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> On Oct 24, 2018, at 9:15 PM, Dave Fisher <> wrote:
> Hi -
> I would like to discuss accepting bprc project into the Incubator:
> Initially there were five developers from Baidu, but now these are from 
> several companies..
> Please accept the brpc podling into the Incubator.
> Regards,
> Dave
> brpc Proposal
> Abstract
> brpc is an industrial-grade RPC framework for building reliable and 
> high-performance services. 
> Proposal
> We propose to contribute the brpc codebase and associated artifacts(e.g. 
> documentation etc.) to the Apache Software Foundation, and aim to build a 
> wider open community around it in the 'Apache Way'. 
> Background
> The RPC framework used in Baidu before 2014 was developed at 2008 and limited 
> in protocols and performance, and there were also serveral implementations 
> focused on their own scenarios from Baidu's different BU. As an 
> infrastructural team in Baidu, we tried to build a new framework to unify all 
> RPC scenarios inside. The framework was named "baidu-rpc" internally the 
> early versions were adopted and online at late 2014. The framework was 
> rapidly iterated at 2015-2017, and thousands kinds of services and almost all 
> core services adopted it. And in 2017, we opensourced it as "brpc" and hope 
> to get more adoptions and contributions from outside. At the time of 
> opensourcing, there're more than 1 million instances inside Baidu using 
> baidu-rpc (not counting clients). 
> Rationale
> brpc has been approved inside baidu, since many high performance core 
> services are using it. And since its open source, it has been adopted by 
> several other companies, including Iqiyi, Didi, Sougou, BiliBili 
> <> etc. 
> Current Status
> brpc has been an open source project on GitHub 
> <> ( 
> <>) since 2017. 
> Currently it has more than 7.3k stars, 1.6k forks, and is one of the most 
> popular repositories in topic of rpc category in GitHub 
> <> rpc catelogy. It has been widely 
> used in Baidu, with 1,000,000+ instances and thousands kinds of services. 
> Besides, many other companies have already used it also, such as Iqiyi, Didi, 
> Sougou, BiliBili <> etc. 
> Meritocracy
> brpc was originally created by Ge Jun and Chen zhangyi inside baidu from 
> 2014. Since its opensource in 2017, it has already followed meritocracy 
> principles. It accepts multiple contributions from other companies. And now, 
> the core developers are from several different companies. 
> We will follow Apache way to encourage more developers to contribute in this 
> project. We know that only active and committed developers from a diverse set 
> of backgrounds can make brpc a successful project. 
> Community
> brpc has been building an active community since its open source. Currently, 
> the community includes over 31 contributors. The core developers of brpc are 
> listed below. 
> Core Developers
> Ge Jun( <> 
> <>) 
> Chen Zhangyi( <> 
> <>) 
> Jiang Rujie( <> 
> <>) 
> Zhu Jiashun( <> 
> <>) 
> Wang Yao( <> 
> <>) 
> Alignment
> brpc is useful for building reliable and high-performance applications. Since 
> ASF has many famous performance-related and rpc-related projects, we believe 
> that ASF is a perfect choice to help brpc project to attract more developers 
> and users as well as having more cooperation with existing projects. 
> Known Risks
> Orphaned products
> Since our core developers are from different companies and many companies are 
> using it, the risk of the project being abandoned is minimal. For example, 
> Baidu is extensively using it in their production environment and many large 
> corporations including Iqiyi, Didi, Sougou, BiliBili 
> <> use it in their production 
> applications. 
> Inexperience with Open Source
> brpc has been an active open source project for more than one year. During 
> that time, the project has attracted 30+ contributors and gained a lot of 
> attention. The core developers are all active users and followers of open 
> source. 
> Homogenous Developers
> brpc was created inside Baidu, but after brpc was open sourced, it received a 
> lot of bug fixes and enhancements from other developers not working at Baidu. 
> And the core developers now are from different companies now. 
> Reliance on Salaried Developers
> Baidu invested in brpc as a general rpc framework used in company widely. The 
> core developers have been dedicated to this project for about four years. And 
> after its open source, developers around the world have involved in. Besides, 
> we want more developers and researchers to contribute to the project. 
> Relationships with Other Apache Products
> A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand
> The mission of brpc is to help developers build reliable and high-performance 
> services quickly and easily. It has been widely used in production 
> environment throughout Baidu and after opensource, it has gained much 
> attention and attracted developers all over the world. Apache Brand is very 
> respected. We are very honored to have the opportunity to join ASF, with the 
> understanding that its brand policies being respected. And we hope Apache can 
> help us build the ecosystem around brpc and attract more developers. 
> Documentation
> The following links provide more information about brpc in open source: 
> Codebase at Github: 
> <> Issue Tracking: 
> <> 
> Overview: 
> <>
> Initial Source
> brpc has been developed since 2014 by a team of engineers at Baidu Inc. We 
> currently use Github to maintain our source code and track issues at 
> <>. We need to move 
> our repository to Apache infrastructure. 
> Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan
> brpc source code is available under Apache V2 license and owned by Baidu. We 
> will work with the committers to get ICLAs signed. We will provide a Software 
> Grant Agreement from an authorized signer per 
> <>
> External Dependencies
> brpc has the following external dependencies. 
> Google gflags (BSD) 
> Google protobuf (BSD) 
> Google leveldb (BSD) 
> Required Resources
> Mailing List:
> There are currently no mailing lists. The usual mailing lists are expected to 
> be set up when entering incubation: 
> <>
> <>
> <>
> Git Repositories:
> Upon entering incubation, we want to transfer the existing repo from 
> <> to Apache 
> infrastructure like 
> <>. 
> Issue Tracking:
> brpc currently uses GitHub <> to 
> track issues. Would like to continue to do so while we discuss migration 
> possibilities with the ASF Infra committee. 
> URL:
> Currently brpc has no dedicated website except Github homepage. In the future 
> the website url should be 
> <> to follow apache incubator conventions. 
> Initial Committers
> Ge Jun( <> 
> <>) 
> Chen Zhangyi( <> 
> <>) 
> Jiang Rujie( <> 
> <>) 
> Zhu Jiashun( <> 
> <>) 
> Wang Yao( <> 
> <>) 
> Sponsors:
> Champion:
> Dave Fisher 
> Mentors:
> Kevin A. McGrail <>
> Jean-Baptiste Onofré 
> Sponsoring Entity
> We are requesting the Incubator to sponsor this project. 
> brpcProposal (last edited 2018-10-20 13:36:33 by JerryTan 
> <>)

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