+1 (non-binding)

Good Luck, Dubbo


On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 7:31 PM, Kevin A. McGrail <kevin.mcgr...@mcgrail.com>

> +1 binding (I may have voted twice.)
> Regards,
> On February 8, 2018 11:48:37 PM EST, Wang Xin <lovep...@hotmail.com>
> wrote:
> >+1
> >Xin Wang
> >lovep...@hotmail.com<mailto:lovep...@hotmail.com>
> >
> >
> >
> >在 2018年2月9日,上午11:02,vongosling
> ><fengji...@gmail.com<mailto:fengji...@gmail.com>> 写道:
> >
> >+1 (non-binding)
> >
> >Great project, new journey round-the-world :-)
> >
> >Best Regards,
> >Von Gosling
> >
> >2018-02-09 10:46 GMT+08:00 John D. Ament
> ><johndam...@apache.org<mailto:johndam...@apache.org>>:
> >
> >+1
> >
> >On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 9:10 PM Huxing Zhang
> ><hux...@apache.org<mailto:hux...@apache.org>> wrote:
> >
> >Hi All,
> >
> >After some discussion on the Dubbo proposal, I'd like to start a
> >vote on accepting Dubbo into the Apache Incubator.
> >
> >
> >https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/1e4a74cc5af9cd0e298dc6085d5be5
> >7da8dfd02fef1ebd33829a6084@%3Cgeneral.incubator.apache.org<
> http://3Cgeneral.incubator.apache.org>%3E
> >
> >The ASF voting rules are described:
> >
> >https://www.apache.org/foundation/voting.html
> >
> >A vote for accepting a new Apache Incubator podling is a majority vote
> >for which only Incubator PMC member votes are binding.
> >
> >This vote will run for at least 72 hours. Please VOTE as follows
> >[ ] +1 Accept Dubbo into the Apache Incubator
> >[ ] +0 Abstain.
> >[ ] -1 Do not accept Dubbo into the Apache Incubator because ...
> >
> >The proposal is listed below, but you can also access it on the wiki:
> >https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/DubboProposal
> >
> >= Dubbo Proposal =
> >
> >== Abstract ==
> >
> >Dubbo is a high-performance, lightweight, java based RPC framework
> >open-sourced by Alibaba. As in many RPC systems, Dubbo is based around
> >the idea of defining a service, specifying the methods that can be
> >called remotely with their parameters and return types. On the server
> >side, the server implements this interface and runs a Dubbo server to
> >handle client calls. On the client side, the client has a stub that
> >provides the same methods as the server.
> >
> >== Proposal ==
> >
> >Dubbo has a fairly huge community today, and is widely adopted by many
> >companies and organizations, but most of them are in China. We believe
> >running Dubbo in Apache Software Foundation can facilitate development
> >of a stronger and more diverse community.
> >
> >Alibaba submits this proposal to donate Dubbo's source code and its
> >side projects to the Apache Software Foundation. The code is already
> >under the Apache License Version 2.0.  Dubbo source code and its side
> >projects are hosted on Github right now:
> >
> >* Dubbo code base: https://github.com/alibaba/dubbo
> >* Web site: https://github.com/dubbo/dubbo.github.io
> >* Documentations: User
> >Guide(http://dubbo.io/books/dubbo-user-book-en), Development
> >Guide(http://dubbo.io/books/dubbo-dev-book-en), Admin
> >Manual(http://dubbo.io/books/dubbo-admin-book-en)
> >* Other side projects hosted under dubbo group(https://github.com/dubbo
> >)
> >
> >== Background ==
> >
> >Dubbo was developed at Alibaba in 2011 and has been widely used in
> >many production lines there since then. Dubbo offers three key
> >features, which include interface based remote call, fault tolerance &
> >load balancing, and automatic service registration & discovery. Since
> >Dubbo is open-sourced on github, it's been received up to 15k stars,
> >and has been forked for more than 10k times. Besides being widely
> >adopted inside Alibaba, Dubbo is also used in approximately 80% of
> >internet companies in China, including JingDong(http://www.jd.com),
> >DangDang(http://www.dangdang.com), Qunar(https://www.qunar.com),
> >NetEase Kaola(https://www.kaola.com), etc. In 2017, Dubbo has won the
> >TOP 10 most popular open source projects in China for 2 consecutive
> >years since 2016.
> >
> >We'd like to share this outstanding framework at the Apache Software
> >Foundation, and start developing a wider community through the Apache
> >way. We believe more people and organizations can be benefit from it
> >by doing so.
> >
> >== Rationale ==
> >
> >Remote procedure call (RPC) is one of the cornerstones to build
> >distributed systems, especially useful in today's e-commercial
> >industry and cloud computing providers. Dubbo is the java-based RPC
> >implementation. By using Dubbo, developers can call the remote service
> >just like call a local method but without worrying about the details
> >for the remote interaction. We expect more interesting features and
> >use cases to emerge from the community ranging from microservices to
> >cloud computing, and many other areas.
> >
> >== Current Status ==
> >
> >=== Meritocracy ===
> >
> >The intent of this proposal is to start building a diverse developer
> >and user community around Dubbo following the ASF meritocracy model.
> >Since Dubbo was open sourced, many companies in China adopted Dubbo to
> >build up their own contributing system, moreover, we received many
> >enhancements or issue reports from them at the same time. The codebase
> >is now mainly managed by the development team inside Alibaba who's
> >responsible for building internal distributed system too. Any
> >suggestion or issue is discussed on
> >https://github.com/alibaba/dubbo/issues and more casual talk happens
> >in gitter channel (https://gitter.im/alibaba/dubbo). We plan to invite
> >more people as committers if they contribute to this project.
> >
> >=== Community ===
> >
> >Dubbo is currently being developed by the development team inside
> >Alibaba who's responsible for building internal distributed system
> >too. Since it's open-sourced, Dubbo is widely adopted by many other
> >companies including CNUCC (China Nets Union Clearing Corporation),
> >ICBC (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China), China Life Insurance,
> >DiDi, Qunar, Dangdang, NetEase Kaola, Maoyan Movie, GOME, Haier, CSDC
> >(China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited),
> >AsiaInfo, and many more. We hope to grow the base of contributors by
> >inviting all those who offer contributions and excel through the use
> >of The Apache Way. Contributions from outside of Alibaba  are
> >constantly accepted by Dubbo project and its side projects.  Right
> >now, we make use of github as code hosting as well as both Google
> >Groups and gitter for community communication.
> >
> >=== Core Developers ===
> >
> >Dubbo is currently being developed by engineers from Alibaba,
> >Dangdang, Qunar and WeiDian. Ding Li, Huxing Zhang, Ian Luo, Jun Liu,
> >Liujie Qin, Mercy Ma, Von Gosling, William Liang are working for
> >Alibaba. Most of them are working in Alibaba middleware team, and some
> >of them are also the core members of internal RPC framework, HSF (high
> >speed service framework). Von Gosling is the co-creator of Apache
> >RocketMQ, while Huxing Zhang is one of Apache Tomcat PMC members.
> >Besides, the Dubbo core developers also includes Xin Wang from
> >WeiDian, Liang Zhang from DangDang, Zhaohui Yu from Qunar. All of them
> >are in charge of building and maintaining distributed system in their
> >organizations, and have great passion in contributing back into Dubbo
> >project.
> >
> >=== Aligment ===
> >
> >The ASF is the natural choice to host the Dubbo project as its goal of
> >encouraging community-driven open source projects fits with our vision
> >for Dubbo. The ASF is also the home to many other projects with which
> >we are familiar with and hope to integrate better with Dubbo including
> >Apache Thrift, Apache Zookeeper, etc. We believe that there will be
> >mutual benefit by close proximity to these and other projects.
> >
> >== Known Risks ==
> >
> >=== Orphaned products ===
> >
> >The core developers currently work full-time on RPC area for Alibaba.
> >Dubbo is widely adopted by many companies and individuals. There's no
> >realistic chance of it becoming orphaned.
> >
> >=== Inexperience with Open Source ===
> >
> >The core developers are all active contributors, users and followers
> >of open source. They are all already committers and contributors to
> >Dubbo project, and have gained good experience in running open-source
> >project in Github and interacting with the community. Moreover, Von
> >Gosling and Huxing Zhang from the initial committer, both are working
> >on Apache projects (RocketMQ and Tomcat respectively), will guide
> >others to practice the Apache Way together along with other incubator
> >mentors.
> >
> >=== Homogenous Developers ===
> >
> >The current set of developers work across a variety of organizations
> >including Alibaba, DangDang, Qunar, and WeiDian. Furthermore, many
> >other companies forked Dubbo and continued to enhance in their own
> >private repositories. We plan to encourage them to contribute and
> >invite them as contributors to work on one common code base.
> >
> >=== Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
> >
> >Currently, most of core developers are paid to work on Dubbo project
> >by Alibaba. We look forward to attracting more people outside Alibaba
> >to join this project, either payed engineers working on RPC area, or
> >individual volunteers, as long as they have enthusiasm for the Dubbo
> >project.
> >
> >=== Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
> >
> >Dubbo integrates Apache Thrift as one of RPC protocols it supports,
> >and Apache Zookeeper as one of service registration/discovery
> >machanisms. Dubbo is also supported by Skywalking as Dubbo-plugin.
> >We look forward to collaborating with those communities
> >and any others which use RPC.
> >
> >=== A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
> >
> >While we respect the reputation of the Apache brand and have no doubt
> >that it will attract new contributors and users, our interest is
> >primarily to give Dubbo a solid home as an open source project
> >following an established development model. More reasons are provided
> >in the Rationale and Alignment sections.
> >
> >== Documentation ==
> >
> >A complete set of Dubbo documentations is provided on
> >dubbo.io<http://dubbo.io> in both
> >English and Simplified Chinese.
> >
> >* Dubbo user guide:
> >http://dubbo.io/books/dubbo-user-book-en(English),
> >http://dubbo.io/books/dubbo-user-book(Chinese)
> >* Dubbo development guide:
> >http://dubbo.io/books/dubbo-dev-book-en(English),
> >http://dubbo.io/books/dubbo-dev-book(Chinese)
> >* Dubbo admin manual:
> >http://dubbo.io/books/dubbo-admin-book-en(English),
> >http://dubbo.io/books/dubbo-admin-book(Chinese)
> >
> >== Initial Source ==
> >
> >Dubbo was initially developed within Alibaba, and then was
> >open-sourced with The Apache License 2.0 under Alibaba Group on Github
> >in 2011. Besides the core code base, Dubbo also hosts its side
> >projects on github but in a dedicated group instead of Alibaba.
> >Specifically, the initial source includes:
> >
> >* Dubbo code base: https://github.com/alibaba/dubbo
> >* Spring Boot Support: https://github.com/dubbo/
> >dubbo-spring-boot-project
> >* Dubbo Admin Console: https://github.com/dubbo/dubbo-ops
> >* Json RPC extension: https://github.com/dubbo/dubbo-rpc-jsonrpc
> >* Home Page: https://github.com/dubbo/dubbo.github.io
> >* Dubbo Documentation:
> >   * User guide: https://github.com/dubbo/dubbo-user-book-en
> >   * Developer guide: https://github.com/dubbo/dubbo-dev-book-en
> >   * Admin guide: https://github.com/dubbo/dubbo-admin-book-en
> >* Dubbo Documentation (Chinese)
> >   * User guide: https://github.com/dubbo/dubbo-user-book
> >   * Developer guide: https://github.com/dubbo/dubbo-dev-book
> >   * Admin guide: https://github.com/dubbo/dubbo-admin-book
> >* Samples/Demo:
> >   * https://github.com/dubbo/dubbo-feature-test
> >   * https://github.com/dubbo/dubbo-docker-sample
> >   * https://github.com/dubbo/dubbo-http-demo
> >   * https://github.com/dubbo/dubbo-ws-demo
> >
> >
> >== External Dependencies ==
> >
> >As all dependencies are managed using Apache Maven, none of the
> >external libraries need to be packaged in a source distribution. The
> >dependencies all have Apache compatible licenses. These include BSD,
> >CDDL, CPL, MPL and MIT licensed dependencies. There are only 3
> >transitive dependencies(javassist, netty, and spring-context), and all
> >the other dependencies are optional, which are not included in a Dubbo
> >release.
> >
> >Dependency          License                     Optional?
> >javassist           Apache License 2.0/MPL 1.1  false
> >netty               Apache License 2.0          false
> >spring-context      Apache License 2.0          false
> >httpclient          Apache License 2.0          true
> >zookeeper           Apache License 2.0          true
> >zkclient            Apache License 2.0          true
> >curator-framework   Apache License 2.0          true
> >cxf                 Apache License 2.0          true
> >libthrift           Apache License 2.0          true
> >commons-logging     Apache License 2.0          true
> >commons-lang        Apache License 2.0          true
> >mina                Apache License 2.0          true
> >fastjson            Apache License 2.0          true
> >xmemcached          Apache License 2.0          true
> >hessian             Apache License 1.1          true
> >tomcat              Apache License 2.0          true
> >jetty               Apache License 2.0/EPL 1.0  true
> >validation-api      Apache License 2.0          true
> >hibernate-validator Apache License 2.0          true
> >cache-api           Apache License 2.0          true
> >log4j               Apache License 2.0          true
> >easymock            Apache License 2.0          true
> >cglib-nodep         Apache License 2.0          true
> >resteasy            Apache License 2.0          true
> >fst                 Apache License 2.0          true
> >slf4j-api           MIT                         true
> >jmockit             MIT                         true
> >jedis               MIT                         true
> >grizzly             CDDL 1.1                    true
> >servlet-api         CDDL 1.1                    true
> >javax.el            CDDL 1.1                    true
> >logback-classic     EPL 1.0                     true
> >junit               EPL 1.0                     true
> >kryo                BSD 3-clause                true
> >
> >
> >== Required Resources ==
> >
> >=== Mailing lists ===
> >
> >* dubbo-private (PMC discussion)
> >* dubbo-dev (developer discussion)
> >* dubbo-commits (SCM commits)
> >* dubbo-issues (JIRA issue feed)
> >
> >=== Subversion Directory ===
> >
> >Instead of subversion, Dubbo prefers to git as source control
> >management system: git://git.apache.org/dubbo
> >
> >=== Issue Tracking ===
> >
> >JIRA Dubbo (Dubbo)
> >
> >=== Other Resources ===
> >
> >The existing source code already has unit tests so we will make use of
> >existing Apache continuous testing infrastructure. The resulting load
> >should not be very large.
> >
> >== Initial Committers ==
> >
> >(In alphabetical order)
> >
> >* Ding Li (oldratlee at gmail dot com)
> >* Huxing Zhang (huxing at apache dot org)
> >* Ian Luo (ian.luo at gmail dot com)
> >* Jean-Frederic Clere (jfclere at apache dot org)
> >* Jun Liu (ken.lj.hz at gmail dot com)
> >* John D. Ament (johndament at apache dot org)
> >* Justin McLean  (jmclean at apache dot org)
> >* Liang Zhang (terrymanu at 163 dot com)
> >* Liujie Qin (qinliujieyangliu at gmail dot com)
> >* Mark Thomas (markt at apache dot org)
> >* Mercy Ma (mercyblitz at gmail dot com)
> >* Von Gosling (vongosling at apache dot org)
> >* William Liang (liangfei0201 at gmail dot com)
> >* Xin Wang (ovepoem at hotmail dot com)
> >* Zhaohui Yu (yuyijq at gmail dot com)
> >
> >== Affiliations ==
> >
> >(In alphabetical order)
> >
> >* Alibaba: Ding Li, Huxing Zhang, Ian Luo, Jun Liu, Liujie Qin, Mercy
> >Ma, Von Gosling, William Liang
> >* Class Software: Justin McLean
> >* DangDang: Liang Zhang
> >* Pivotal: Mark Thomas
> >* Qunar: Zhaohui Yu
> >* Redhat: Jean-Frederic Clere
> >* Sparta Systems: John D. Ament
> >* WeiDian: Xin Wang
> >
> >== Additional Interested Contributors ==
> >
> >(In alphabetical order)
> >
> >* Hanson Huang (hanson19921129 at gmail dot com)
> >* Jerrick Zhu (diecui1202 at gmail dot com)
> >* Peng Wei (weipeng2k at gmail dot com)
> >* Yuneng Xie (xieyuneng at gmail dot com)
> >* Zhixuan Cheng (hengyunabc at gmail dot com)
> >
> >== Sponsors ==
> >
> >=== Champion ===
> >
> >* Justin McLean  (jmclean at apache dot org)
> >
> >=== Nominated Mentors ===
> >
> >* Justin McLean  (jmclean at apache dot org)
> >* John D. Ament (johndament at apache dot org)
> >* Jean-Frederic Clere (jfclere at apache dot org)
> >* Mark Thomas (markt at apache dot org)
> >
> >==== Informal Mentors ====
> >
> >* Huxing Zhang (huxing at apache dot org)
> >* Von Gosling (vongosling at apache dot org)
> >
> >
> >=== Sponsoring Entity ===
> >
> >We are requesting the Incubator to sponsor this project.
> >
> >--
> >Best Regards!
> >Huxing
> >
> >---------------------------------------------------------------------
> >To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> >general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org<mailto:ge
> neral-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org>
> >For additional commands, e-mail:
> >general-h...@incubator.apache.org<mailto:general-
> h...@incubator.apache.org>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >Nothing is impossible

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