Dear PMCs and Incubating projects,

Since I know that some incubating projects won't have seen my announcements to dev@ and user@ lists, I am repeating it here. I apologize for anyone who has already seen this one or more times.

We’re pleased to announce that ApacheCon 2020 will be held online, September 29th through October 1st, 2020. You can see the full details in the various other announcements that have been going out to other lists you’re on, so I won’t repeat all of that again here.

My message for you is that, due to the online nature of the event, we’re freed of the normal space/time constraints that we have to deal with at in-person events. We can have pretty much as much content as we want, on as many topics as we want.

If your project (or family of projects) wants to have a presence at ApacheCon, from one “what is it?” talk all the way up to a full track of content, please get in touch with me - - as soon as possible to arrange that.

We are on a very short timeline, due to a long list of blockers that we have had to deal with over the past few months, and so please don’t delay. I will need for you to designate a track chair who will be my single point of contact for your track. You can handle communication with your project however you like, but I need one person that I can rely on to be that point of contact. That track chair should subscribe to in order to be included in all relevant conversations

I hope to have helpful documentation for track chairs, so you won’t be doing it all on your own.

I really hope to see your project at ApacheCon @Home 2020.

Rich Bowen
VP Conferences, The Apache Software Foundation

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