On 2/8/2001 at 8:02 PM Federico Barbieri wrote:

>Can we have a kind of votation on a new jakarta-util project? (details
>about can be finalized later once we agree on goals)

I would suggest that we start with a consensus on these core questions:


Do we want to propose this as a Jakarta subproject?

Or, do we want to propose a new PMC that would focus on Java
development tools (Ant and a package/component library -- maybe BSF

Or, start with a pilot Jakarta subproject, and then consider proposing
a new ASF Project if it works.


Can the unit of reuse and release be the package? 

Or, will we need a larger or smaller "granule" for each codebase?


Will each codebase require its own Committer(s)?

If so, will we need super-Committers (e.g. PMC members) who can step-up
when a codebase loses a sole Committer.


Will all the Apache product guidelines (except quorum of 3 (when less
than 3)) apply to each codebase?  


Which codebases do we plan to do for the first general release, and
then plan to add afterward?


Who will approve new additions - all the Committers or a group of
"core" Committers (e.g. question (3))


Who is willing to be listed as an initial Committer?


Obviously, there would be various implementation issues, but if we can
get a consensus on these core goal and top-level management questions,
then the rest starts to fall into place.

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel 716 425-0252; Fax 716 223-2506.
-- http://www.husted.com/about/struts/

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