On Mon, Feb 25, 2019 at 11:48 AM Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Hi -
> There has been mentions about lack of documentation, not being able to find
> documentation, not being responsible for a policy, and not including the
> rationale for a policy.
> This morning I remembered something that happened some 49 years ago when I
> was a child and we moved to the suburbs of Chicago. A nice lady came over to
> the house from a group that called themselves the “Welcome Wagon”. She
> provided goodies and all kinds of information about both the local
> subdivision and the village.
> I wonder if this is something that the Incubator could help build and 
> disseminate?
> An Incubator Welcome Wagon could be a Guide of Guides and include
> introductory information about:
> (0) Onboarding
> (1) Community Development
> (2) Infrastructure and Builds
> (3) Legal Policy
> (4) Release Policy
> (5) Press
> (6) Foundation Structure
> This information would come from the definitive committee and the mentors
> and podlings could provide feedback to the appropriate committees.
> I think something like this would help the Incubator and Mentors be more
> facilitator and less police.


Back when I was IPMC Chair, I used to send out "Welcome to the Incubator,
$PODLING Community" messages:


I sent them out as soon as the dev@podling list creation notification would
come through, and they would be cross-posted to general@incubator.

These messages had less content than is suggested above; I would argue that
it's more important to set the tone than it is to provide complete

Part of the motivation for cross-posting was to inform people subscribed to
general@incubator that might be interested in the podling that the podling dev
list was now open.  People seemed to like that.

But it was mostly about getting started on a positive note (not just for the
sake of the newcomers but also for our own).  Just like your wonderful
anecdote above about the Chicago Welcome Wagon!

Any Incubator community member could take on the responsibility for sending
such mails (from a template), and sign them either "on behalf of the Incubator
community" or "on behalf of the Incubator PMC" (depending on whether they are
on the IPMC or not).

Marvin Humphrey

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