Hello Incubator Community,

I am happy to announce that vote to release Apache AGE (Incubating) version
0.7.0  is now closed as PASSED. Thank you all for your participation.

Vote thread:

This vote passed with 8 +1 votes (3 bindings and 5 non-bindings) and no 0
or -1 votes.

+3 (Bindings)
*Kevin Ratnasekera
*Juan Pan

+5 (Non-bindings )
* Nick Sorrell
* Alex Kwak
* John Gemignani
* Pieterjan De Potter
* Young Seung Andrew Ko

I will be working on publishing the artifacts of Apache AGE (Incubating)
0.7.0 and post an announcement.

Dehowe Feng

Apache AGE (Incubating)

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