sure we're agreeing to is
that the problem isn't that there is a JAR to .tar.gz file in the
distribution.  Its that the original source is missing.

> Given this can be easily resolved by including the code and not the jars /
> changing the build process why is there a need to include the compile code
> in the source release?
I feel like you ignored my notes on what's in those JARs and how they're
used, or I wasn't clear enough on them.

> But lets assume we allow this in a source release. It seems minor (it’s
> only test code as you say), but once we do allow jars / compiled code in
> source releases where do we draw the line? Is it OK to include gradle
> wrapper jars for instance? Or 3rd party dependancy jars? Or our compiled
> source code as well? All of these situations have resulted in -1 votes on
> incubator (and TLP) releases before.
That's what I'm trying to help draw out as a conclusion.  If its that its a
build tool and can be identified as such, or a precompiled test library
that needs to be there for some reason and the source and provenance are
known, great.  Maybe that's a good first step.  I'm personally in favor of
having the gradle wrapper (and maven wrapper) present since it helps build
the code.

> > I suspect that Toree did all of this in their
> > release package because Apache Spark was already doing that, and they
> were
> > leveraging spark functionality, and if a TLP is doing it, it must be
> correct.
> Just because it's being done by a TLP doesn’t automatically make it
> correct :-)
That's exactly the point I'm trying to make.

> Thanks
> Justin

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