Hi Sam,

I (think ) I got gump to work, it's not updating/building. There are few 
issues/sugestions. I tried to find the alexandria list ( I assume the
discussion on gump happens on alexandria ), I'm sure it is somewhere and
I'll keep searching :-)

Anyway - it would be possible to switch tomcat3.x nightly builds to use
gump, with few small changes in the project definition. 

The main issue is that (IMHO) you should relax a bit the
dependencies: a number of projects had  releases, and I think other
projects should depend on the (stable) release of those projects.

For example, tomcat, servletapi, etc should depend on released-ant-1.2,
not jakarta-ant, etc. 

Whenever a project has a major release - we should of course update the
scripts to make all projects depend on the latest "stable" and fix all
projects that are in development mode to match the latest "stable".

Given that each project has independent release cycle, I don't think it's
normal for a stable release of a project to depend on a development
release of another project ( for example, tomcat 3.3 shouldn't depend on
the dev. release of ant - but on the latest "stable" ant. If ant1.3 will 
be released before 3.3 is "frozen", then tomcat3.3 should be fixed to
make sure it works with ant 1.3 - if not, it should stay dependent on
the released ant 1.2 ).

This can be resolved by adding "project/released-ant-12.xml", etc.

Another issue - wouldn't be better to generate build.xml instead of
build.sh and build.bat ? Most of the code inside build.sh can be done
easily in a "super" build.xml that calls ant. It is even possible to
use <java> tags to start different VMs. 

I think this would be easier to maintain and enhance.

Another think - one planned feature for tc3.x build was a mechanism to
triger a build from a web page ( so if someone does a change, he doesn't
have to wait until the next night to find out if it brakes something ). 
My plan was to use the <ant> taglib ( that is also used to run the tests
from a web page ) and write a simple build.war that will allow runs of 
the build from the web. 
That would also allow a lot of simplification ( since wars are
self contained and have a stable environment/structure ). It would also
modularize a bit the build ( a page to update a repository, a page to
build, no more "echo \<foo\>", etc )

Finally: it would be nice if the build scripts would get the sources using
<http-get> instead of <cvs>. 


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