
   Before Pier calls me an ass again... ;-)

   I would like to point out that despite being the chair to the PMC, I
   have never had the opportunity to actually observe an election of a PMC
   member.  My election to the PMC was done in private as had all others
   before me, and no members have been elected since.

   I can only go on the written word of the bylaws and the advice I hear
   from people who understand the background behind these bylaws.  As Pier
   clearly was there at the time, I respect his opinion.  I interpret his
   words to essentially mean that null PMC votes "[]" are intended to
   reduce the size of the pool when assessing a 3/4's majority, and "[+0]"
   votes are essentially to be interpreted as "While I don't know this
   person enough to make an assessment, I'm willing to vote positively for
   this person based on other people's recommendation".

   I am quite prepared to hear challenges on my interpretations above.  And
   slurs against my character.  ;-)

PMC member voting results:

   Peter Donald:          five +1's, one +0, one -1.    Passes.
   Diane Holt:       six +1's.                Passes. Beyond challenge.
   Ted Husted:       five +1's, one +0.  Passes.
   Ceki Gülcü:       seven +1's.              Passes. Beyond challange.
   Geir Magnusson Jr.:    four +1's, two +0's.     Passes.
   Daniel F. Savarese:    four +1's, two +0's.     Passes.
   Jason van Zyl:         four +1's, two +0's.     Passes.

Other voting results:

   Peter Donald:          +6
   Diane Holt:       +2
   Ted Husted:       +6
   Ceki Gülcü:       +7
   Geir Magnusson Jr.:    +4
   Daniel F. Savarese:    +3
   Jason van Zyl:         +5
   Costin Manolache:      +1

   Additionally, concerns were raised as to the closed nature of the
   nomination process, and the perceived exclusion of those people working
   on the Jakarta Tomcat 3.3 release.

I'll wait a day or so to see if any challenges surface before updating the
web site with this information.  Meanwhile, I will begin to post matters
relating to other PMC business to this mailing list, starting with matters
of logistics and content of the next PMC meeting.

- Sam Ruby

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