

2017-11-14 16:05 GMT+08:00 Timothy Chen <tnac...@gmail.com>:

> +1 as well.
> Tim
> On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 10:45 PM, Jean-Baptiste Onofré <j...@nanthrax.net>
> wrote:
> > +1 (binding), of course ;)
> >
> > I'm looking forward the donation and happy to be part of and work on this
> > project !
> >
> > Regards
> > JB
> >
> >
> > On 11/14/2017 07:15 AM, Willem Jiang wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi All,
> >>
> >> I would like to start a VOTE to bring the ServiceComb project in as an
> >> Apache incubator podling.
> >>
> >> The ASF voting rules are described:
> >>
> >> https://www.apache.org/foundation/voting.html
> >>
> >> A vote for accepting a new Apache Incubator podling is a majority vote
> for
> >> which only Incubator PMC member votes are binding.
> >>
> >> This vote will run for at least 72 hours. Please VOTE as follows
> >> [] +1 Accept ServiceComb into the Apache Incubator
> >> [] +0 Abstain.
> >> [] -1 Do not accept ServiceComb into the Apache Incubator because ...
> >>
> >> The proposal is listed below, but you can also access it on the wiki:
> >>
> >> https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/ServiceCombProposal
> >>
> >> Best regards,
> >>
> >> Willem Jiang
> >>
> >> = ServiceComb Proposal =
> >>
> >> == Abstract ==
> >>
> >> ServiceComb is a microservice framework that provides a set of tools and
> >> components to make development and deployment of cloud applications
> >> easier.
> >> It provides functionalities such as service contract enforcement,
> service
> >> registration, service discovery, load balance, service reliability
> >> (latency
> >> and fault tolerance, flow control and graceful degradation, handler
> chain
> >> tracing), eventual data consistency and so forth.
> >>
> >> == Proposal ==
> >>
> >> The goal of this proposal is to bring the existing ServiceComb codebase
> >> and
> >> existing developers into the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) in order
> to
> >> build a vibrant, diverse and self-governed open source community around
> >> the
> >> technology.
> >> So far the major contributors to the project have been affiliated with
> >> Huawei and Huawei is planning to continue market and sell the Cloud
> >> Service
> >> Engine leveraging the ServiceComb framework.
> >> ServiceComb is currently a registered trademark owned by Huawei, and
> >> Huawei
> >> is happy to donate this trademark to Apache.
> >>
> >> Huawei is submitting this proposal to donate the Service source code and
> >> associated artifacts (documentation, web site content, wiki, etc.) to
> the
> >> Apache Software Foundation Incubator under the Apache License, Version
> 2.0
> >> and is asking Incubator PMC to establish an open source community. These
> >> artifacts are currently available on GitHub at
> >> https://github.com/ServiceComb/ and include:
> >>   * Java Chassis: a multi-protocol (RPC & Restful) microservice
> framework
> >> which adopts contract-first design
> >>   * Service Center: a service registry that enforces service contract
> upon
> >> service registration and discovery
> >>   * Saga: a distributed coordinator to achieve eventual data consistency
> >> based on the paper "Sagas" by Hector Garcia-Molina and Kenneth Salem
> >>   * ServiceComb.github.io:  the website repo of ServiceComb.
> >>   * The other projects will be moved to another place if ServiceComb is
> >> accepted by Apache as an incubator project.
> >>
> >> == Background ==
> >>
> >> Microservices is a variant of the service-oriented architecture (SOA)
> >> architectural style that structures an application as a collection of
> >> loosely coupled services. ServiceComb is an open source microservice
> >> framework initiated as part of Huawei CSE projects (Cloud Service
> Engine)
> >> which was developed in 2015. It is a part of ServiceStage of Huawei
> Public
> >> Cloud which is one-stop PaaS platform for enterprises and developers.
> >> Besides ServiceStage, it’s  also used in the Huawei Core Network IOT
> >> Platform and Huawei consumer cloud. The number of  companies using
> >> ServiceComb to develop their enterprise applications, they are
> >> chinasofti.com, isoftstone.com, pactera.com,zbj.com,movit-tech.com, and
> >> the
> >> number is over 5 and counting.
> >>
> >> == Rationale ==
> >>
> >> ServiceComb has been developed as a total, open source solution for
> >> developing cloud native applications. So far ServiceComb has existed as
> a
> >> GitHub project with committers mostly working for Huawei. We feel that
> >> moving it to a neutral organization like Apache, with its strong
> >> governance
> >> model, is expected to help get more contributions from various
> >> organizations and developers, who may be concerned by exclusive control
> of
> >> ServiceComb by Huawei.
> >>
> >> == Initial Goals ==
> >>
> >> Our initial goals are to bring ServiceComb into the ASF, transition
> >> internal engineering processes into the open, and foster a collaborative
> >> development model according to the "Apache Way." Huawei and the current
> >> contributors to ServiceComb plan to develop new functionality in an
> open,
> >> community-driven way. To get there, the existing internal build, test
> and
> >> release processes will be refactored to support open development.
> >>
> >>   1. More specifically, our initial plan of moving ServiceComb to ASF is
> >> focused on:
> >>   2. open up the governance model in order to simplify and streamline
> >> contributions from the community
> >>   3. move the existing codebase to Apache
> >>   4. integrate with the Apache development process
> >>   5. ensure all dependencies are compliant with Apache License version
> 2.0
> >>   6. incremental development and releases per Apache guideline
> >>
> >> == Current Status ==
> >>
> >> === Meritocracy ===
> >>
> >> We intend to substantially expand the initial developer and user
> community
> >> by running the project in line with the "Apache Way". Users and new
> >> contributors will be treated with respect and welcomed. By participating
> >> in
> >> the community and providing quality patches/support that move the
> project
> >> forward, they will earn merit. They will also  be encouraged to provide
> >> non-code contributions (documentation, events, community management,
> etc.)
> >> and will gain merit for doing so. Those with a proven support and
> quality
> >> track record will be encouraged to become committers and PMC members.
> >>
> >> === Community ===
> >> ServiceComb core java sdk is developed by Huawei Cloud team, and is
> widely
> >> used inside Huawei. It also includes developers from other companies
> like
> >> Movitech, Qianmi, witmart.com, using ServiceComb to develop
> MicroServices.
> >>
> >> === Core Developers ===
> >> The core developers are a diverse group of developers, some of whom  are
> >> already experienced open source developers.  There are at least one
> Apache
> >> Member as well as a number of experienced developers.
> >>   * Ning Jiang, ningji...@apache.org, Apache Member, project architect.
> >>   * Qi Zhang, zhangq...@huawei.com, project architect
> >>   * Xiang Yin, seam....@huawei.com, Java Chassis, Saga core developer
> >>   * JiMin Wu, wuji...@huawei.com, Java Chassis core developer
> >>   * Bao Liu, bao....@huawei.com, Java Chassis core developer
> >>   * Sukesh A C, sukes...@huawei.com, Java Chassis developer
> >>   * Mohammad Asif Siddiqui, mohammad.asif.siddiq...@huawei.com,
> >> ServiceCenter core developer
> >>   * Yihua Cui, cuiyi...@huawei.com, ServiceCenter core developer
> >>
> >> === Alignment ===
> >> We have looked upon Apache as a model for building a strong developer
> >> community and worked to absorb its essence and adopt its best practices.
> >> There are quite a number of Apache projects we want to integrate with,
> >> such
> >> as Apache Camel, Apache ActiveMQ, in order to build a sophisticated
> >> MicroService solution for the user.
> >>
> >> == Known Risks ==
> >>
> >> Development has been sponsored mostly by one single company. To
> facilitate
> >> the full transition of the project to the Apache Way governance model,
> >> development must shift towards the meritocracy-centric model of growing
> a
> >> community of contributors balanced with the needs for extreme stability
> >> and
> >> core implementation coherency.
> >>
> >> === Orphaned Products ===
> >> Huawei is fully committed to ServiceComb. Moreover, Huawei has a vested
> >> interest in making ServiceComb succeed by driving its close integration
> >> with other ASF projects. We expect this to further reduce the risk of
> >> orphaning the product.
> >>
> >> === Inexperience with Open Source ===
> >> Huawei has been developing and using open source software since a long
> >> time. Some committer have a proven track record in open source at
> Apache.
> >> Additionally, several ASF veterans agreed to mentor the project and are
> >> listed in this proposal. The project will rely on their guidance and
> >> collective wisdom to accelerate the transition of the entire team of
> >> initial committers towards practicing the Apache Way.
> >>
> >> === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
> >> Most of the contributors are paid to work in Huawei Cloud Team. While
> they
> >> might wander from their current employers, they are unlikely to venture
> >> far
> >> from their core expertise and thus will continue to be engaged with the
> >> project no matter who their current employers are.
> >>
> >> ===  Relationship with other Apache products ===
> >> ServiceComb is not related with other Apache products directly.
> >>
> >> === An excessive fascination with the Apache brand ===
> >> While we intend to leverage the Apache ‘branding’ when talking to other
> >> projects as a testament of our project’s ‘neutrality’, we have no plans
> >> for
> >> making use of Apache brand in press releases nor posting billboards
> >> advertising acceptance of ServiceComb into Apache Incubator.
> >>
> >> === Documentation ===
> >>
> >> The following documentation is relevant to this proposal. Relevant
> portion
> >> of the documentation will be contributed to the Apache ServiceComb
> >> project.
> >>
> >> ServiceComb Website: http://servicecomb.io/
> >>
> >> === Initial Source ===
> >>   * https://github.com/ServiceComb/ServiceComb-Java-Chassis
> >>   * https://github.com/ServiceComb/ServiceComb-Saga
> >>   * https://github.com/ServiceComb/service-center
> >>   * https://github.com/ServiceComb/ServiceComb.github.io
> >>
> >> === Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ===
> >> As soon as ServiceComb is approved to join Apache Incubator, the source
> >> code will be transitioned via the Software Grant Agreement onto ASF
> >> infrastructure and in turn made available under the Apache License,
> >> version
> >> 2.0. We know of no legal encumberments that would inhibit the transfer
> of
> >> source code to the ASF.
> >>
> >> === External Dependencies ===
> >>
> >> 1. ServiceComb java-chassis depends on some Apache projects:
> >>   * Commons Lang
> >>   * Commons Codec
> >>   * httpClient
> >>   * CXF
> >>   * Tomcat
> >>   * Maven
> >>
> >> and other open source projects (organized by license)
> >>
> >> ALv2:
> >>   * Netty
> >>   * Spring
> >>   * Spring-Boot
> >>   * Zipkin
> >>   * brave
> >>   * protostuff
> >>   * Jackson
> >>   * Swagger
> >>   * vertx
> >>   * Netflix ribbon
> >>   * Netflix hystrix
> >>   * rxjava
> >>   * Google guava
> >>   * Google guice
> >>   * Aspectj
> >>   * Okhttp
> >>   * hibernate-validator
> >>
> >> MPL:
> >>   * Javassist
> >>   * MIT
> >>   * Mockito
> >>   * SLF4J
> >>   * Bridge-method-annotation
> >>   * EPL 1.0
> >>   * JUnit
> >>   * Logback
> >>
> >> 2.ServiceComb Saga depends on some Apache projects:
> >>   * Commons IO
> >>   * Commons lang
> >>   * Maven
> >>
> >> And other open source projects (organized by license)
> >> ALv2:
> >>   * servicecomb-java-chassis
> >>   * awaitility
> >>   * kamon
> >>   * disruptor
> >>   * rest-assured
> >>   * wiremock
> >>   * Aspectj
> >>
> >> MPL:
> >>   * Javassist
> >>
> >> MIT:
> >>   * Mockito
> >>   * SLF4J
> >>   * Bridge-method-annotation
> >>
> >> EPL 1.0:
> >>   * JUnit
> >>   * Logback
> >>
> >> As all dependencies are managed using Apache Maven, none of the external
> >> libraries need to be packaged in a source distribution.
> >>
> >> 3.ServiceComb Service-Center depends on
> >> Open-Source Projects(Organized by License)
> >> MIT
> >>   * github.com/Knetic/govaluate
> >>   * github.com/beorn7/perks
> >>   * github.com/boltdb/bolt
> >>   * github.com/couchbase/go-couchbase
> >>   * github.com/couchbase/gomemcached
> >>   * github.com/cupcake/rdb
> >>   * github.com/dustin/go-humanize
> >>   * github.com/karlseguin/ccache
> >>   * github.com/kr/pty
> >>   * github.com/lib/pq
> >>   * github.com/mattn/go-runewidth
> >>   * github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter
> >>   * github.com/onsi/ginkgo
> >>   * github.com/onsi/gomega
> >>   * github.com/pelletier/go-toml
> >>   * github.com/siddontang/go
> >>   * github.com/siddontang/ledisdb
> >>   * github.com/siddontang/rdb
> >>   * github.com/ugorji/go
> >>   * github.com/urfave/cli
> >>   * github.com/xiang90/probing
> >>   * github.com/bgentry/speakeasy
> >>   * github.com/ghodss/yaml
> >>
> >> BSD 3-Clause
> >>   * github.com/beego/x2j
> >>   * github.com/belogik/goes
> >>   * github.com/cloudflare/golz4
> >>   * github.com/edsrzf/mmap-go
> >>   * github.com/golang/snappy
> >>   * github.com/spf13/pflag
> >>   * github.com/widuu/gojson
> >>   * golang.org/x/crypto
> >>   * golang.org/x/net
> >>   * golang.org/x/text
> >>   * golang.org/x/time
> >>   * gopkg.in/cheggaaa/pb.v1
> >>
> >> BSD 2-Clause
> >>   * github.com/gorilla/websocket
> >>   * github.com/syndtr/goleveldb
> >>
> >> Apache-2.0
> >>   * github.com/bradfitz/gomemcache
> >>   * google.golang.org/genproto
> >>   * github.com/astaxie/beego
> >>   * gopkg.in/yaml.v2
> >>   * github.com/cockroachdb/cmux
> >>   * github.com/casbin/casbin
> >>   * github.com/coreos/etcd
> >>   * github.com/coreos/go-semver
> >>   * github.com/coreos/go-systemd
> >>   * github.com/jonboulle/clockwork
> >>   * github.com/prometheus/client_golang
> >>   * github.com/prometheus/client_model
> >>   * github.com/prometheus/common
> >>   * github.com/prometheus/procfs
> >>   * github.com/hsluoyz/casbin
> >>   * github.com/coreos/pkg
> >>   * github.com/garyburd/redigo
> >>   * github.com/spf13/cobra
> >>   * github.com/google/btree
> >>   * github.com/matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions
> >>
> >> Copyright (c) 2013, The GoGo Authors.
> >>   * github.com/gogo/protobuf
> >>
> >> Copyright 2010 The Go Authors.
> >>   * github.com/golang/protobuf
> >>
> >> Service-Center Frontend depends on
> >> Open-Source Projects(Organized by License)
> >> MIT:
> >>   * angular
> >>   * angular-animate
> >>   * angular-aria
> >>   * angular-material-data-table
> >>   * angular-material
> >>   * angular-messages
> >>   * angular-mocks
> >>   * angular-resource
> >>   * angular-route
> >>   * angular-sanitize
> >>   * angular-swagger-ui
> >>   * angular-translate-loader-static-files
> >>   * angular-translate
> >>   * angular-ui-bootstrap
> >>   * angular-ui-router
> >>   * bootstrap-less-only
> >>   * bootstrap-sass-official
> >>   * chart.js
> >>   * Components-font-awesome
> >>   * mmumshad/angular-yamljs
> >>   * jeremyfa/yaml.js
> >>
> >> Apache-2.0:
> >>   * Json-formatter
> >>
> >> BSD
> >>   * Angular-charts.js
> >>   * JS Foundation
> >>   * jQuery
> >>
> >> == Required Resources ==
> >> === Mailing Lists ===
> >>   * priv...@servicecomb.incubator.apache.org (moderated subscriptions)
> >>   * comm...@servicecomb.incubator.apache.org
> >>   * d...@servicecomb.incubator.apache.org
> >>   * iss...@servicecomb.incubator.apache.org
> >>
> >> === Source Control ===
> >>   *
> >>
> >> https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator-
> servicecomb-java-chassis.git
> >>   *
> >>
> >> https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator-
> servicecomb-service-center.git
> >>   * https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator-
> servicecomb-saga.git
> >>   *
> >> https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator-
> servicecomb-website.git
> >>
> >> === Issue Tracking ===
> >> JIRA Project ServiceComb
> >>
> >> === Initial Committers ===
> >>   * Ning Jiang
> >>   * Qi Zhang
> >>   * Xiang Yin
> >>   * JiMin Wu
> >>   * Bao Liu
> >>   * Mohammad Asif Siddiqui
> >>   * Sukesh A C
> >>   * Yihua Cui
> >>   * Roman Shaposhnik
> >>   * Jean-Baptiste Onofre
> >>   * Timothy Chen
> >>
> >> === Additional Interested Contributors ===
> >>   * Jian Zhang cos...@gmail.com
> >>   * Bing Wang wangbb0...@gmail.com
> >>   * Ven Jiang venji...@gmail.com
> >>   * GeekTJS josephy...@gmail.com
> >>   * Li Zhou eacdy0...@126.com
> >>   * Haiwei Zhang haiwei...@foxmail.com
> >>   * Yetiea yet...@gmail.com
> >>
> >> === Affiliations ===
> >>   * Huawei: Ning Jiang, Qi Zhang, Xiang Yin, JiMin Wu, Bao Liu, Sukesh A
> >> C,
> >> Mohammad Asif Siddiqui, Yihua Cui
> >>   * Stealth: Roman Shaposhnik
> >>   * Talend: Jean-Baptiste Onofré
> >>   * Hyperpilot: Timothy Chen
> >>
> >> === Sponsors ===
> >> Champion
> >>   * Roman Shaposhnik[r...@apache.org]
> >> Nominated Mentors
> >>   * Roman Shaposhnik[r...@apache.org]
> >>   * Jean-Baptiste Onofre [jbono...@apache.org]
> >>   * Timothy Chen[tnac...@apache.org]
> >>
> >> === Sponsoring Entity ===
> >>   * We are requesting the Incubator to sponsor this project.
> >>
> >
> > --
> > Jean-Baptiste Onofré
> > jbono...@apache.org
> > http://blog.nanthrax.net
> > Talend - http://www.talend.com
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
> > For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org
> >
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
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