on 10/23/01 7:38 PM, "Geir Magnusson Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 10/23/01 5:55 PM, "Jason van Zyl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 10/23/01 2:38 PM, "Jon Stevens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> on 10/23/01 10:40 AM, "Jason van Zyl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> I want to distribute the JSSE jars with the Turbine Development Kit but I'm
>>>> not entirely sure if it's legal. On the JSSE website it says that "the
>>>> binary implementation may be used royalty-free as part of commercial
>>>> applications", but in the license it says for internal use only?
>>> It is not legal.
>> If that is indeed the case does anyone know of any JSSE implementations that
>> can be distributed?
> Why is it not legal?  According to the license posted by jason, there is a
> supplemental section that reads :
> These supplemental license terms ("Supplement") add to or
> modify the terms of the Binary Code License Agreement
> (collectively, the "Agreement"). Capitalized terms not
> defined in this Supplement shall have the same meanings
> ascribed to them in the Agreement. These Supplement terms
> shall supersede any inconsistent or conflicting terms in
> the Agreement, or in any license contained within the
> Software.
> 1. License to Distribute. Sun grants you a non-exclusive,
> non-transferable, royalty-free, limited license to (a) use
> the binary form of the Software for the sole purpose of
> designing, developing and testing your JavaTM applets and
> applications intended to run on a compatible Java
> environment (the "Programs"), provided that the Programs
> add significant and primary functionality to the Software,
> and (b) reproduce and distribute the binary form of the
> Software through multiple tiers of distribution provided
> that you: (i) distribute the Software complete and
> unmodified; (ii) do not distribute additional software
> intended to supersede any component(s) of the Software;
> (iii) do not remove or alter any proprietary
> legends or notices contained in or on the Software; and
> (iv) only distribute the Software pursuant to a license
> agreement that protects Sun's interests consistent with the
> terms contained in this Agreement, and provides that Sun is
> a third party beneficiary to such license agreement. If you
> distribute the Software pursuant to this paragraph, you
> must include the following statement as part of product
> documentation (whether hard copy or electronic), as a
> part of a copyright page or proprietary rights notice
> page, in an "About" box or in any other form reasonably
> designed to make the statement visible to users of the
> Software:  "This product includes code licensed from
> RSA Data Security".
> The only problem that I see is (iv).  Is that it?

Catalina does not distribute the JSSE (from the catalina/build.xml):

  <target name="copy-jsse.jar" if="copy.jsse.jar">
    <!-- Cannot redistribute JSSE
    <copy todir="${catalina.build}/common/lib" file="${jcert.jar}"/>
    <copy todir="${catalina.build}/common/lib" file="${jnet.jar}"/>
    <copy todir="${catalina.build}/common/lib" file="${jsse.jar}"/>

I would like to know why they don't redistribute it.

I think (ii) is funny because from what I'm hearing is that Jboss has
modified it and is distributing it because there is a serious classloader
problem in it.

(iv) definitely doesn't make me feel real comfortable.


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