
On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 9:36 AM Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net> wrote:

> +1 (binding)
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Aug 15, 2018, at 9:27 AM, P. Taylor Goetz <ptgo...@apache.org> wrote:
> >
> > After a brief discussion [1] I would like to call a VOTE to accept DLab
> into the Apache Incubator. The full proposal is available on the wiki[2]
> and is pasted below in text form as well.
> >
> > This vote will run at least 72 hours. Please VOTE as follows:
> >
> > [ ] +1 Accept DLab into the Apache Incubator
> > [ ] +0 No opinion
> > [ ] -1 Do not accept DLab into the Apache Incubator because…
> >
> > -Taylor
> >
> > [1]
> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/9c96873d49f53da33260e21dc698f7c9b82eec256caf97a0e3f54943@%3Cgeneral.incubator.apache.org%3E
> > [2] https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/DLabProposal
> >
> >
> > = DLab Proposal =
> >
> > == Abstract ==
> > DLab is a platform for creating self-service, exploratory data science
> environments in the cloud using best-of-breed data science tools.
> >
> > DLab includes a self-service web console, used to create and manage
> exploratory environments. It allows teams to spin up analytical
> environments with just a single click of a mouse. Once established, the
> environment can be managed by an analytical team itself, leveraging simple
> and easy-to-use web-based interface.
> >
> > == Proposal ==
> > In order to work effectively, data scientists rely on a varying suite of
> analytics tools that are readily available. However, many of those tools
> are non-trivial to set up in terms of hardware provisioning, software
> installation, configuration, and deployment. Setting up a collaborative,
> multi-tenant development environment for data scientists consumes
> substantial IT and DevOps resources, as well as time. These factors often
> combine to hinder the agility and effectiveness of data science teams
> within an organization. Current solutions are largely closed source and/or
> proprietary, and committing to a given solution introduces the potential
> for vendor lock-in.
> >
> > EPAM Systems developed DLab in response to the lack of open source,
> permissibly licensed solutions to better enable data science workflows. The
> ALv2 was selected to encourage open development and user adoption. DLab was
> open sourced on Dec 29, 2016 and is under active development with support
> from EPAM Systems.
> >
> > We believe DLab is a unique solution with no current open source
> equivalent. Our primary goals of incubation are to grow and diversify the
> DLab community to ensure its long-term sustainability.
> >
> > == Rationale ==
> > DLab is a platform that provides data scientists with the ability to
> self-provision, without IT support, exploratory and production environments
> with their preferred set of tools installed and pre-configured. Tool
> options include, but are not limited to:
> >
> > * Apache Spark
> > * Apache Flink (planned)
> > * Apache Zeppelin
> > * Jupyter
> > * TensorFlow + Jupyter
> > * Deep Learning + Jupyter
> >
> > DLab leverages cloud computing providers for virtual hardware
> provisioning and currently supports the following:
> >
> > * Amazon Web Services (AWS)
> > * Microsoft Azure
> > * Google Compute Platform (GCP) (under development)
> >
> > DLab offers git-based collaboration tools for data scientists and
> developers and integrates with the following git service providers:
> >
> > * GItHub
> > * GitLab
> > * BitBucket
> >
> > Additionally, DLab includes the option to configure the UnGit tool in an
> environment to facilitate collaboration.
> > Finally, DLab integrates closely with many security and SSO offerings,
> including:
> >
> > * LDAP
> > * Microsoft Active Directory
> > * AWS Identity Access Management service
> >
> > DLab was designed from the ground up to be highly configurable,
> flexible, and extensible platform. We believe these qualities will
> encourage community growth by enabling contributors to easily add new
> integrations and extensions.
> >
> > == Initial Goals ==
> > The initial goal will be to move the existing codebase to Apache and
> integrate with the Apache development process and infrastructure. A primary
> goal of incubation will be to grow and diversify the DLab PPMC. We are well
> aware that the project community is comprised of individuals from a single
> company. We aim to change that during incubation.
> >
> > == Current Status ==
> > As previously mentioned, DLab is under active development at EPAM
> Systems, and is being used in a number of production deployments:
> >
> > * [An investment company] is using DLab as an AWS-based analytics
> platform for their data scientists to provide a convenient way to perform
> multi-tenant data analytics. This enables data scientists to easily
> provision work environments with integrated data sources based on
> Elasticsearch, Apache HBase, and Neo4j, and utilizing Apache Spark. This
> enabled a “one click”, self service option for users to provision an
> environment with the necessary tools and data.
> >
> > * [An electronics manufacturing company] leverages DLab for data
> quality, data exploration, and analytics. The company’s data scientists
> leverage DLab to work with data sources that have been transferred to the
> cloud in order to find new insights on the data, and help the
> implementation team define requirements for data engineering. The main goal
> is to increase the utilization of various tools by decreasing time to
> deployment.
> >
> > * [A retail company] is using DLab as an image recognition framework, to
> enable automated restocking of inventory.
> >
> > * [A travel company] is using DLab to create recommendation engine that
> will allow end users to find more relevant accommodations faster and at a
> lower cost.
> >
> > === Meritocracy ===
> > We value meritocracy and we understand that it is the basis for an open
> community that encourages multiple companies and individuals to contribute
> and be invested in the project’s future. We will encourage and monitor
> participation and make sure to extend privileges and responsibilities to
> all contributors.
> >
> > === Community ===
> > DLab is currently being used by developers at EPAM and a gowing number
> of customers are actively using it in production environments. By bringing
> DLab to Apache we hope to broaden and diversity the user and developer
> community through open collaboration.
> >
> > === Core Developers ===
> > DLab was initially developed at EPAM Systems and is under active
> development. We believe DLab will be of interest to a broad range of users
> and devlopers and that incubating the project at the ASF will help us build
> a diverse, sustainable community.
> >
> > === Alignment ===
> > DLab utilizes other Apache projects such as Apache Spark, Apache Toree
> (incubating), and Apache Zeppelin, along with a number of other Apache
> libraries. We anticipate integration with additional Apache projects as the
> DLab community and interest in the project grows.
> >
> > == Known Risks ==
> >
> > === Orphaned products ===
> > EPAM Systems is committed to the future development of DLab and
> understands that graduation to a TLP, while preferable, is not the only
> positive outcome of incubation.
> >
> > Should the DLab project be accepted by the Incubator, the prospective
> PPMC would be willing to agree to a target incubation period of 2 years or
> less, knowing that every Incubator project incurs a certain cost in terms
> of ASF infrastructure and volunteer time.
> >
> > === Inexperience with Open Source ===
> > Many DLab contributors are already familiar with open source processes
> and several of them are committers on other Apache projects. We will be
> actively working with experienced Apache community members to improve our
> project.
> >
> > === Homogenous Developers ===
> > The initial committers of DLab all come from EPAM Systems,  though we
> are committed to recruiting and developing additional committers from a
> wide spectrum of industries and backgrounds.
> >
> > === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
> > It is expected that DLab development will occur on both salaried time
> and on volunteer time, after hours. All of the initial committers are paid
> by EPAM Systems to contribute to this project. However, they are all
> passionate about the project, and we are both confident and hopeful that
> the project will continue even if no salaried developers contribute to the
> project.
> >
> > === Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
> > As mentioned in the Rationale section, DLab utilizes a number of
> existing Apache projects (Spark, Toree, Zeppelin, et. al.), and we expect
> that list to expand as the community grows and diversifies. Any Apache
> project in the big data, data science, and/or analytics space would be
> potentially relevant.
> >
> > === A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
> > We are applying to the Incubator process because we think it is the next
> logical step for the DLab project after open-sourcing the code. This
> proposal is not for the purpose of generating publicity. Rather, we want to
> make sure to create a very inclusive and meritocratic community, outside
> the umbrella of a single company. EPAM has a long history of contributing
> to Apache projects and the DLab developers and contributors understand the
> implication of making it an Apache project.
> >
> > == Required Resources ==
> >
> > === Mailing lists ===
> > * d...@dlab.incubator.apache.org
> > * comm...@dlab.incubator.apache.org
> > * priv...@dlab.incubator.apache.org
> >
> > === Source control ===
> > * https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator-dlab
> >
> > === Issue tracking ===
> > * JIRA DLab (DLAB)
> >
> > == Documentation ==
> > * DLab Website: http://dlab.opensource.epam.com
> > * DLab code base: https://github.com/epam/DLab
> > * DLab Overview: https://github.com/epam/DLab/blob/master/README.md
> > * DLab User Guide:
> https://github.com/epam/DLab/blob/master/USER_GUIDE.md
> >
> > == Initial Source ==
> > The DLab codebase is currently hosted on Github:
> https://github.com/epam/DLab
> >
> > == Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ==
> > The DLab source code in Github is currently licensed under Apache
> License v2.0 and the copyright is assigned to EPAM Systems. If DLab becomes
> an Incubator project at the ASF, EPAM Systems will transfer the source code
> and trademark ownership to the Apache Software Foundation via a Software
> Grant Agreement.
> >
> > == External Dependencies ==
> > To the best of our knowledge, all of DLab dependencies are distributed
> under Apache compatible licenses.
> >
> > DLab was designed to be highly extensible, and we expect and encourage
> the development of third-party extensions and plug-ins. We also understand
> that any such component, if it requires a dependency forbidden by Apache
> license policy, would not be eligible for inclusion in an Apache release,
> and would have to be hosted, supported, etc. outside of ASF infrastructure
> and labeled appropriately.
> >
> > === External dependencies licensed under Apache License 2.0: ===
> > MongoDB Java Driver - org.mongodb:mongo-java-driver (
> http://mongodb.github.io/mongo-java-driver/3.2/driver)
> >
> > Dropwizard (https://github.com/dropwizard/dropwizard)
> >
> > Dropwizard Template Config (
> https://github.com/tkrille/dropwizard-template-config)
> >
> > Apache Directory Server (https://github.com/apache/directory-server)
> >
> > Jackson (https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson)
> >
> > AWS Java SDK (https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-java)
> >
> > Boto3 (https://github.com/boto/boto3)
> >
> > === External dependencies licensed under the MIT License: ===
> > angular2-app (https://www.npmjs.com/package/angular2-app)
> >
> > angular2-seed (https://www.npmjs.com/package/angular2-seed)
> >
> > angular2-seed-advanced (
> https://www.npmjs.org/package/angular2-seed-advanced)
> >
> > angular2-seed-n3UX (https://www.npmjs.com/package/angular2-seed-n3UX)
> >
> > http-status-enum (https://www.npmjs.com/package/http-status-enum)
> > Mockito (https://github.com/mockito/mockito)
> >
> > ng2-translate (https://www.npmjs.com/package/ng2-translate)
> >
> > SLF4J (http://www.slf4j.org/)
> >
> > === External dependencies licensed under the CDDL License: ===
> > Jersey (https://github.com/jersey/jersey)
> >
> > === External dependencies licensed under the Python Software License
> Version 2: ===
> > jython (https://github.com/jythontools/jython)
> >
> > === ASF Projects: ===
> > Apache Spark, Apache Toree (incubating), Apache Zeppelin
> >
> > == Cryptography ==
> > Not applicable.
> >
> > == Initial Committers ==
> > * Dmytro Liaskovskyi dmytro_liaskovs...@epam.com
> > * Volodymyr Veres volodymyr_ve...@epam.com
> > * Oleh Hrynets oleh_hryn...@epam.com
> > * Oleh Hrynyk oleh_hry...@epam.com
> > * Oleh Martushevskyi oleh_martushevs...@epam.com
> > * Oleh Moskovych oleh_moskov...@epam.com
> > * Vadym Kuznetsov vadym_kuznet...@epam.com
> > * Usein Faradzhev usein_faradz...@epam.com
> > * Bohdan Hliva bohdan_hl...@epam.com
> > * Oleksandr Melnychuk oleksandr_melnych...@epam.com
> > * Mikhail Teplitskiy mikhail_teplits...@epam.com
> > * Vira Vitanska vira_vitan...@epam.com
> > * Andriana Kovalyshyn andriana_kovalys...@epam.com
> > * Oleksandr Chaparin oleksandr_chapa...@epam.com
> > * Denys Shliakhov denys_shliak...@epam.com
> > * Nazar Barabash nazar_barab...@epam.com
> > * Yuriy Holinko yuriy_holi...@epam.com
> > * Petro Kotsiuba petro_kotsi...@epam.com
> > * Bogdan Rudyi bogdan_ru...@epam.com
> > * Mikhail Teplitskyi mikhail_teplits...@epam.com
> >
> > == Sponsors ==
> >
> > === Champion ===
> > * P. Taylor Goetz ptgo...@apache.org
> >
> > === Nominated Mentors ===
> > * P. Taylor Goetz ptgo...@apache.org
> > * Henry Saputra hsapu...@apache.org
> >
> > === Interested Contributors ===
> > * Debo Dutta ddu...@apache.org
> >
> > === Sponsoring Entity ===
> > * The Apache Incubator
> >
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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