
It looks interesting. Quick questions about the current state of the
project/roadmap: how the users implement the ETL pipeline ? Is it
using a kind of SDK/DSL or do you plan an UI ?
Is it very coupled to Flink or the runtime is "pluggable" ? Do you
plan to have some kind of optional storage, similar to Apache Druid,
... ?


On Tue, Feb 22, 2022 at 7:41 AM Apache <apa...@dtstack.com> wrote:
> Dear Apache Incubator Community,
> We propose to contribute Chunjun as an Apache Incubator project.
> We are still looking for possible Champion and Mentors if anyone would like 
> to volunteer. Thanks a lot.
> Best Regards,
> Real-time computing engine team of DTStack.
> #Chunjun Proposal
> ##Abstract
> Chunjun is a distributed ETL tool and distributed data integration tool. 
> Currently Chunjun is based on Apache Flink. It was initially known as FlinkX 
> and renamed Chunjun on February 22, 2022.
> - Chunjun codebase: https://github.com/DTStack/chunjun
> ##Proposal
> We propose to contribute the Chunjun codebase to the Apache Software 
> Foundation with the intent of forming a productive, meritocratic and open 
> community around Chunjun’s continued development, according to the 'Apache 
> Way'. The Chunjun's source code is already under the Apache License Version 
> 2.0.
> ##Background
> We developed Chunjun in DTStack company in 2017, when we needed a low-code 
> development and high-performance data integration tool. It has been an 
> open-source project on GitHub since April 2018. Chunjun is running in DTStack 
> production environment all the time. Chunjun has also been widely used by 
> companies in China, including DTStack (https://www.dtstack.com/), 
> Qihu360(https://www.360.cn/), Iflytek (https://www.iflytek.com/), XPeng 
> Motors (https://en.xiaopeng.com/), WeBank (https://www.webank.com/), 
> Asiainfo(https://asiainfo.com/), Guazi(https://www.guazi.com/), Hello Inc 
> (https://www.hello-inc.com/), etc.  Nowadays, Chunjun has a strong community 
> in China.
> ##Rationale
> High-performance of Chunjun is based on Apache Flink, and Chunjun can 
> integrate data from different data source. Users only need to configure a 
> JSON file to complete the data reading, transformer, and writing. Users can 
> implement new reader/writer plugins to meet their requirements. Chunjun have 
> implemented plugins that can capture data change for MySQL to restore data 
> for Apache Doris.
> Chunjun has the following feature:
> real-time and offline integrate data from different data sources.
> change data capture(CDC) to merge restore data.
> resume from broken-point.
> capture and collect dirty data.
> limit data transferring rate.
> thoughput metrics.
> capture and restore schema evolution. (TODO)
> ##Current Status###Meritocracy
> Since Chunjun was open-sourced, many enterprises have adopted Chunjun to 
> build up their data integration system. In return, we have received many 
> issue reports or enhancements from them simultaneously. The codebase is now 
> mainly managed by the development team inside DTStack who's responsible for 
> building internal data integration system too.###Community
> Chunjun has been building a community around contributors and users to this 
> framework for the last five years. We organized one meetup in 2020. 
> Currently, we communicate in Github issues and in chinese DingTalk group. 
> There are about 3000 people in this group. And we believe that we can get a 
> lot of help from the Apache Flink community too. We will organize a meetup 
> again in 2022.###Core Developers
> (In alphabetical order)
> Chao Xu (https://github.com/zoudaokoulife)
> Gongjiang Tang, (https://github.com/kyo-tom)
> Huai Yang, (https://github.com/yanghuaiGit)
> Jiangbo Li, (https://github.com/lijiangbo)
> Luning Wong, (https://github.com/deadwind4)
> Luo Li, (https://github.com/kanata163)
> Sishu Yang, (https://github.com/yangsishu)
> Tianzhu Wen, (https://github.com/WTZ468071157)
> Weiliang Hao, (https://github.com/xiuzhu9527)
> Wenqiang Liu, (https://github.com/meng1222)
> Xing Liu, (https://github.com/simenliuxing)
> Yang Lan, (https://github.com/HiLany)
> Yanquan Lv, (https://github.com/lvyanquan)
> Yifan Hu, (https://github.com/demotto)
> Zaiyue Yu, (https://github.com/tonybobam)
> Zhangwan Zhao, (https://github.com/jiemotongxue)
> Zhiqiang Li, (https://github.com/ChestnutQiang)
> They are almost working in real-time computing engine team of DTStack. Only 
> Yifan Hu working for CaoCao Tech. Most of them are Apache Flink contributor.
> ##Known Risks###Project Name
> The name of the project is Chunjun. Chunjun comes from mandarin chinese 
> Pinyin "Chun Jun", and it is one of the top ten famous swords in 
> China.###Orphaned products
> More than 20 contributors and thousands of forks and star further show that 
> Chunjun is actively supported, and we seek to further prosper the community 
> with the aid of Apache. As a consequence, Chunjun is unlikely to be reduced 
> to an orphaned project.###Inexperience with Open Source
> Many of the Chunjun committers have experience working on open source 
> projects. They are also active contributors to other Apache projects.
> ###Homogenous Developers
> The most of core developers are from DTStack, and Chunjun received some bug 
> fixes and enhancements from other developers not working at DTStack. 
> ###Reliance on Salaried Developers
> Currently, most of core developers are paid to work on Chunjun project by 
> DTStack. We look forward to attracting more people outside DTStack to join 
> this project.###Relationships with Other Apache Products
> We have integrated with Apache Flink, Apache Hadoop, Apache Common and Apache 
> HttpComponents, Log4J and Maven.
> Usage of Apache projects related to Chunjun plugin
> Apache Hive
> Apache Solr
> Apache Doris
> Apache HBase
> Apache Kudu
> Apache Kafka
> Apache Pulsar (TODO)###An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand
> We acknowledge the value and reputation that the Apache brand would bring to 
> Chunjun. However, our primary interest is in the excellent community provided 
> by Apache Software Foundation, in which all the projects could gain stability 
> for long-term development.
> ##Documentation
> A complete set of documents is provided on GitHub, including English and 
> Simplified Chinese versions.
> English: https://github.com/DTStack/chunjun/blob/master/README.md
> Chinese: https://github.com/DTStack/chunjun/blob/master/README_CH.md
> ##Initial Code
> https://github.com/DTStack/chunjun
> ##Initial Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan
> The codebase is already licensed under the Apache License 2.0 and the 
> copyright is assigned to DTStack. If the project enters incubator, DTStack 
> will transfer the source code & trademark ownership to ASF via a Software 
> Grant Agreement. Our initial committers will submit iCLA(s), SGA, and 
> CCLA(s). ##External DependenciesApache-2.0 licenses
> Apache Avro
> Apache Commons
> Apache Curator
> Apache Flink
> Apache Hadoop
> Apache HttpComponents
> Apache Log4j
> Gson
> Guava
> Jackson
> Powermock
> PrometheusEclipse Distribution License
> JUnitEPL licenses
> LogbackMIT licenses
> Mockito
> ##Required Resources ###Git Repositories
> https://github.com/apache/incubator-chunjun###Issue Tracking
> The community would like to continue using GitHub Issues.###Mailing List
> priv...@chunjun.incubator.apache.org
> d...@chunjun.incubator.apache.org
> comm...@chunjun.incubator.apache.org###Continuous Integration tool
> GitHub Action
> ##Initial Committers
> (In alphabetical order)
> Chao Xu (https://github.com/zoudaokoulife, xuchao at dtstack dot com)
> Luning Wong (https://github.com/deadwind4, gfeng48 at gmail dot com)
> Sishu Yang (https://github.com/yangsishu, sishu at dtstack dot com)
> Yang Huai (https://github.com/yanghuaiGit, dujie at dtstack dot com)
> Zhiqiang Li (https://github.com/ChestnutQiang, wujuan at dtstack dot com)
> ##Affiliations
> The initial committers are employees of DTStack. The nominated mentors and 
> champion are employees of TODO.
> ##Sponsors
> ###Champion
> TODO ###Nominated Mentors

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