Hi folks!

Jon Stevens wrote:
> Maybe one day people will realize that it is significantly easier to just
> download the 400k turbine.jar and link against that than it is to spend a
> huge amount of effort decoupling and interfacing everything to oblivion.

For us, it's not about easy or difficult. We have a project, we need a
trace component, so we take the one we find easiest to integrate. In
fact, we'll take care of isolating it behind an interface, since there
seems to be no standard for traces.

The same is valid for a JDBC pool, an XML parser and the rest -- we use
standard interfaces when they exist, otherwise we define one.

> I can't wait to see what it will be like to configure all these Commons
> components and how many .xml files I will have to edit or how much
> configuration code I will have to write to make it work...

You're right, of course. If instead of integrating a whole framework we
have to configure 100 components so the pool has trace, XML, task
scheduling, web-admin and whatever capabilities, it isn't what we need.

In fact, if the component configuration cannot be integrated in our
global configuration scheme, it will not do.

So, in a word, we don't need components that integrate with each other;
we need components that need no integration at all. Perhaps we would be
better off with a framework; but that's not what we think.

I'm only talking about our particular needs (one small project within
Telefonica I+D), but I feel it's not so uncommon.

Un saludo,


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