Here is my +1 (binding)

> On Jul 5, 2018, at 12:22 PM, Dave Fisher <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I would like to start a VOTE to bring the Doris project as an Apache 
> incubator podling.
> The ASF voting rules are described:
> <>
> A vote for accepting a new Apache Incubator podling is a majority vote for 
> which only Incubator PMC member votes are binding.
> This vote will run for at least 72 hours. Please VOTE as follows
> [] +1 Accept Doris into the Apache Incubator
> [] +0 Abstain.
> [] -1 Do not accept Doris into the Apache Incubator because ...
> The proposal is listed below, but you can also access it on the wiki:
> <>
> Best regards,
> Dave
> = Apache Doris =
> == Abstract ==
> Doris is a MPP-based interactive SQL data warehousing for reporting and 
> analysis.
> == Proposal ==
> We propose to contribute the Doris codebase and associated artifacts (e.g. 
> documentation, web-site content etc.) to the Apache Software Foundation, and 
> aim to build an open community around Doris’s continued development in the 
> ‘Apache Way’.
> === Overview of Doris ===
> Doris’s implementation consists of two daemons: Frontend (FE) and Backend 
> (BE).
> **Frontend daemon** consists of query coordinator and catalog manager. Query 
> coordinator is responsible for receiving users’ sql queries, compiling 
> queries and managing queries execution. Catalog manager is responsible for 
> managing metadata such as databases, tables, partitions, replicas and etc. 
> Several frontend daemons could be deployed to guarantee fault-tolerance, and 
> load balancing.
> **Backend daemon** stores the data and executes the query fragments. Many 
> backend daemons could also be deployed to provide scalability and 
> fault-tolerance.
> A typical Doris cluster generally composes of several frontend daemons and 
> dozens to hundreds of backend daemons.
> Users can use MySQL client tools to connect any frontend daemon to submit SQL 
> query. Frontend receives the query and compiles it into query plans 
> executable by the Backend. Then Frontend sends the query plan fragments to 
> Backend. Backend will build a query execution DAG. Data is fetched and 
> pipelined into the DAG. The final result response is sent to client via 
> Frontend. The distribution of query fragment execution takes minimizing data 
> movement and maximizing scan locality as the main goal.
> == Background ==
> At Baidu, Prior to Doris, different tools were deployed to solve diverse 
> requirements in many ways. And when a use case requires the simultaneous 
> availability of capabilities that cannot all be provided by a single tool, 
> users were forced to build hybrid architectures that stitch multiple tools 
> together, but we believe that they shouldn’t need to accept such inherent 
> complexity. A storage system built to provide great performance across a 
> broad range of workloads provides a more elegant solution to the problems 
> that hybrid architectures aim to solve. Doris is the solution.
> Doris is designed to be a simple and single tightly coupled system, not 
> depending on other systems. Doris provides high concurrent low latency point 
> query performance, but also provides high throughput queries of ad-hoc 
> analysis. Doris provides bulk-batch data loading, but also provides near 
> real-time mini-batch data loading. Doris also provides high availability, 
> reliability, fault tolerance, and scalability.
> == Rationale ==
> Doris mainly integrates the technology of Google Mesa and Apache Impala.
> Mesa is a highly scalable analytic data storage system that stores critical 
> measurement data related to Google's Internet advertising business. Mesa is 
> designed to satisfy complex and challenging set of users’ and systems’ 
> requirements, including near real-time data ingestion and query ability, as 
> well as high availability, reliability, fault tolerance, and scalability for 
> large data and query volumes.
> Impala is a modern, open-source MPP SQL engine architected from the ground up 
> for the Hadoop data processing environment. At present, by virtue of its 
> superior performance and rich functionality, Impala has been comparable to 
> many commercial MPP database query engine. Mesa can satisfy the needs of many 
> of our storage requirements, however Mesa itself does not provide a SQL query 
> engine; Impala is a very good MPP SQL query engine, but the lack of a perfect 
> distributed storage engine. So in the end we chose the combination of these 
> two technologies.
> Learning from Mesa’s data model, we developed a distributed storage engine. 
> Unlike Mesa, this storage engine does not rely on any distributed file 
> system. Then we deeply integrate this storage engine with Impala query 
> engine. Query compiling, query execution coordination and catalog management 
> of storage engine are integrated to be frontend daemon; query execution and 
> data storage are integrated to be backend daemon. With this integration, we 
> implemented a single, full-featured, high performance state the art of MPP 
> database, as well as maintaining the simplicity.
> == Current Status ==
> Doris has been an open source project on GitHub 
> ( <>).
> === Meritocracy ===
> Doris has been deployed in production at Baidu and is applying more than 200 
> lines of business. It has demonstrated great performance benefits and has 
> proved to be a better way for reporting and analysis based big data. Still We 
> look forward to growing a rich user and developer community.
> === Community ===
> Doris seeks to develop developer and user communities during incubation.
> Doris makes use of Apache Impala. It was identified during early review of 
> the proposal that the Doris community will need to work with Impala to define 
> a suitable API.
> === Core Developers ===
>  * Ruyue Ma ( <>, 
> maruyue@baidu dot com)
>  * Chun Zhao ( <>, 
> buaa.zhaoc@gmail dot com)
>  * Mingyu Chen (,chenmingyu@baidu 
> <,chenmingyu@baidu> dot com)
>  * De Li( <>, 
> mailtolide@sina dot com)
>  * Hao Chen ( 
> <>, chenhao16@baidu dot com)
>  * Chaoyong Li ( <>, 
> lichaoyong@baidu dot com)
>  * Bin Lin ( <>, 
> lingbinlb@gmail dot com)
> === Alignment ===
> Doris is related to several other Apache projects:
>  * Doris can also read data stored in Apache Hadoop clusters powered by the 
> HDFS filesystem.
>  * Doris is closely integrated with Impala, which has graduated from Apache 
> Incubator.
>  * Doris uses Apache Thrift as its RPC and serialization framework of choice.
> == Known Risks ==
> === Orphaned Products ===
> The core developers of Doris team plan to work full time on this project. 
> There is very little risk of Doris getting orphaned since at least one large 
> company (Baidu) is extensively using it in their production. For example, 
> currently there are more than 200 use cases using Doris in production. 
> Furthermore, since Doris was open sourced at the beginning of October 2017, 
> it has received more than 660 stars and been forked nearly 170 times. We plan 
> to extend and diversify this community further through Apache.
> === Inexperience with Open Source ===
> The core developers are all active users and followers of open source. They 
> are already committers and contributors to the Doris Github project. All have 
> been involved with the source code that has been released under an open 
> source license, and several of them also have experience developing code in 
> an open source environment. Though the core set of Developers do not have 
> Apache Open Source experience, there are plans to onboard individuals with 
> Apache open source experience on to the project.
> === Homogenous Developers ===
> The most of core developers are from Baidu, but after Doris was open sourced, 
> Doris received a lot of bug fixes and enhancements from other developers not 
> working at Baidu.
> === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
> Baidu invested in Doris as the OLAP solution and some of its key engineers 
> are working full time on the project. In addition, since there is a growing 
> Big Data need for scalable OLAP solutions, we look forward to other Apache 
> developers and researchers to contribute to the project. Also key to 
> addressing the risk associated with relying on Salaried developers from a 
> single entity is to increase the diversity of the contributors and actively 
> lobby for Domain experts in the BI space to contribute. Apache Doris intends 
> to do this.
> === An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
> Doris is proposing to enter incubation at Apache in order to help efforts to 
> diversify the committer-base, not so much to capitalize on the Apache brand. 
> The Doris project is in production use already inside Baidu, but is not 
> expected to be an Baidu product for external customers. As such, the Doris 
> project is not seeking to use the Apache brand as a marketing tool.
> == Documentation ==
> Information about Doris can be found at 
> <>. The following links provide more information 
> about Doris in open source:
>  * Doris wiki site: 
> <>
>  * Codebase at Github: 
> <>
>  * Issue Tracking: 
> <>
>  * Overview: 
> <>
>  * FAQ: 
> <>
> == Initial Source ==
> Doris has been under development since 2017 by a team of engineers at Baidu 
> Inc. It is currently hosted on <> under an 
> Apache license at 
> <>.
> == External Dependencies ==
> Doris has the following external dependencies.
>  * Google gflags (BSD)
>  * Google glog (BSD)
>  * Apache Thrift (Apache Software License v2.0)
>  * Apache Commons (Apache Software License v2.0)
>  * Boost (Boost Software License)
>  * rapidjson (Tencent)
>  * Google RE2 (BSD-style)
>  * lz4 (BSD)
>  * snappy (BSD)
>  * Twitter Bootstrap (Apache Software License v2.0)
>  * d3 (BSD)
>  * LLVM (BSD-like)
> Build and test dependencies:
>  * Apache Ant (Apache Software License v2.0)
>  * Apache Maven (Apache Software License v2.0)
>  * cmake (BSD)
>  * clang (BSD)
>  * Google gtest (Apache Software License v2.0)
> == Required Resources ==
> === Mailing List ===
> There are currently no mailing lists. The usual mailing lists are expected to 
> be set up when entering incubation:
>  * 
> <>
>  * <>
>  * 
> <>
> === Subversion Directory ===
> Upon entering incubation, we want to move (or copy) the existing repo from 
> <> to Apache 
> infrastructure at 
> <>.
> === Issue Tracking ===
> Doris currently uses GitHub to track issues. Would like to continue to do so 
> while we discuss migration possibilities with the ASF Infra committee.
> === Other Resources ===
> The existing code already has unit tests so we will make use of existing 
> Apache continuous testing infrastructure. The resulting load should not be 
> very large.
> == Initial Committers ==
>  * Ruyue Ma ( <>, 
> maruyue@baidu dot com)
>  * Chun Zhao ( <>, 
> buaa.zhaoc@gmail dot com)
>  * Mingyu Chen (,chenmingyu@baidu 
> <,chenmingyu@baidu> dot com)
>  * De Li( <>, 
> mailtolide@sina dot com)
>  * Hao Chen ( 
> <>, chenhao16@baidu dot com)
>  * Chaoyong Li ( <>, 
> lichaoyong@baidu dot com)
>  * Bin Lin ( <>, 
> lingbinlb@gmail dot com)
>  * Sijie Guo (guosijie@gmail dot com)
>  * Zheng Shao ( <>)
> == Affiliations ==
> The initial committers are employees of Baidu Inc..
> == Sponsors ==
> === Champion ===
>  * Dave Fisher, <>
> === Nominated Mentors ===
>  * Luke Han, <>
>  * Dave Fisher, <>
>  * Willem Jiang, <>
> === Sponsoring Entity ===
> We are requesting the Incubator to sponsor this project.

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