
It is basically yet another attempt to bring around interoperability much 
like all the various distributed object/rpc protocols (DCOM, IIOP etc). 
However the claim is that this time it will work because messages are plain 
text and that you use HTTP which is generally not firewalled off.

However there has already been murmurings about compacting the XML because it 
is has low info density (I even heard that the ASN1.1 peeps are trying to get 
XML defined via that and encoded via PER, BER, XDR, etc). Another thing that 
will occur is that as more important and sensitive information is transferred 
via HTTP it will become more regulated via firewall software.

Even if the above doesn't happen you are still placed at risk because what 
happens when the service provider goes down, you get disconnected, has 
security breaches or has nasty master (say MSes Passport authentication web 
service). Basically everything breaks - fun ;) So it is really only a good 
idea when you have a reliable network (ie an intranet) and trust/control the 

However theres a fair bit of marketing power behind it (ie IBM/MS combo) so 
anything is possible ;)

On Thu,  9 Aug 2001 01:23, Jon Stevens wrote:
> Can someone explain to me what the heck "web services" are so that I can
> decide whether or not this is even worthwhile to learn about?
> <http://sdc.sun.com/briefings/agenda.cgi?eventkey=5100>
> I'm guessing it is fancy marketing foo about SOAP/XML-RPC or it is about
> how to build a website with JSP.
> -jon
> ------ Forwarded Message
> From: Ann Wilkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Ann Wilkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 07:08:00 -0700 (PDT)
> Subject: Sun Headquarter Briefings: Developing Web Services
> Dear Developer:
> Judging from all the recent announcements in the industry, Web services is
> clearly the next big thing.
> Sun Microsystems, Inc. invites members of the development community to
> attend a one day Sun Headquarter Briefing on "Developing Web Services".
> This Briefing is scheduled for Thursday, September 6, 2001.
> At this briefing, developers will receive first-hand information from the
> very people who are working with this new generation of web services.
> Developers will also learn how to start developing web services today.  In
> addition, this briefing will attempt to clear the fog on web services
> development including steps in the process such as design, create,
> assemble, publish, and deploy.
> For more information or to register for the Briefing, go to:
>     http://sdc.sun.com/briefings .... or call:  1.800.795.7578
> PLEASE NOTE:  When you register on-line, please be sure to click the check
> box on the upper left-hand of the description.
> See you at the Briefing!
> Ann Wilkins
> Sun Headquarter Briefings
> Phone:  +1-408-635-0854
> ------ End of Forwarded Message
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