On Wed, Jun 19, 2019 at 1:02 PM Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.invalid> wrote:

> To close with Justin's bread analogy:  A bread maker that just says "just
> add yeast and flour and water, kneed, let rise and bake" and then makes you
> toss out the results and start over is not going to attract nearly as many
> students as the bread making expert who can more clearly provide
> instructions in a friendly way, helps you catch your mistakes before you go
> too far down the road, and doesn't make you start over except in a few
> extreme cases.  For sure, if you sign up to be a bread making apprentice at
> the most prestigious bakery, then you can expect less leniency and stricter
> standards.  It is up to the ASF to decide if they want the reputation of
> being that picky or not.  I hope not.

And an even better bread maker allows you to make pies for a year (cuz why
not?), knowing you'll eventually be a great bread maker under their


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