
> On Jan 13, 2020, at 9:44 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz <bdelacre...@codeconsult.ch> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Jan 10, 2020 at 6:47 PM Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli
> <vino...@apache.org> wrote:
>> I'd like to call a vote on accepting YuniKorn into the Apache Incubator...
> +1
> I'm copying the proposal text below, we usually do that to get
> complete mail archives.
> -Bertrand
> YuniKorn proposal
> Abstract
> YuniKorn is a standalone resource scheduler responsible for scheduling
> batch jobs and long-running services on large scale distributed
> systems running in on-premises environments as well as different
> public clouds.
> Proposal
> YuniKorn ['ju:nikɔ:n] is a unified resource scheduler aiming to
> achieve fine-grained resource sharing for various workloads
> efficiently on a large scale, multi-tenant and cloud-native
> environments. YuniKorn brings a unified, cross-platform scheduling
> experience for mixed workloads, with support for but not limited to,
> Apache™ Hadoop® YARN and Kubernetes. YuniKorn is a made-up word
> (credit to Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli) - it’s made up of Y for Apache™
> Hadoop® YARN, K for K8s, Uni for Unified, and its pronunciation is the
> same as “Unicorn”
> Currently, YuniKorn is an open-source project with Apache 2.0 license.
> The source code is hosted as a git-repo under github.com/cloudera
> domain. We would like to share it with the ASF and expand the
> community to a wider range of users and contributors.
> Background
> Enterprise users run their workloads on different platforms such as
> Apache™ Hadoop® YARN and Kubernetes. They need to work with different
> resource schedulers in order to plan their workloads to run on these
> platforms efficiently. The scheduler implementations are fragmented,
> and not optimized to balance existing use-cases like batch workloads
> along with new needs such as cloud-native architecture, autoscaling,
> etc. We need a single resource planning/management framework to manage
> resources on different platforms using the same semantics, in order to
> address all the important resource management requirements.
> Rationale
> There is no solution that exists now to address the needs of having a
> unified resource scheduling experiences across platforms. That makes
> it difficult to manage workloads running on different environments,
> from on-premise to Cloud. YuniKorn aims to satisfy these needs.
> YuniKorn is designed around the following principles:
> 1) Support different environments
> As the compute platforms are evolving quickly, there are more and more
> challenges appears in on-prem, cloud or hybrid environments. YuniKorn
> aims to bring unified scheduling experiences across multiple
> environments with enhanced scheduling capabilities.
> 2) Support extensive type of workloads
> To improve the efficiency of the computing platform, a key idea is to
> run different types of applications, like long-running services and
> batch jobs, on shared resources. YuniKorn is an effort to address all
> the scheduling features needed for such mixed workload environments.
> 3) Benefit both big-data and cloud-native communities
> A resource scheduler needs to be capable of supporting mixed
> workloads, both batch and long-running services. This is the key to
> improving cluster utilization, and to reduce the complexity of
> dev-ops. By creating a common scheduler that is decoupled from the
> container platforms underneath, it can benefit both Apache™ Hadoop®
> YARN and the Kubernetes communities.
> Initial Goals
> Initial goals are:
>    Move the existing codebase, documentation to Apache hosted repo
>    Setup mailing lists, web-site, CI/CD pipeline under Apache infrastructure
>    Setup JIRA for issue tracking
>    Incremental development and releases according to Apache guidelines
>    Expand the community and bring more diversified contributors/users
> to the community
> Current Status
> Meritocracy
> Many of the initial developers of YuniKorn are already Apache
> committers and PMC members from other Apache projects, such as Apache
> Hadoop and Apache Submarine. Many of us have worked in the Apache
> Hadoop community for years and know the Apache way well. We believe
> strongly in meritocracy in electing committers and PMC members. We
> believe that contributions can come in forms other than just code: for
> example, one of our initial proposed committers has contributed solely
> in the area of project documentation. We will encourage contributions
> and participation of all types, and ensure that contributors are
> appropriately recognized.
> Community
> YuniKorn is a relatively new open source project, Cloudera is the
> original development sponsor for YuniKorn. From the beginning of the
> project itself, we had clearly aimed to have this as an open source
> project, so we started to build the community from the very early
> stages. We received a lot of feedback and valuable suggestions from
> other community members while the project was hosted as an open source
> project on github. This feedback has greatly influenced some of our
> designs. For e.g, developers from Alibaba had been involved in the
> very early stage of development, lots of effort related to
> performance/throughput enhancement were contributed by them. Lots of
> other organizations further showed their interest to join the
> community once we started talking about it in meetups, conferences
> etc.
> Core developers
> The project was initiated in Cloudera and so the core developers are
> heavily from this organization. Tao Yang from Alibaba joined the
> development at a very early stage. The core developers of YuniKorn are
> (listed in alphabetical order):
>    Akhil PB (Cloudera)
>    Sunil Govindan (Cloudera)
>    Tao Yang (Alibaba)
>    Vinod Vavilapalli (Cloudera)
>    Wangda Tan (Cloudera)
>    Weiwei Yang (Cloudera)
>    Wilfred Spiegelenburg (Cloudera)
> Given the origin history, the core development team so far has not
> been very diverse, but we’ve been attempting to grow that diversity.
> We have every hope to continue building a diverse and sustainable
> community if the project gets accepted into Apache.
> Alignment
> The motivation of YuniKorn project is to resolve common resource
> scheduling problems for various workloads, on large scale distributed
> systems. Apache is home to one of these systems in the form of Apache
> Hadoop YARN. Many of thee workloads that we expect to leverage
> YuniKorn are computing engines like Apache Spark, Apache Flink whether
> they run on top of YARN or on Kubernetes.
> Known Risks
> Project Name
> We have done a search of the name "YuniKorn" on Github, and at the
> time of the search we found nothing related to resource scheduler or
> distributed system. We also did a search of the name YuniKorn as a
> trademark and there seem to be none. A generic web search also didn't
> return any relevant projects. Since the name seems to be unique, easy
> to remember, pronounce, and relevant to the project, we believe it is
> a suitable name even at the ASF.
> Cloudera does NOT have a trademark on the name YuniKorn, so there is
> no trademark assignment needed. Cloudera will commit to using Apache
> YuniKorn as the project name when/if it graduates and becomes an
> Apache project.
> Orphaned products
> The core developers of YuniKorn project from different companies plan
> to work full time on this project. Currently, the initial team intends
> to continue the investments on the YuniKorn project, it will be
> integrated into the solutions to the customers. Several other
> organizations (like Alibaba) have also started to evaluate the
> project, and plan to adopt it in their production environments. We
> anticipate the adoption will be further improved once it becomes an
> Apache project.
> We have also got support from core-platform developers and Apache
> committers who are interested in contributing to YuniKorn project from
> different companies like Microsoft, Nvidia, Tencent, etc. We’re
> expecting to see more contributions from these committers and usage by
> their internal platforms. So overall, the risk of YuniKorn being an
> orphaned project is low.
> Inexperience with Open source
> Most of the core developers in YuniKorn project are experienced open
> source veterans, several developers are Apache committers and PMC
> members of other projects, such as Apache™ Hadoop®. And the
> development style is already very likely the Apache way
>    We have open community meetings to discuss designs, problems and roadmaps
>    We publish all patches and issue related discussions on github
>    We enforce the code review and log all comments in github issues
> Length of Incubation
> We started the work 10 months ago, so far the groundwork for YuniKorn
> is done and the initial version can work with K8s seamlessly. Based on
> the initial contributers’ experience in ASF projects, we don’t expect
> that there will be huge gaps before YuniKorn can graduate with
> regarding to ASF’s policies on software and releases. The goal is to
> grow the community quickly and increase the user base within a few
> months while making releases that adhere to the ASF standards. When it
> reaches a reasonable size of adoption, and a strong community with a
> good number of committers/PMC members, we can prompt the graduation.
> We expect the length of incubation to be approximately 12 to 18
> months.
> Homogenous Development
> The initial proposed list of committers and contributors includes
> developers from several institutions and industry participants. The
> developers are also from different regions like U.S, Australia, India,
> and the development team leverages slack, community mailing list,
> weekly community calls to collaborate efficiently.
> Reliance on Salaried Developers
> Clearly, Cloudera has contributed most of the initial development
> through salaried developers. But since the very beginning, YuniKorn is
> built as a community effort project. We have people from other
> organizations that are already collaborating with us on github. This
> includes both at the source code level, as well as participating in
> designs and providing feedback through community calls. We expect our
> reliance on salaried developers to decrease drastically during the
> incubation process itself.
> Relationship to Other Apache Products
> YuniKorn is very closely related to other Big-Data projects in Apache,
> such as Hadoop YARN, Spark, Hive, Flink, etc.
> YuniKorn’s core idea is to support both long-running and batch
> workloads like Spark, Hive, Flink etc, and provide a consistent,
> unified way to manage and schedule resources for Big Data workloads
> across resource managers like Apache™ Hadoop® YARN / Kubernetes and
> on-premise and cloud environments.
> Many of the core ideas for YuniKorn come from the experience of the
> initial team building Apache Hadoop YARN’s schedulers - Capacity
> Scheduler and Fair Scheduler.
> An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand
> Many of the initial developers in YuniKorn project are already
> experienced Apache committers, PMC members. We understand the value of
> the Apache way, and how to operate the project development on a day to
> day basis. The reason for proposing YuniKorn as an Apache project is
> to build a healthy community, increasing adoption & the size of the
> community and end users, because we believe the only way to build a
> highly valuable infrastructure layer software is to have wide adoption
> and cater to common use cases.
> Documentation
> Project summary:
>    https://github.com/cloudera/yunikorn-core/blob/master/README.md
> User guides
>    https://github.com/cloudera/yunikorn-core/blob/master/docs/user-guide.md
> Developer guides
> https://github.com/cloudera/yunikorn-core/blob/master/docs/developer-guide.md
> Roadmap:
>    https://github.com/cloudera/yunikorn-core/blob/master/docs/roadmap.md
> Initial Source
> YuniKorn is written in Golang, and currently, the source code is
> hosted in several GitHub repositories
>    Scheduler interface:
> https://github.com/cloudera/yunikorn-scheduler-interface
>    Scheduler core: https://github.com/cloudera/yunikorn-core
>    K8s Shim:https://github.com/cloudera/yunikorn-k8shim
>    Scheduler Web UI: https://github.com/cloudera/yunikorn-web
> Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan
> External Dependencies
> External dependencies are listed in below table
> Library
> Type
> License
> k8s.io/api
> K8s API
> Apache License 2.0
> k8s.io/apimachinery
> K8s API
> Apache License 2.0
> k8s.io/client-go
> K8s client library
> Apache License 2.0
> github.com/looplab/fsm
> Go state machine library
> MIT License
> github.com/satori/go.uuid
> Go UUID library
> MIT License
> github.com/uber-go/zap
> Go logging library
> MIT License
> github.com/golang/protobuf
> Go protobuf library
> BSD 3-Clause License
> github.com/gorilla/mux
> Go network library
> BSD 3-Clause License
> google.golang.org/grpc
> Go RPC library
> Apache License 2.0
> gopkg.in/yaml.v2
> Go YAML library
> Apache License 2.0
> github.com/prometheus/client_golang
> Prometheus Client Library
> Apache License 2.0
> Angular v6.1.x
> Angular UI Framework Libraries
> MIT License
> TypeScript
> TypeScript Language Compiler
> Apache License 2.0
> Chart.js
> JavaScript Charting Library
> MIT License
> Moment.js
> JavaScript Date & Time Library
> MIT License
> Build and test only:
> gotest.tools
> Test library
> Apache License 2.0
> github.com/stretchr/testify
> Test library
> MIT License
> Karma
> Unit test library
> MIT License
> Protactor
> End2End test library
> MIT License
> Json-server
> Test server
> MIT License
> Yarn
> Dependency manager
> BSD 2-Clause License
> Cryptography
> YuniKorn does not currently include any cryptography-related code.
> Required Resources
> Mailing lists:
>    priv...@yunikorn.incubator.apache.org (PMC list)
>    comm...@yunikorn.incubator.apache.org (git push emails)
>    iss...@yunikorn.incubator.apache.org (JIRA issue feed)
>    d...@yunikorn.incubator.apache.org (Dev discussion)
>    u...@yunikorn.incubator.apache.org (User questions)
> Git Repositories
> Git is the preferred source control system
>    git://git.apache.org/yunikorn-* (We have multiple git repositories)
> Issue Tracking
> Other Resources
> None
> Initial Committers and Affinities
>    Akhil PB (a...@cloudera.com) (Cloudera)
>    Sunil Govindan (sun...@apache.org) (Cloudera)
>    Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli (vino...@apache.org) (Cloudera)
>    Wangda Tan (wan...@apache.org) (Cloudera)
>    Weiwei Yang (w...@apache.org) (Cloudera)
>    Wilfred Spiegelenburg (wspiegelenb...@cloudera.com) (Cloudera)
>    Carlo Curino (cur...@apache.org) (Microsoft)
>    Subramaniam Krishnan (su...@apache.org) (Microsoft)
>    Arun Suresh (asur...@apache.org) (Microsoft)
>    Konstantinos Karanasos (kkarana...@apache.org) (Microsoft)
>    Jonathan Hung (jh...@apache.org) (LinkedIn)
>    DB Tsai (dbt...@apache.org) (Apple)
>    Junping Du (junping...@apache.org) (Tencent)
>    Tao Yang (taoy...@apache.org) (Alibaba)
>    Jason Lowe (jl...@apache.org) (Nvidia)
> Sponsors
> Champion
> Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli (vino...@apache.org)
> Nominated Mentors
> Junping Du (Tencent), (junping...@apache.org)
> Felix Cheung (Uber), (felixche...@apache.org)
> Jason Lowe (Nvidia), (jl...@apache.org)
> Holden Karau (Apple), (hol...@apache.org)
> Sponsoring Entity
> The Apache Incubator
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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