On Sun, Mar 26, 2017 at 4:45 PM, Josh Elser <els...@apache.org> wrote:

> +1 (binding)
> * xsums/sigs OK
> * Could build src and pip tarballs
> * L&N look OK with caveats
> * DISCLAIMER present
> While I appreciate the obvious effort that went into the assembly of your
> LICENSE file, there are some issues:
> * The Copyright clauses are disjoint from the bundled software. How do I
> know which Copyright clauses relate to what software?
> * You should bundle the license text into the LICENSE file, not just point
> to them. You do not need to include multiple copies of the same license --
> the separation by license you already have is good.
> - Josh
Thanks Josh,

We will double check the areas you mentioned above on the LICENSE area and
see how we could improve for next release.

Thanks for your vote, we are now only waiting for one more IPMC binding

Luciano Resende

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