Craig, having seen the hundreds of templates you process, I am +1 to any
process improvements you suggest.  -KAM

On Sat, Dec 29, 2018, 18:29 Craig Russell < wrote:

> Hi,
> In order to simplify the process of granting new committers write access
> to a project's repository, I'd like to propose a change in the invitation
> letter sent to candidates after the PMC has voted to accept them as
> committers.
> The original is at
> It does not distinguish among these three cases: already have an Apache
> id, already filed an ICLA, and have not filed an ICLA. There are many cases
> where unnecessary work is done because of improper guidance.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> To:
> Cc: private@[PROJECT]
> Subject: Invitation to become [PROJECT] committer: Joe Bloggs
> Hello [invitee name],
> The [Project] Project Management Committee] (PMC)
> hereby offers you committer privileges to the project
> [as well as membership in the PMC]. These privileges are
> offered on the understanding that you'll use them
> reasonably and with common sense. We like to work on trust
> rather than unnecessary constraints.
> Being a committer enables you to more easily make
> changes without needing to go through the patch
> submission process. [Being a PMC member enables you
> to guide the direction of the project.]
> Being a committer does not require you to
> participate any more than you already do. It does
> tend to make one even more committed.  You will
> probably find that you spend more time here.
> Of course, you can decline and instead remain as a
> contributor, participating as you do now.
> A. This personal invitation is a chance for you to
> accept or decline in private.  Either way, please
> let us know in reply to the []
> address only.
> [check]
> [B. If you accept, since you already have an Apache id,
> the PMC will grant you write access to the repository.
> ]
> [check]
> [B. If you accept, since you already have an iCLA on file,
> the PMC will request an Apache id for you. In your response,
> please choose an id that is not already in use. See
> ]
> [B. If you accept, the next step is to register an iCLA:
>     1. Details of the iCLA and the forms are found
>     through this link:
>     2. Instructions for its completion and return to
>     the Secretary of the ASF are found at
>     Do not submit ICLAs to anyone but secretary, but
>     please do cc: []
>     3. When you transmit the completed iCLA, request
>     to notify the Apache [Project] and choose a
>     unique Apache id. Look to see if your preferred
>     id is already taken at
>     This will allow the Secretary to notify the PMC
>     when your iCLA has been recorded.
> ]
> When your reply to this invitation is received, you will
> receive a follow-up message with the next steps for
> establishing you as a committer.
> Craig L Russell
> Secretary, Apache Software Foundation
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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