> On Mar 8, 2018, at 4:51 AM, Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 07/03/18 23:24, Julian Hyde wrote:
>> I’m a mentor of a new podling, Druid. I would like to help them get set up, 
>> e.g. create mailing lists, create git repos. I tried to use 
>> https://selfserve.apache.org/ <https://selfserve.apache.org/> for these, but 
>> it only allows officers (i.e. PMC chairs).
>> How is this supposed to work? Is the podling supposed to log INFRA tickets 
>> for everything? Am I supposed to nag the IPMC chair for everything? Or 
>> should I reach out to friends who happen to be PMC chairs?
>> The red tape is getting me down.
> Having to send one e-mail to ask for help is hardly red-tape.

Quite a few emails, actually. I’ve already been in conversation with John Ament 
to get the mailing lists, and Luciano Resende made a few suggestions, including 
using selfserve.apache.org <http://selfserve.apache.org/>.

The advice to podlings is “ask your mentors” but this mentor is finding himself 
frustrated - no clear guidelines what to do, and when I discover options I 
don’t have enough karma.

selfserve.apache.org <http://selfserve.apache.org/> makes sense for top-level 
projects - which, by definition, have at least one officer - but not for 
podlings. The advice for podlings should be to email general@incubator.a.o 
<mailto:general@incubator.a.o> for all resources. Their mentors are in most 
cases as powerless as they are.

> If you provide a list of what is required - or a pointer to an existing
> list - I'll put in the requests for you.

Thanks for the offer to help. But acting as middle-man I’m just slowing things 
down - so I’m going to ask them to email general@incubator.a.o 
<mailto:general@incubator.a.o> directly.


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