Hi all,

After some discussion on the Druid proposal[1], I'd like to
start a vote on accepting Druid into the Apache Incubator,
per the ASF policy[2] and voting rules[3].

A vote for accepting a new Apache Incubator podling is a
majority vote for which only Incubator PMC member votes are
binding. Votes from other people are also welcome as an
indication of people's enthusiasm (or lack thereof).

Please do not use this VOTE thread for discussions.  If
needed, start a new thread instead.

This vote will run for at least 72 hours. Please VOTE as
 [ ] +1 Accept Druid into the Apache Incubator
 [ ] +0 Abstain
 [ ] -1 Do not accept Druid into the Apache Incubator
        because ...

The proposal is listed below, but you can also access it on
the wiki[4].




[3] http://www.apache.org/foundation/voting.html

[4] https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/DruidProposal

= Druid Proposal =

== Abstract ==

Druid is a high-performance, column-oriented, distributed
data store.

== Proposal ==

Druid is an open source data store designed for real-time
exploratory analytics on large data sets. Druid's key
features are a column-oriented storage layout, a distributed
shared-nothing architecture, and ability to generate and
leverage indexing and caching structures. Druid is typically
deployed in clusters of tens to hundreds of nodes, and has
the ability to load data from Apache Kafka and Apache
Hadoop, among other data sources. Druid offers two query
languages: a SQL dialect (powered by Apache Calcite) and a

Druid was originally developed to power a slice-and-dice
analytical UI built on top of large event streams. The
original use case for Druid targeted ingest rates of
millions of records/sec, retention of over a year of data,
and query latencies of sub-second to a few seconds. Many
people can benefit from such capability, and many already
have (see http://druid.io/druid-powered.html). In addition,
new use cases have emerged since Druid's original
development, such as OLAP acceleration of data warehouse
tables and more highly concurrent applications operating
with relatively narrower queries.

== Background ==

Druid is a data store designed for fast analytics. It would
typically be used in lieu of more general purpose query
systems like Hadoop MapReduce or Spark when query latency is
of the utmost importance. Druid is often used as a data
store for powering GUI analytical applications.

The buzzwordy description of Druid is a high-performance,
column-oriented, distributed data store. What we mean by
this is:

* "high performance": Druid aims to provide low query
  latency and high ingest rates possible.
* "column-oriented": Druid stores data in a column-oriented
  format, like most other systems designed for analytics. It
  can also store indexes along with the columns.
* "distributed": Druid is deployed in clusters, typically of
  tens to hundreds of nodes.
* "data store": Druid loads your data and stores a copy of
  it on the cluster's local disks (and may cache it in
  memory). It doesn't query your data from some other
  storage system.

== Rationale ==

Druid is a mature, active project with a large number of
production installations, dozens of contributors to each
release, and multiple vendors offering professional
support. Given Druid's strong community, its close
integration with many other Apache projects (such as Kafka,
Hadoop, and Calcite), and its pre-existing Apache-inspired
governance structure, we feel that Apache is the best home
for the project on a long-term basis.

== Current Status ==

=== Meritocracy ===

Since Druid was first open sourced the original developers
have solicited contributions from others, including through
our blog, the project mailing lists, and through accepting
GitHub pull requests. We have an Apache-inspired governance
structure with a PMC and committers, and our committer ranks
include a good number of people from outside the original
development team.

=== Community ===

The Druid core developers have sought to nurture a community
throughout the life of the project. We use GitHub as the
focal point for bug reports and code contributions, and the
mailing lists for most other discussion. To try to make
people feel welcome, we've also spelled this out on a
"CONTRIBUTE" link from the project page:
http://druid.io/community/. Today we have an active
contributor base (a typical release has ~40 contributors)
and mailing list.

=== Core Developers ===

Druid enjoys good diversity of committer affiliation. The
most active developers over the past year are affiliated
with four different companies: Imply, Metamarkets, Yahoo,
and Hortonworks. Many Druid committers are also committers
on other ASF projects as well, including Apache Airflow,
Apache Curator, and Apache Calcite. The original developers
of Druid remain involved in the project.

=== Alignment ===

Druid's current governance structure is Apache-inspired with
a PMC and committers chosen by a meritocratic
process. Additionally, Druid integrates with a number of
other Apache projects, including Kafka, Hadoop, Hive,
Calcite, Superset (incubating), Spark, Curator, and

== Known Risks ==

=== Orphaned products ===

The risk of Druid becoming orphaned is low, due to a diverse
committer base that is invested in the future of the

=== Inexperience with Open Source ===

Druid's core developers have been running it as a
community-oriented open source project for some time now,
and many of them are committers on other open source
projects as well, including Apache Airflow, Apache Curator,
and Apache Calcite.

=== Homogenous Developers ===

Druid's current diversity of committer affiliation means
that we have become accustomed to working collaboratively
and in the open. We hope that a transition to the ASF helps
Druid's contributor base become even more diverse.

=== Reliance on Salaried Developers ===

Druid's user base and contributor base skews heavily towards
salaried developers. We believe this is natural since Druid
is a technology designed to be deployed on large clusters,
and due to this, tends to be deployed by organizations
rather than by individuals. Nevertheless, many current Druid
developers have continued working on the project even
through job changes, which we take to be a good sign of
developer commitment and personal interest.

=== Relationships with Other Apache Products ===

Druid integrates with a number of other Apache
projects. Druid internally uses Calcite for SQL planning,
and Curator and ZooKeeper for coordination.  Druid can read
data in Avro or Parquet format. Druid can load data from
streams in Kafka or from files in Hadoop. Druid integrates
with Hive as an option for SQL query acceleration. Druid
data can be visualized by Superset (incubating).

=== A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===

Druid is a successful project with a diverse community. The
main reason for pursuing incubation is to find a stable,
long term home for the project with a well known governance

== Required Resources ==

=== Mailing lists ===

We would like to migrate the existing Druid mailing lists
from Google Groups to Apache.

* druid-user@googlegroups -> us...@druid.incubator.apache.org
* druid-development@googlegroups -> d...@druid.incubator.apache.org

=== Source control ===

Druid development currently takes place on GitHub. We would
like to continue using GitHub, if possible, in order to
preserve the workflows the community has developed around
GitHub pull requests.

=== Issue tracking ===

Druid currently uses GitHub issues for issue tracking. We
would like to migrate to Apache JIRA at

== Documentation ==

Druid's documentation can be found at

== Initial Source ==

Druid was initially open-sourced by Metamarkets in 2012 and
has been run in a community-governed fashion since then. The
code is currently hosted at https://github.com/druid-io/ and
includes the following repositories:

* druid (primary repository)
* druid-console (web console for Druid)
* druid-io.github.io (source for Druid's website at
* tranquility (realtime stream push client for Druid)
* docker-druid (Docker image for Druid)
* pydruid (Python library)
* RDruid (R library)
* oss-parent (Maven POM files)

== Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ==

A complete set of the open source code needs to be licensed
from the owning organization to the Foundation. Commercial
legal counsel for the owning organization will review the
standard Foundation licensing paperwork and propose any
updates as needed. This license will enable Apache to
incubate and manage the Druid project moving forward.

Other Druid paraphernalia to be transferred to Apache
consists of:

* GitHub organization at https://github.com/druid-io/
* Twitter account at https://twitter.com/druidio
* "druid.io" domain name
* "Druid" trademark assignment per Foundation standard
  paper. The trademark assignment paperwork shall be
  reviewed by the owning organization's commercial and IP
* CLAs - all rights in the code licensed above should
  encompass the CLAs that existed between developers and
  owning organization

A copyright license to the code, trademark assignment of
Druid, and transfer of other paraphernalia to Apache should
be sufficient to cover all rights required by Apache to
operate the project.

== External Dependencies ==

External dependencies distributed with Druid currently all
have one of the following Category A or B licenses: ASL,
BSD, CDDL, EPL, MIT, MPL; with one exception: the optional
Druid MySQL metadata store extension depends on MySQL
Connector/J, which is GPL licensed. Druid currently packages
this as a separate download; see our current presentation
on: http://druid.io/downloads.html. As part of incubation we
intend to determine the best strategy for handling the MySQL

== Cryptography ==

Not applicable.

== Initial Committers ==

The initial committers for incubation are the current set of
committers on Druid who have expressed interest in being
involved in Apache incubation.  Affiliations are listed
where relevant. We may seek to add other committers during
incubation; for example, we would want to add any current
Druid committers who express an interest after incubation

* Charles Allen (char...@allen-net.com) (Snap)
* David Lim (david.clarence....@gmail.com) (Imply)
* Eric Tschetter (ched...@apache.org) (Splunk)
* Fangjin Yang (f...@imply.io) (Imply)
* Gian Merlino (g...@apache.org) (Imply)
* Himanshu Gupta (g.himan...@gmail.com) (Oath)
* Jihoon Son (jihoon...@apache.org) (Imply)
* Jonathan Wei (jon....@imply.io) (Imply)
* Maxime Beauchemin (maximebeauche...@gmail.com) (Lyft)
* Mohamed Slim Bouguerra (slim.bougue...@gmail.com) (Hortonworks)
* Nishant Bangarwa (nish...@apache.org) (Hortonworks)
* Parag Jain (paragjai...@gmail.com) (Oath)
* Roman Leventov (leventov...@gmail.com) (Metamarkets)
* Xavier Léauté (xav...@leaute.com) (Confluent)

== Sponsors ==

* Champion: Julian Hyde
* Nominated mentors: Julian Hyde, P. Taylor Goetz, Jun Rao
* Sponsoring entity: Apache Incubator

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