Druid 0.14.0-incubating contains over 200 new features,
performance/stability/documentation improvements, and bug fixes from 54
contributors. Major new features and improvements include:

- New web console
- Kinesis indexing service
- Decommissioning mode for Historicals
- Published segment cache in Broker
- Bloom filter aggregator and expression
- Updated Parquet extension
- Force push down option for nested GroupBy queries
- Better segment handoff and drop rule handling
- Automatically kill MapReduce jobs when Hadoop ingestion tasks are killed
- DogStatsD tag support for statsd emitter
- New API for retrieving all lookup specs
- New compaction options
- More efficient cachingCost segment balancing strategy

Source and binary distributions can be downloaded from:

Release notes are at:

A big thank you to all the contributors in this milestone release!

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