IPMC formally owns "Apache DistributedLog" until graduation. BookKeeper -
or any project anywhere - would of course legally be allowed to fork the
code under a different name. Graduation is more about the community
practices, not so much the code.

Realistically IPMC won't block any such graduation into an existing ASF
project who is accepting, but it should not be automatic, e.g. IPMC should
oversee to ensure the new (sub)community is working in an Apache Way, that
contributions are recognised and releases are IP clean.

On 1 Jul 2017 9:01 am, "Greg Stein" <gst...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 10:25 AM, John D. Ament <johndam...@apache.org>

> I have no idea why this is copying both public and private lists.

And I have no idea why this is a vote for the IPMC to conduct.

Can't Apache BookKeeper just move the code over, add some committers and
PMC members, and carry on?

Like... what? The IPMC will tell BK "you can't do that" ??


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