
The Apache Heron community has voted and approved the proposal to release
Apache Heron (Incubating) version 0.20.4-incubating-rc1.  We request
the Incubator PMC members to review and vote on this incubator
release.We only have 2 binded approvals as we have not heard from one
of our mentors as of late.

The results of the Release Candidate 1 votes are below:

- Binded Approvals: 2

   * Ming Wen

  * Kevin Ratnasekera

Hello Heron Community,

This is a call for a vote to the 1st release candidate for Apache Heron,
version 0.20.4-incubating*.*
We request project mentors (binded) as well as all contributors (unbinded)
and users to review and vote on this incubator release.

*  The tag to be voted upon:
The full list of changes and release notes are available at:

Files can be found in dist.apache.org
SHA-512 checksums:


Please download the source package, and follow the below steps from the
root folder of the heron code base.  Note that currently Bazel 3.7.2 is
required to build this version and approximate build time is 45 minutes.
# check that Bazel and other dependencies are setup correctly


To build an install script for your desired platform  you may run the
following command.
for Debian10
$ bazel build --config=debian_nostyle scripts/packages:binpkgs
for CentOS7
$ bazel build --config=centos_nostyle scripts/packages:binpkgs
for Ubuntu18.04
$ bazel build --config=ubuntu_nostyle scripts/packages:binpkgs

To execute and install Heron from an install script you can follow the
steps below:

$ chmod +x heron-install-0.20.4-incubating-{distro}.sh
$ ./heron-install-0.20.4-incubating-{distro}.sh --user

>From here you should find disclaimers and other files in your ~/.heron

ls ~/.heron/

DISCLAIMER    NOTICE        conf/         etc/          include/

LICENSE       bin/          dist/         examples/     lib/

or refer to the compiling guide
to set up the environment, build and run locally.

 After Bazel is set up and works correctly, you can use these release check
scripts as well.
to verify the build.  The vote will be open for at least 72 hours or until
the necessary number of votes are reached.

Please vote accordingly:
[ ] +1 approve
[ ] +0 no opinion
[ ] -1 disapprove with the reason

Thank you,

The Apache Heron (Incubating) Team

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