+1, it is a "delicious" project.

BTW:  "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception (5)" should be modified/removed in future?


Kimm King(kimmk...@apache.org/kimmk...@163.com)
Apache Dubbo&ShardingSphere PMC Member
github&twitter: kimmking

At 2023-02-17 21:12:59, "Willem Jiang" <willem.ji...@gmail.com> wrote:
>+1, it's an interesting project. I'd like to be a mentor of this project.
>BTW, even though there are  37 contributors, I found Xuanwo did most
>of the development, which is not a good bus factor[1] of this project.
>We can make it better during the incubating process.
>Willem Jiang
>Twitter: willemjiang
>Weibo: 姜宁willem
>On Fri, Feb 17, 2023 at 7:22 AM tison <wander4...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi IPMC,
>> I would like to propose OpenDAL[1] as a new apache incubator project, you
>> can find the proposal[2] of OpenDAL for more detail.
>> [1] https://github.com/datafuselabs/opendal
>> [2] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/INCUBATOR/OpenDAL+Proposal
>> Best,
>> tison.
>> Full text of the proposal below:
>> ## Abstract
>> OpenDAL means “Open Data Access Layer”. It’s a Rust library that helps
>> developers access data freely, painlessly, and efficiently over multiple
>> services, including AWS S3, HDFS, POSIX-compatible file systems, and so on.
>> ## Proposal
>> OpenDAL provides the following features to support developers accessing
>> data freely, painlessly, and efficiently:
>> - Freely
>>     - Access different storage services in the same way
>>     - Behavior tests for all services
>>     - Cross-language/project bindings (working in progress)
>> - Painlessly
>>     - **100%** of documents covered
>>     - Powerful [Layers](
>> https://opendal.databend.rs/opendal/layers/index.html)
>>     - Automatic [retry](
>> https://opendal.databend.rs/opendal/layers/struct.RetryLayer.html) support
>>     - Full observability support: [logging](
>> https://opendal.databend.rs/opendal/layers/struct.LoggingLayer.html
>> ), [tracing](
>> https://opendal.databend.rs/opendal/layers/struct.TracingLayer.html), and
>> [metrics](
>> https://opendal.databend.rs/opendal/layers/struct.MetricsLayer.html).
>>     - Native chaos testing
>>     - Native service-side encryption support
>> - Efficiently
>>     - Zero cost: mapping to underlying API calls directly
>>     - Best effort: auto-pick the best `read`/`seek`/`next` implementations
>> based on services
>>     - [Auto metadata reuse](
>> https://opendal.databend.rs/rfcs/0561-list-metadata-reuse.html): avoid
>> extra `metadata` calls
>> OpenDAL was originally designed to be used by the Databend project but is
>> now being used by Mozilla's sccache, DeepETH's mars, and several database
>> startups.
>> We believe that the OpenDAL project will provide diversity value to the
>> community if OpenDAL is brought into the Apache incubator.
>> ## Background
>> OpenDAL is being developed by an open-source community from day one and is
>> owned by DatafuseLabs. The project has been launched in February 2022.
>> ## Rationale
>> OpenDAL provides a unified storage abstraction layer that simplifies the
>> interfacing of different storage services. In addition, OpenDAL provides
>> further advanced storage encapsulation, enabling enhancements such as
>> automatic retry, request optimization, and observability. OpenDAL makes it
>> possible to develop once and run on any storage service.
>> ## Initial Goals
>> By transferring ownership of the project to the ASF, OpenDAL expects to
>> ensure its neutrality and further encourage and facilitate the adoption of
>> OpenDAL by the community.
>> Some of the areas we would like to focus on during the Apache incubation
>> phase include:
>> - A healthier community: more maintainers and contributors will be able to
>> participate in OpenDAL and own different modules.
>> - Wider adoption: OpenDAL can be adopted by more open source/commercial
>> projects, which in turn drives its own functionality.
>> - Richer integration: OpenDAL enables greater integration of storage
>> services and offers a wider range of language bindings.
>> ## Current Status
>> ### Meritocracy
>> We intend to radically expand the initial developer and user community by
>> running the project the 'Apache way'. Users and new contributors will be
>> respected and welcomed. They will earn credit by participating in the
>> community and providing quality patches/support to move the project
>> forward. They will also be encouraged to provide non-code contributions
>> (documentation, events, community management, etc.) and will be rewarded
>> accordingly. Those with a proven track record of support and quality will
>> be encouraged to become committers.
>> ### Community
>> Contributors: 37
>> Users:
>> - Databend: A cloud data warehouse
>> - GreptimeDB: A time-series database
>> - Sccache: ccache with cloud storage
>> - RisingWave: A Distributed SQL Database for Stream Processing
>> ### Core Developers
>> The core developers are all experienced open-source developers. They have
>> been running the OpenDAL community for 1 year.
>> ### Alignment
>> ## Known Risks
>> ### Project Name
>> We have checked and believe that the name is appropriate and that the
>> project has legal permission to continue using its current name. There are
>> no other projects with this name found in a Google search.
>> ### Orphan Products
>> ### Inexperience with Open Source
>> OpenDAL's core developers are all experienced open source contributors, and
>> its main maintainer Xuanwo has 10 years of open source experience, having
>> worked on a number of open source projects including Hexo, TiDB, TiKV,
>> Databend, Sccache, and others.
>> ### Length of Incubation
>> Expect to enter incubation in two months and graduate in about two years.
>> ### Homogenous Developers
>> OpenDAL developers come from a variety of backgrounds and contribute to the
>> OpenDAL project for different usage scenarios.
>> ### Reliance on Salaried Developers
>> Most developers are paid by their employers to contribute to this project.
>> It's a big risk indeed, we expect to attract more maintainers and
>> contributors from outside the DatafuseLabs to address this.
>> ### Relationships with Other Apache Products
>> - OpenDAL can be used to operate files such as parquet, avro, …
>> - OpenDAL provides a shim that can be used with arrow object_store
>> ### An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand
>> ## Documentation
>> The document of OpenDAL is hosted at [
>> https://opendal.databend.rs/](https://opendal.databend.rs/). And opendal’s
>> document is self-contained, all its current and historical versions could
>> be found at [
>> https://docs.rs/opendal/latest/opendal/](https://docs.rs/opendal/latest/opendal/)
>> .
>> ## Initial Source
>> The project currently holds a GitHub repository and a Cargo crate:
>> - [
>> https://github.com/datafuselabs/opendal](https://github.com/datafuselabs/opendal)
>> - [https://crates.io/crates/opendal](https://crates.io/crates/opendal)
>> - [https://opendal.databend.rs/](https://opendal.databend.rs/)
>> The crate will retain its name, while the repository will be moved to
>> apache org, and the website will be permanently moved to [opendal.apache.org
>> ](http://opendal.apache.org) if the proposal gets accepted.
>> ## Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan
>> ### External Dependencies
>> > Generated by `cargo deny list`
>> - Apache-2.0 (192):
>>     - ahash@0.7.6
>>     - anes@0.1.6
>>     - anyhow@1.0.68
>>     - async-channel@1.8.0
>>     - async-compat@0.2.1
>>     - async-trait@0.1.60
>>     - autocfg@1.1.0
>>     - backon@0.2.0
>>     - base64@0.13.1
>>     - base64@0.21.0
>>     - bitflags@1.3.2
>>     - block-buffer@0.10.3
>>     - bumpalo@3.11.1
>>     - cast@0.3.0
>>     - cc@1.0.78
>>     - cfg-if@1.0.0
>>     - ciborium@0.2.0
>>     - ciborium-io@0.2.0
>>     - ciborium-ll@0.2.0
>>     - clap@3.2.23
>>     - clap_lex@0.2.4
>>     - concurrent-queue@2.0.0
>>     - core-foundation@0.9.3
>>     - core-foundation-sys@0.8.3
>>     - cpufeatures@0.2.5
>>     - criterion@0.4.0
>>     - criterion-plot@0.5.0
>>     - crossbeam-channel@0.5.6
>>     - crossbeam-deque@0.8.2
>>     - crossbeam-epoch@0.9.13
>>     - crossbeam-utils@0.8.14
>>     - crypto-common@0.1.6
>>     - ctor@0.1.26
>>     - deadpool@0.9.5
>>     - deadpool-runtime@0.1.2
>>     - diff@0.1.13
>>     - digest@0.10.6
>>     - dirs@4.0.0
>>     - dirs-sys@0.3.7
>>     - either@1.8.0
>>     - encoding_rs@0.8.31
>>     - env_logger@0.10.0
>>     - event-listener@2.5.3
>>     - fastrand@1.8.0
>>     - flagset@0.4.3
>>     - fnv@1.0.7
>>     - form_urlencoded@1.1.0
>>     - futures@0.3.25
>>     - futures-channel@0.3.25
>>     - futures-core@0.3.25
>>     - futures-executor@0.3.25
>>     - futures-io@0.3.25
>>     - futures-lite@1.12.0
>>     - futures-macro@0.3.25
>>     - futures-sink@0.3.25
>>     - futures-task@0.3.25
>>     - futures-timer@3.0.2
>>     - futures-util@0.3.25
>>     - getrandom@0.1.16
>>     - getrandom@0.2.8
>>     - half@1.8.2
>>     - hashbrown@0.12.3
>>     - hermit-abi@0.1.19
>>     - hermit-abi@0.2.6
>>     - hex@0.4.3
>>     - hmac@0.12.1
>>     - http@0.2.8
>>     - http-types@2.12.0
>>     - httparse@1.8.0
>>     - httpdate@1.0.2
>>     - humantime@2.1.0
>>     - hyper-rustls@0.23.2
>>     - idna@0.3.0
>>     - indexmap@1.9.2
>>     - io-lifetimes@1.0.3
>>     - ipnet@2.7.0
>>     - itertools@0.10.5
>>     - itoa@1.0.5
>>     - js-sys@0.3.60
>>     - lazy_static@1.4.0
>>     - libc@0.2.139
>>     - linux-raw-sys@0.1.4
>>     - lock_api@0.4.9
>>     - log@0.4.17
>>     - md-5@0.10.5
>>     - mime@0.3.16
>>     - num-bigint@0.4.3
>>     - num-integer@0.1.45
>>     - num-traits@0.2.15
>>     - num_cpus@1.15.0
>>     - once_cell@1.17.0
>>     - opendal@0.25.1
>>     - openssl-probe@0.1.5
>>     - opentelemetry@0.17.0
>>     - opentelemetry-jaeger@0.16.0
>>     - opentelemetry-semantic-conventions@0.9.0
>>     - os_str_bytes@6.4.1
>>     - parking@2.0.0
>>     - parking_lot@0.12.1
>>     - parking_lot_core@0.9.5
>>     - paste@1.0.11
>>     - percent-encoding@2.2.0
>>     - pin-project@1.0.12
>>     - pin-project-internal@1.0.12
>>     - pin-project-lite@0.2.9
>>     - pin-utils@0.1.0
>>     - ppv-lite86@0.2.17
>>     - pretty_assertions@1.3.0
>>     - proc-macro2@1.0.49
>>     - quote@1.0.23
>>     - rand@0.7.3
>>     - rand@0.8.5
>>     - rand_chacha@0.2.2
>>     - rand_chacha@0.3.1
>>     - rand_core@0.5.1
>>     - rand_core@0.6.4
>>     - rand_hc@0.2.0
>>     - rayon@1.6.1
>>     - rayon-core@1.10.1
>>     - regex@1.7.0
>>     - regex-syntax@0.6.28
>>     - reqsign@0.8.1
>>     - reqwest@0.11.13
>>     - rustix@0.36.6
>>     - rustls@0.20.7
>>     - rustls-native-certs@0.6.2
>>     - rustls-pemfile@1.0.1
>>     - ryu@1.0.12
>>     - scopeguard@1.1.0
>>     - sct@0.7.0
>>     - security-framework@2.7.0
>>     - security-framework-sys@2.6.1
>>     - serde@1.0.152
>>     - serde_derive@1.0.152
>>     - serde_json@1.0.91
>>     - serde_qs@0.8.5
>>     - serde_urlencoded@0.7.1
>>     - sha1@0.10.5
>>     - sha2@0.10.6
>>     - smallvec@1.10.0
>>     - socket2@0.4.7
>>     - syn@1.0.107
>>     - thiserror@1.0.38
>>     - thiserror-impl@1.0.38
>>     - thread_local@1.1.4
>>     - threadpool@1.8.1
>>     - thrift@0.15.0
>>     - time@0.3.17
>>     - time-core@0.1.0
>>     - time-macros@0.2.6
>>     - tinytemplate@1.2.1
>>     - tinyvec@1.6.0
>>     - tinyvec_macros@0.1.0
>>     - tokio-rustls@0.23.4
>>     - typenum@1.16.0
>>     - unicase@2.6.0
>>     - unicode-bidi@0.3.8
>>     - unicode-ident@1.0.6
>>     - unicode-normalization@0.1.22
>>     - ureq@2.6.1
>>     - url@2.3.1
>>     - uuid@1.2.2
>>     - version_check@0.9.4
>>     - waker-fn@1.1.0
>>     - wasi@0.11.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1
>>     - wasi@0.9.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1
>>     - wasm-bindgen@0.2.83
>>     - wasm-bindgen-backend@0.2.83
>>     - wasm-bindgen-futures@0.4.33
>>     - wasm-bindgen-macro@0.2.83
>>     - wasm-bindgen-macro-support@0.2.83
>>     - wasm-bindgen-shared@0.2.83
>>     - web-sys@0.3.60
>>     - winapi@0.3.9
>>     - winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu@0.4.0
>>     - winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu@0.4.0
>>     - windows-sys@0.36.1
>>     - windows-sys@0.42.0
>>     - windows_aarch64_gnullvm@0.42.0
>>     - windows_aarch64_msvc@0.36.1
>>     - windows_aarch64_msvc@0.42.0
>>     - windows_i686_gnu@0.36.1
>>     - windows_i686_gnu@0.42.0
>>     - windows_i686_msvc@0.36.1
>>     - windows_i686_msvc@0.42.0
>>     - windows_x86_64_gnu@0.36.1
>>     - windows_x86_64_gnu@0.42.0
>>     - windows_x86_64_gnullvm@0.42.0
>>     - windows_x86_64_msvc@0.36.1
>>     - windows_x86_64_msvc@0.42.0
>>     - wiremock@0.5.16
>>     - yansi@0.5.1
>> - Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception (5)
>>     - io-lifetimes@1.0.3
>>     - linux-raw-sys@0.1.4
>>     - rustix@0.36.6
>>     - wasi@0.11.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1
>>     - wasi@0.9.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1
>> - BSD-3-Clause (3)
>>     - encoding_rs@0.8.31
>>     - instant@0.1.12
>>     - subtle@2.4.1
>> - BSL-1.0 (1):
>>     - ryu@1.0.12
>> - ISC (8):
>>     - hyper-rustls@0.23.2
>>     - rustls@0.20.7
>>     - rustls-native-certs@0.6.2
>>     - rustls-pemfile@1.0.1
>>     - sct@0.7.0
>>     - simple_asn1@0.6.2
>>     - untrusted@0.7.1
>>     - webpki@0.22.0
>> - MIT (242)
>>     - ahash@0.7.6
>>     - aho-corasick@0.7.20
>>     - anes@0.1.6
>>     - anyhow@1.0.68
>>     - assert-json-diff@2.0.2
>>     - async-channel@1.8.0
>>     - async-compat@0.2.1
>>     - async-trait@0.1.60
>>     - atty@0.2.14
>>     - autocfg@1.1.0
>>     - base64@0.13.1
>>     - base64@0.21.0
>>     - bincode@2.0.0-rc.2
>>     - bincode_derive@2.0.0-rc.2
>>     - bitflags@1.3.2
>>     - block-buffer@0.10.3
>>     - bumpalo@3.11.1
>>     - byteorder@1.4.3
>>     - bytes@1.3.0
>>     - cast@0.3.0
>>     - cc@1.0.78
>>     - cfg-if@1.0.0
>>     - clap@3.2.23
>>     - clap_lex@0.2.4
>>     - concurrent-queue@2.0.0
>>     - core-foundation@0.9.3
>>     - core-foundation-sys@0.8.3
>>     - cpufeatures@0.2.5
>>     - criterion@0.4.0
>>     - criterion-plot@0.5.0
>>     - crossbeam-channel@0.5.6
>>     - crossbeam-deque@0.8.2
>>     - crossbeam-epoch@0.9.13
>>     - crossbeam-utils@0.8.14
>>     - crypto-common@0.1.6
>>     - ctor@0.1.26
>>     - deadpool@0.9.5
>>     - deadpool-runtime@0.1.2
>>     - diff@0.1.13
>>     - digest@0.10.6
>>     - dirs@4.0.0
>>     - dirs-sys@0.3.7
>>     - dlv-list@0.3.0
>>     - dotenvy@0.15.6
>>     - either@1.8.0
>>     - encoding_rs@0.8.31
>>     - env_logger@0.10.0
>>     - event-listener@2.5.3
>>     - fastrand@1.8.0
>>     - fnv@1.0.7
>>     - form_urlencoded@1.1.0
>>     - futures@0.3.25
>>     - futures-channel@0.3.25
>>     - futures-core@0.3.25
>>     - futures-executor@0.3.25
>>     - futures-io@0.3.25
>>     - futures-lite@1.12.0
>>     - futures-macro@0.3.25
>>     - futures-sink@0.3.25
>>     - futures-task@0.3.25
>>     - futures-timer@3.0.2
>>     - futures-util@0.3.25
>>     - generic-array@0.14.6
>>     - getrandom@0.1.16
>>     - getrandom@0.2.8
>>     - h2@0.3.15
>>     - half@1.8.2
>>     - hashbrown@0.12.3
>>     - hermit-abi@0.1.19
>>     - hermit-abi@0.2.6
>>     - hex@0.4.3
>>     - hmac@0.12.1
>>     - http@0.2.8
>>     - http-body@0.4.5
>>     - http-types@2.12.0
>>     - httparse@1.8.0
>>     - httpdate@1.0.2
>>     - humantime@2.1.0
>>     - hyper@0.14.23
>>     - hyper-rustls@0.23.2
>>     - idna@0.3.0
>>     - indexmap@1.9.2
>>     - infer@0.2.3
>>     - integer-encoding@3.0.4
>>     - io-lifetimes@1.0.3
>>     - ipnet@2.7.0
>>     - is-terminal@0.4.2
>>     - itertools@0.10.5
>>     - itoa@1.0.5
>>     - js-sys@0.3.60
>>     - jsonwebtoken@8.2.0
>>     - lazy_static@1.4.0
>>     - libc@0.2.139
>>     - linux-raw-sys@0.1.4
>>     - lock_api@0.4.9
>>     - log@0.4.17
>>     - matchers@0.1.0
>>     - md-5@0.10.5
>>     - memchr@2.5.0
>>     - memoffset@0.7.1
>>     - mime@0.3.16
>>     - mime_guess@2.0.4
>>     - mio@0.8.5
>>     - nu-ansi-term@0.46.0
>>     - num-bigint@0.4.3
>>     - num-integer@0.1.45
>>     - num-traits@0.2.15
>>     - num_cpus@1.15.0
>>     - once_cell@1.17.0
>>     - oorandom@11.1.3
>>     - openssl-probe@0.1.5
>>     - ordered-float@1.1.1
>>     - ordered-multimap@0.4.3
>>     - os_str_bytes@6.4.1
>>     - output_vt100@0.1.3
>>     - overload@0.1.1
>>     - parking@2.0.0
>>     - parking_lot@0.12.1
>>     - parking_lot_core@0.9.5
>>     - paste@1.0.11
>>     - pem@1.1.0
>>     - percent-encoding@2.2.0
>>     - pin-project@1.0.12
>>     - pin-project-internal@1.0.12
>>     - pin-project-lite@0.2.9
>>     - pin-utils@0.1.0
>>     - plotters@0.3.4
>>     - plotters-backend@0.3.4
>>     - plotters-svg@0.3.3
>>     - ppv-lite86@0.2.17
>>     - pretty_assertions@1.3.0
>>     - proc-macro2@1.0.49
>>     - quick-xml@0.27.1
>>     - quote@1.0.23
>>     - rand@0.7.3
>>     - rand@0.8.5
>>     - rand_chacha@0.2.2
>>     - rand_chacha@0.3.1
>>     - rand_core@0.5.1
>>     - rand_core@0.6.4
>>     - rand_hc@0.2.0
>>     - rayon@1.6.1
>>     - rayon-core@1.10.1
>>     - redox_syscall@0.2.16
>>     - redox_users@0.4.3
>>     - regex@1.7.0
>>     - regex-automata@0.1.10
>>     - regex-syntax@0.6.28
>>     - reqwest@0.11.13
>>     - retain_mut@0.1.9
>>     - rust-ini@0.18.0
>>     - rustix@0.36.6
>>     - rustls@0.20.7
>>     - rustls-native-certs@0.6.2
>>     - rustls-pemfile@1.0.1
>>     - same-file@1.0.6
>>     - schannel@0.1.20
>>     - scopeguard@1.1.0
>>     - sct@0.7.0
>>     - security-framework@2.7.0
>>     - security-framework-sys@2.6.1
>>     - serde@1.0.152
>>     - serde_derive@1.0.152
>>     - serde_json@1.0.91
>>     - serde_qs@0.8.5
>>     - serde_urlencoded@0.7.1
>>     - sha1@0.10.5
>>     - sha2@0.10.6
>>     - sharded-slab@0.1.4
>>     - size@0.4.1
>>     - slab@0.4.7
>>     - smallvec@1.10.0
>>     - socket2@0.4.7
>>     - spin@0.5.2
>>     - syn@1.0.107
>>     - termcolor@1.1.3
>>     - textwrap@0.16.0
>>     - thiserror@1.0.38
>>     - thiserror-impl@1.0.38
>>     - thread_local@1.1.4
>>     - threadpool@1.8.1
>>     - time@0.3.17
>>     - time-core@0.1.0
>>     - time-macros@0.2.6
>>     - tinytemplate@1.2.1
>>     - tinyvec@1.6.0
>>     - tinyvec_macros@0.1.0
>>     - tokio@1.23.1
>>     - tokio-macros@1.8.2
>>     - tokio-rustls@0.23.4
>>     - tokio-util@0.7.4
>>     - tower-service@0.3.2
>>     - tracing@0.1.37
>>     - tracing-core@0.1.30
>>     - tracing-log@0.1.3
>>     - tracing-opentelemetry@0.17.4
>>     - tracing-subscriber@0.3.16
>>     - try-lock@0.2.3
>>     - typenum@1.16.0
>>     - unicase@2.6.0
>>     - unicode-bidi@0.3.8
>>     - unicode-ident@1.0.6
>>     - unicode-normalization@0.1.22
>>     - ureq@2.6.1
>>     - url@2.3.1
>>     - uuid@1.2.2
>>     - valuable@0.1.0
>>     - version_check@0.9.4
>>     - virtue@0.0.8
>>     - waker-fn@1.1.0
>>     - walkdir@2.3.2
>>     - want@0.3.0
>>     - wasi@0.11.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1
>>     - wasi@0.9.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1
>>     - wasm-bindgen@0.2.83
>>     - wasm-bindgen-backend@0.2.83
>>     - wasm-bindgen-futures@0.4.33
>>     - wasm-bindgen-macro@0.2.83
>>     - wasm-bindgen-macro-support@0.2.83
>>     - wasm-bindgen-shared@0.2.83
>>     - web-sys@0.3.60
>>     - winapi@0.3.9
>>     - winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu@0.4.0
>>     - winapi-util@0.1.5
>>     - winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu@0.4.0
>>     - windows-sys@0.36.1
>>     - windows-sys@0.42.0
>>     - windows_aarch64_gnullvm@0.42.0
>>     - windows_aarch64_msvc@0.36.1
>>     - windows_aarch64_msvc@0.42.0
>>     - windows_i686_gnu@0.36.1
>>     - windows_i686_gnu@0.42.0
>>     - windows_i686_msvc@0.36.1
>>     - windows_i686_msvc@0.42.0
>>     - windows_x86_64_gnu@0.36.1
>>     - windows_x86_64_gnu@0.42.0
>>     - windows_x86_64_gnullvm@0.42.0
>>     - windows_x86_64_msvc@0.36.1
>>     - windows_x86_64_msvc@0.42.0
>>     - winreg@0.10.1
>>     - wiremock@0.5.16
>>     - yansi@0.5.1
>> - MPL-2.0 (1):
>>     - webpki-roots@0.22.6
>> - Unicode-DFS-2016 (1):
>>     - unicode-ident@1.0.6
>> - Unlicense (8):
>>     - aho-corasick@0.7.20
>>     - byteorder@1.4.3
>>     - memchr@2.5.0
>>     - regex-automata@0.1.10
>>     - same-file@1.0.6
>>     - termcolor@1.1.3
>>     - walkdir@2.3.2
>>     - winapi-util@0.1.5
>> - Zlib (2):
>>     - tinyvec@1.6.0
>>     - tinyvec_macros@0.1.0
>> - Unlicensed (1):
>>     - ring@0.16.20
>>         ring is licensed under a mix of [MIT, ISC, and OpenSSL’s licenses](
>> https://github.com/briansmith/ring/blob/main/LICENSE). OpenSSL itself is
>> licensed under [Apache 2.0](
>> https://www.openssl.org/source/apache-license-2.0.txt). So ring is Apache
>> 2.0 compatible.
>> ### Cryptography
>> N/A
>> ## Required Resources
>> ### Mailing Lists
>> - priv...@opendal.apache.org
>> - d...@opendal.apache.org
>> - comm...@opendal.apache.org
>> - iss...@opendal.apache.org
>> - bu...@opendal.apache.org
>> ### Subversion Directory
>> N/A
>> ### Git Repositories
>> From [
>> https://github.com/datafuselabs/opendal](https://github.com/datafuselabs/opendal)
>> - [
>> https://gitbox.apache.org/asf/repos/incubator-opendal](https://gitbox.apache.org/asf/repos/incubator-opendal)
>> - [
>> https://github.com/apache/incubator-opendal](https://github.com/apache/incubator-opendal)
>> ### Issue Tracking
>> The community would like to continue using GitHub Issues.
>> ### Other Resources
>> The community has already chosen GitHub actions as continuous integration
>> tools.
>> ## Initial Committers
>> - Hao Ding [[git...@xuanwo.io](mailto:git...@xuanwo.io)]
>> - Lue Cai [[cai...@bupt.edu.cn](mailto:cai...@bupt.edu.cn)]
>> - Zhuoran Shang [[psi...@outlook.com](mailto:psi...@outlook.com)]
>> - Benwang Li [[libenw1...@gmail.com](mailto:libenw1...@gmail.com)]
>> ## Sponsors
>> ### Champion
>> - tison [ti...@apache.org]
>> ### Nominated Mentors
>> - hexiaoqiao [hexiaoq...@apache.org]
>> - tedliu [ted...@apache.org]
>> - tison [ti...@apache.org]
>> - wusheng [wush...@apache.org]
>> ### Sponsor Entity
>> The Incubator
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>For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org

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