That list is perfect, Jon.  Thanks!

Perhaps the PMC might go as far as to designate point
person(s) for each subproject?  E.g. if nobody from
the PMC is monitoring the dev mailing list for a
particular project, they're not really in the know
despite their karma.  I know that those karma lists
are considerably longer than the people I hear from in
a typical week, which makes me fear that some are not
active participants.

--- Jon Stevens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> on 3/8/01 2:39 PM, "Morgan Delagrange"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > So if you cross-reference this list against
> Jakarta
> > subprojects, you get the following subproject
> > representation:
> > 
> Ah, I see what you are trying to do.
> Actually, it is better to just look at the avail
> file and get your data that
> way. That is about as specific as possible because
> it shows who has CVS
> write access to what.
> From that POV, you can see that there are ASF
> members and or PMC members
> involved with *every* Jakarta Project currently
> available.
> In reality, we should simply create another page on
> the website that lists
> things out in exact specifics. It would be something
> similar to what I
> started here:
> As you can see, I'm involved with quite a few
> projects. :-) It would be nice
> if others picked up the balls as well. I'm getting
> tired.
> -jon
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Morgan Delagrange

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