
+1, I am chairman of TLP project and has been involved multiple incubating
projects from start to finish, also was responsible for multiple releases as

I would be glad to give help if some new incubator projects require.


Justin Mclean wrote
> Hi,
> I looked at the board resolution for the creation of the IPMC [1] and it
> says nothing about how IPMC members should be added so from that I take it
> that the IPMC can decide how it wants to do that.
> Currently the IPMC can vote people in (which is not so common) or an ASF
> member can request it. I’m not sure where the ASF member requirement came
> from and wasn’t able to find the discussion about this on the incubator
> list. (If anyone knows please point me to it.)
> In theory an ASF member should have the knowledge and skills to mentor a
> project, however I also think those who have gone through the incubating
> process, have voted on releases and proposed or accepted new committers
> and PMC members probably know just as much even if they are not ASF
> members. They may not have as much experience but shovel at least know the
> basics.
> Now identifying everyone who has done this would not be be easy to
> determine and the Venn diagram of them and people who want to be mentors
> is probably small (but still significant in numbers).
> So I propose this:
> If someone has done several of the following:
> - has been involved in an incubating project from start to finish
> - has been a release manager
> - has assembled LICENSE and NOTICE files
> - has reviewed and voted on releases
> - has proposed or accepted committers/PPMC members
> Then they can ask the IPMC to join to IPMC by sending an email to private@
> listing what they have been involved in. The IPMC would VOTE on them, and
> there’s a chance they could be rejected, but given it’s a private vote I
> don’t think any harm is done if that happens. Also people could nominate
> other people who fit into this above group.
> I’d like to see this used for people who are wanting to be mentors, rather
> than just having binding votes on releases. I don’t have an issue with the
> later (and I think the IPMC currently does a decent job of catching any
> issues with releases they come their way), but that’s what I’m trying to
> solve with this proposal. i.e. We currently need more mentors and will
> need even more as ASF scales up.
> The subject line is actually a lie. All this really changes is that people
> can bring themselves or be brought to the attention of the IPMC, rather
> than having the IPMC actively trying to find people from graduated
> projects who then may or may not want to be IPMC members.
> We could start this off as an experiment. and take the first few people
> who request it, and see how it goes with more experienced mentors
> observing and/ or helping them.
> What do people and the IPMC think of this proposal? Good idea or not?
> Could it work with some modifications? Is it not needed at all?
> Thanks,
> Justin
> 1.
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/infra/websites/production/incubator/content/official/resolution.html
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