On Tue, Oct 24, 2023 at 4:59 AM Ivan I <lmao...@yandex.ru> wrote:
> If my project uses “Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions”
> LLVM Exceptions being:
> ---- LLVM Exceptions to the Apache 2.0 License ----
> As an exception, if, as a result of your compiling your source code,
> portions
> of this Software are embedded into an Object form of such source code, you
> may redistribute such embedded portions in such Object form without
> complying
> with the conditions of Sections 4(a), 4(b) and 4(d) of the License.
> In addition, if you combine or link compiled forms of this Software with
> software that is licensed under the GPLv2 ("Combined Software") and if a
> court of competent jurisdiction determines that the patent provision
> (Section
> 3), the indemnity provision (Section 9) or other Section of the License
> conflicts with the conditions of the GPLv2, you may retroactively and
> prospectively choose to deem waived or otherwise exclude such Section(s) of
> the License, but only in their entirety and only with respect to the
> Combined
> Software.
> Can my project go into incubator?

Yes you can.

> Will I need to change license at some point?

No. The source code in the incubator and later ASF will be licensed under ALv2.
The source code releases will be licensed under ALv2. If you decide to
convenience binary artifact -- only then the LLVM exception will apply
and it will be OK.

> I am asking to avoid future headache like llvm has with license
> change.
> I looked all over incubator web site but could not find an answer

You are unlikely to find anything like that on incubator websites.
This is generic
ASF licensing mechanics.


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