The source archive/tarball includes a LICENSE and NOTICE which specifies
the license for that artifact. The individual files' header simply
reinforces that.

In some release artifacts, individual files have a slightly different
license (eg. a third-party MIT-licensed piece of source), which definitely
needs to be recorded within those files.

IMO, it is just fine for the pom file to not contain a license header,
since the entire distribution is licensed as ALv2.


On Sun, Jan 29, 2023 at 11:31 AM PJ Fanning <> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> The Apache Pekko builds use the sbt tool for building and this generates
> pom files for us. They do not include any headers (example [1]).
> It seems the norm to add an XML comment with Apache License info (example
> from log4j [2]).
> Does the Pekko team need to fix this or is it just a nicety to have the
> license header in the pom files? If the answer is that we do need to fix
> this, does this also apply to other published files? sbt generates and
> publishes a 'buildinfo' file as part of the maven publish (example [2]).
> Regards,
> PJ
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
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