Dear people,

one of your committers (Michael Stahl, in Cc) last year asked to
migrate the retired ODF Toolkit project over to the Document
Foundation, which TDF would be happy to accept.

Volunteers from various sides have helped moving stuff; a few things
are though still left to do, thus this mail to the wider incubator
audience (ordered from more important to less important):

1. transfer of the domain from ASF to TDF (or perhaps a
   redirect if a transfer takes a while?) - Florian Effenberger (in Cc)
   would be happy to support that from the admin / technical side

2. adding a pointer from the ASF website to the new
   TDF website for the project, such that people looking for it still
   find the active project:
    - perhaps also adjusting other references, e.g. README in the
          code repo archive at

        - or are all those resources not preserved beyond a transition

3. if bugtracker, mailing list archives and the like are _not_
   preserved or archived somewhere - if TDF could get a copy of at
   least the public part of that data for some continuity in

4. adding a pointer on the github repository to point to the new git
   repository at (if not removed
   anyway at some stage)

All the best,

-- Thorsten

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