Acknowledged. We will fix those issues in the next release.

> On Jul 19, 2019, at 21:02, Justin Mclean <> wrote:
> Hi,
> +0 (binding)
> This release includes Category X software (which is incompatible with ALv2) 
> and it's not following the terms of the GPL license. While this thread [12] 
> indicates incubating releases can include Category X they still need to 
> follow the terms of the included licenses.  This is also dependent on the 
> incubator being “special” and it releases allowed to not confirm to policy 
> (unlike other TLP projects) this is this still as yet to be confirmed/allowed.
> I checked:
> - incubating in name
> - disclaimer exists
> - LICENSE has a few minor issues
> - NOTICE is fine
> - Includes Category X licensed software [4] It also looks like these files 
> [6][7][8][9] come from [10][11] and are also GPL licensed.
These are coming from the ethereum tests repo. I think we will find a new way 
to package sources without those tests and check out the git repo at test time 
then. Does that work?
> - No unexpected binary files
> - A few source files (.sh and piton scripts) are missing headers (how I came 
> across [4]), would be good to add them.
> In LICENSE I noticed that:
> - This file [1] is under ALv2 but they have modified the license [2] and 
> added an extra condition (top of file) so may not be ALv2 compatible. Please 
> check with legal discuss.
Both web3j and Tuweni took this class from the Bitcoinj project. The file 
mentions its origins. I can change the header as needed.
> - There files seem to have incorrect headers [1][3] as they have not been 
> licensed to the ASF. I believe they should have the AL 3rd party header.
Got it, will fix, thanks!
> - The license mentions the ProgPoW algorithm but it unclear where it’s being 
> used. I assume here [5] but there's nothing in that file that indicate it 
> contains 3rd party code or that it’s CC0 licensed.
OK we will fix.
> Thanks,
> Justin
> 1. crypto/src/main/java/org/apache/tuweni/crypto/
> 2.
> 3. crypto/src/main/java/org/apache/tuweni/crypto/
> 4. eth-reference-tests/src/test/resources/tests/ansible/
> 5. ./progpow/src/main/java/org/apache/tuweni/progpow/
> 6. 
> /eth-reference-tests/src/test/resources/tests/ansible/test-files/docker-cpp/Docker-file
> 7. 
> /eth-reference-tests/src/test/resources/tests/ansible/test-files/docker-cppjit/Dockerfile
> 8  
> ./eth-reference-tests/src/test/resources/tests/ansible/test-files/docker-python/Dockerfile
> 9 
> ./eth-reference-tests/src/test/resources/tests/ansible/test-files/docker-go/Dockerfile
> 10.
> 11.
> 12. 
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