+1 Accept Zipkin (binding).

Greg Trasuk.

> On Aug 26, 2018, at 11:14 PM, Mick Semb Wever <m...@apache.org> wrote:
> After a brief discussion¹ I would like to call a VOTE to accept Zipkin into 
> the Apache Incubator. 
> The full proposal is available on the wiki² and is pasted below in text form 
> as well.
> This vote will run at least 72 hours. Please VOTE as follows:
> [ ] +1 Accept Zipkin into the Apache Incubator
> [ ] +0 No opinion
> [ ] -1 Do not accept Zipkin into the Apache Incubator because…
> regards,
> Mick
> [1] 
> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/54798a5059db1d5716ed9910a15c92945509a25ec3b7ccb6b1215c53@%3Cgeneral.incubator.apache.org%3E
> [2] https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/ZipkinProposal
> = Abstract =
> Zipkin is a distributed tracing system. It helps gather timing data needed to 
> troubleshoot latency problems in microservice architectures. It manages both 
> the collection and lookup of this data. Zipkin’s design is based on the 
> Google Dapper paper.
> = Proposal =
> Zipkin provides a defined data model and payload type for distributed trace 
> data collection. It also provides an UI and http api for querying the data. 
> Its server implements this api and includes abstractions for storage and 
> transport of trace payloads. The combination of these parts avoid lock-in to 
> a specific tracing backend. For example, Zipkin includes integration with 
> different open source storage mechanisms like Apache Cassandra and 
> Elasticsearch. It also includes bridges to convert collected data and forward 
> it to service offerings such as Amazon X-Ray and Google Stackdriver. 
> Ecosystem offering extend this portability further.
> While primarily focused on the system, Zipkin also includes tracing libraries 
> which applications use to report timing information. Zipkin's core 
> organization includes tracer libraries written in Java, Javascript, Go, PHP 
> and Ruby. These libraries use the formats mentioned above to report data, as 
> well "B3" which is a header format needed to send trace identifiers along 
> with production requests. Many Zipkin libraries can also send data directly 
> to other services such as Amazon X-Ray and Google Stackdriver, skipping any 
> Zipkin infrastructure. There are also more Zipkin tracing libraries outside 
> the core organization than inside it. This is due to the "OpenZipkin" culture 
> of promoting ecosystem work.
> = Background =
> Zipkin began in 2012 at Twitter during a time they were investigating 
> performance problems underlying the "fail whale" seen by users. The name 
> Zipkin is from the Turkish word for harpoon: the harpoon that will kill the 
> failures! Incidentally, Zipkin was not the first tracing system, it had roots 
> in a former system at Twitter named BigBrotherBird. It is due to 
> BigBrotherBird that the de-facto tracing headers we still use today include 
> the prefix "X-B3".
> In 2015, a community of users noticed the project was not healthy in so far 
> as it hadn't progressed and often didn't accept pull requests, and the 
> Cassandra backend was stuck on an unmaintained library. For example, the 
> Apache Incubator H-Trace project started in some ways as a reaction to the 
> inability to customize the code. The root cause of this was Twitter moving to 
> internal storage (Manhattan) and also the project not being managed as a 
> product. By mid 2015, the community regrouped as OpenZipkin and the codebase 
> moved from Twitter to an org also named OpenZipkin. This led to fast progress 
> on concerns including initially a server rewrite and Docker based deployment.
> In 2018, the second version of the data model completed, and along the way, 
> many new libraries became standard, including javascript, golang and PHP. The 
> community is dramatically larger than 2015, and Zipkin remains the most 
> popular tracing system despite heavy competition.
> = Rationale =
> Zipkin is a de-facto distributed tracing system, which is more important as 
> architectures become more fine grained due to popularity of microservice or 
> even serverless architectures. Applications transition to use more complex 
> communication including asynchronous code and service mesh, increasing the 
> need for tools that visualize the behavior of requests as they map across an 
> architecture.
> Zipkin's server is focused only on distributed tracing. It is meant to be 
> used alongside existing logging and metrics systems. Generally, the community 
> optimizes brown field concerns such as interop over breaking changes such as 
> experimental features. The combination of code and community make Zipkin a 
> safe and easier choice for various sites to introduce or grow their 
> observability practice.
> = Initial Goals =
> The initial goals are to mature OpenZipkin's community process. For example, 
> while OpenZipkin has a good collaborative process, it lacks formality around 
> project management functions defined in the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). 
> We also seek out help with brand abuse which is becoming common practice in 
> the competitive landscape, yet demotivates volunteers. Towards volunteers, 
> help with on boarding summer of code and funding for those who cannot afford 
> to get to conferences on their own would be nice. Finally, we occasionally 
> have organizations who are constrained to only work with foundation projects: 
> ASF is often mentioned, and being in the ASF removes this collaboration 
> roadblock.
> Zipkin will not move all existing code into Apache. In fact, most Zipkin 
> ecosystem exists outside our org! The goal is to start with the data formats 
> and server code. Possibly the java client-side libraries can move initially 
> as well, depending on community feedback.
> = Current Status =
> == Meritocracy ==
> Zipkin is an active community of contributors who are encouraged to become 
> committers. A Zipkin committer understands the importance of seeking 
> community feedback, and the gravity of brown field concerns. Committers 
> express diverse interest by contributing beyond their sites immediate needs 
> and acknowledging features require diverse need before being merged into the 
> core repositories. A camaraderie between committers and not yet committers 
> exists and is re-inforced with face to face meetups where possible. We expect 
> this to continue and build with incubation and ideally acceptance into the 
> Apache Software Foundation (ASF).
> Zipkin encourages involvement from its community members, and the issues are 
> open and available to any developers who wish to contribute to the project. 
> The Zipkin team currently seeks help and asks for suggestions utilizing 
> zipkin-user and zipkin-dev Google groups and Gitter chat on 
> https://gitter.im/openzipkin/zipkin. While all contributions are reviewed, 
> generally a "rule of three" policy on diverse need must be met before a 
> feature is considered standard.
> == Community ==
> Zipkin has a highly active and growing community of users and developers. The 
> community is currently fostered on chat https://gitter.im/openzipkin/zipkin 
> and issues in their respective GitHub repositories, notably the main server: 
> https://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin
> There are well over 1000 users in the chat room and hundreds who contributed 
> code to code in the main OpenZipkin GitHub org. Interest metrics have grown 
> dramatically: For example, in three years and a month from when Zipkin began 
> until the time OpenZipkin formed, its main repository accumulated 2400 GitHub 
> stars. In the same time after, it accumulated over 6700. Other metrics such 
> as blog count and community meetings have similarly gone way up. We expect 
> further growth as more learn about Zipkin and can engage with Zipkin through 
> the guidance of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF).
> == Core Developers ==
> The core contributors are a diverse group comprised of both unaffiliated 
> developers and those hailing from small to large companies. They are 
> scattered geographically, and some are highly experienced industry as well as 
> open source developers. Though their backgrounds may be diverse, the 
> contributors are united in their belief in community driven software 
> development.
> More detailed information on the core developers and contributors in general 
> can be found under the section on homogeneous developers.
> == Alignment ==
> Zipkin adoption is growing, and it is no longer feasible for it to remain as 
> an isolated project. Apache is experienced in dealing with software that is 
> very widely accepted and has a growing audience. The proposers believe that 
> the Zipkin team can benefit from the ASF's experience and its broad array of 
> users and developers.
> Zipkin supports several Apache projects and options exist for integration 
> with others. Apache CXF, Apache Camel, Apache Incubator SkyWalking and Apache 
> Incubator HTrace all utilize Zipkin APIs in their core repositories. Many 
> more do via community extensions. Apache Maven is primarily use by Zipkin, 
> and can be used by projects who build upon Zipkin projects.
> == Known Risks ==
> === Orphaned products ===
> Zipkin is already being utilized at multiple companies that are actively 
> participating in improving the code. The thriving community centered around 
> Zipkin has seen steady growth, and the project is gaining traction with 
> developers. The risks of the code being abandoned are minimal.
> === Inexperience with Open Source ===
> Zipkin rebooted its community in July 2015 and grown there for over three 
> years. Additionally, many of the committers have extensive experience with 
> other open source projects. Zipkin fosters a collaborative and 
> community-driven environment.
> In the interest of openly sharing technology and attracting more community 
> members, several of our developers also regularly attend conferences in North 
> America and Europe to give talks about Zipkin. Zipkin meetups are also 
> planned every few months for developers and community members to come 
> together in person and discuss ideas.
> === Homogenous Developers ===
> At the time of the writing, OpenZipkin's core 12 developers all work at 
> different companies around the globe. Most operate their own tracing sites, 
> but some no longer operate sites at all: staying for the community we've 
> built. Our ASF champion, Mick Semb Wever, is both a committer and an 
> experienced ASF member.
> The Zipkin developers thrive upon the diversity of the community. The Zipkin 
> gitter channel is always active, and the developers often collaborate on 
> fixes and changes in the code. They are always happy to answer users' 
> questions as well.
> Zipkin is interested in continuing to expand and strengthen its network of 
> developers and community members through the ASF.
> === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
> Zipkin has one full time salaried developer, Adrian Cole. Though some of the 
> developers are paid by their employer to contribute to Zipkin, many Zipkin 
> developers contribute code and documentation on their own time and have done 
> so for a lengthy period. Given the current stream of development requests and 
> the committers' sense of ownership of the Zipkin code, this arrangement is 
> expected to continue with Zipkin' induction into the ASF.
> === Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
> Zipkin, Apache Incubator Skywalking and Apache Incubator HTrace address 
> similiar use cases. Most similarities are between Zipkin and HTrace: Zipkin 
> hopes to help serve the community formerly served by HTrace, but understands 
> the data services focus of HTrace may require different tooling. SkyWalking 
> addresses more feature surface than Zipkin. For example, metrics collection 
> is not a goal of Zipkin, yet it is a goal of SkyWalking. SkyWalking accepts 
> Zipkin formats and can be used as a replacement server. SkyWalking PPMC 
> member, Sheng Wu, has been a routine member of Zipkin design discussions and 
> has offered to help Zipkin through ASF process.
> While Zipkin does not directly rely upon any Apache project, zipkin supports 
> several Apache projects. Apache CXF, Apache Camel, Apache Incubator 
> SkyWalking, Apache Incubator Dubbo, Apache Incubator ServiceComb and Apache 
> Incubator HTrace all utilize Zipkin APIs in their core repositories. Many 
> more do via community extensions. Apache Maven is primarily use by Zipkin, 
> and can be used by projects who build upon Zipkin projects.
> === A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
> Zipkin recognizes the fortitude of the Apache brand, but the motivation for 
> becoming an Apache project is to strengthen and expand the Zipkin community 
> and its user base. While the Zipkin community has seen steady growth over the 
> past several years, association with the ASF is expected to expedite this 
> pattern of growth. Development is expected to continue on Zipkin under the 
> Apache license whether or not it is supported by the ASF.
> == Documentation ==
> The Zipkin project documentation is publicly available at the following sites:
>  * https://zipkin.io: project overview
>  * http://zipkin.io/zipkin-api/#/: swagger specification
>  * https://github.com/openzipkin/b3-propagation: header formats
>  * https://zipkin.io/zipkin/: Javadocs for the Zipkin server
> == Initial Source ==
> The initial source is located on GitHub in the following repositories:
>  * git://github.com/OpenZipkin/zipkin.git
>  * git://github.com/OpenZipkin/zipkin-dependencies.git
>  * git://github.com/OpenZipkin/zipkin-api.git
>  * git://github.com/OpenZipkin/b3-propagation.git
>  * git://github.com/OpenZipkin/docker-zipkin.git
>  * git://github.com/OpenZipkin/docker-zipkin-dependencies.git
>  * git://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin-reporter-java
>  * git://github.com/openzipkin/brave
>  * git://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin-aws
>  * git://github.com/openzipkin/docker-zipkin-aws
>  * git://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin-azure
>  * git://github.com/openzipkin/docker-zipkin-azure
>  * git://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin-gcp
>  * git://github.com/openzipkin/docker-zipkin-gcp
>  * git://github.com/openzipkin/brave-cassandra
>  * git://github.com/openzipkin/docker-jre-full
>  * git://github.com/openzipkin/brave-karaf
> Depending on community progress, other repositories may be moved as well
> == Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ==
> Zipkin's initial source is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. 
> https://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin/blob/master/LICENSE
> All source code is copyrighted to 'The OpenZipkin Authors', to which the 
> existing core community(members list in Initial Committers) has the rights to 
> re-assign to the ASF.
> == External Dependencies ==
> This is a listing of Maven coordinates for all of the external dependencies 
> Zipkin uses. All of the dependencies are in Sonatype and their licenses 
> should be accessible.
> == Cryptography ==
> Zipkin contains no cryptographic algorithms.
> = Required Resources =
> == Mailing Lists ==
>  * Zipkin-dev: for development discussions
>  * Zipkin-user: for community discussions
>  * Zipkin-private: for PPMC discussions
>  * Zipkin-commits: for code changes
> == Git Repositories ==
> The Zipkin team is experienced in git and requests to transfer GitHub 
> repositories(list in Initial Source) to Apache.
> == Issue Tracking ==
> The community would like to continue using GitHub Issues.
> = Initial Committers =
>  * Zoltán Nagy
>  * Adrian Cole, Pivotal
>  * Bas van Beek
>  * Brian Devins
>  * Eirik Sletteberg
>  * Jeanneret Pierre-Hugues
>  * Jordi Polo Carres
>  * José Carlos Chávez
>  * Kristof Adriaenssens
>  * Lance Linder
>  * Mick Semb Wever,
>  * Tommy Ludwig
> = Champion =
> * Michael Semb Wever, m...@apache.org
> = Mentors =
> * Michael Semb Wever, m...@apache.org
> * Andriy Redko, r...@apache.org
> * John D. Ament, johndam...@apache.org
> * Willem Ning Jiang, ningji...@apache.org
> = Sponsoring Entity =
> We are requesting the Apache Incubator to sponsor this project.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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