Avalon Framework 4.1 Released
  The Avalon team is proud to announce the 4.1 final
  release of the Avalon Framework.

About Avalon
  The Avalon project is Apache's Java Server Framework.
  It is separated into five sub projects: Framework,
  Excalibur, LogKit, Cornerstone, and Phoenix. Its
  purpose is to simplify server side programming for
  Java based projects. It formalizes serveral best
  of breed practices and patterns for server side programming.

For more information about Avalon, please go to

About Avalon Framework 4.1
  The Avalon Framework formalizes the contracts and
  patterns used in the other Avalon projects. It is
  derived from modern software engineering techniques
  and aims to provide a solid basis on which to build
  server products.

  What that means is that we define the central interface
  Component. We also define the relationship (contract)
  a component has with peers, ancestors and children.
  This documentation introduces you to those patterns,
  interfaces, and relationships.

  The Avalon Framework raises the abstraction level
  from Object-Oriented Programming concept one notch
  to the Component-Oriented Programming model. This
  enables programmers to concern themselves with
  assemblies of classes, rather than the classes themselves--thus
  reducing the number of things the programmer must
  keep in mind, and speeding up application development.

  The Avalon Framework is already used in Cocoon2 (http://xml.apache.org/cocoon2),
  an XML publishing framework. The Avalon Framework
  is also used in Apache JAMES (http://jakarta.apache.org/james),
  a Java(tm) Mail Server. Another project that is built
  on Avalon Framework is Jestkop (http://www.jesktop.org),
  a cross-platform replacement for your ordinary
  desktop. If you are evaluating Avalon and want the
  proof that it's claims are valid check them out.

For more information about Avalon Framework 4.1, please go to

ChangeLog for Avalon Framework 4.1

*)  Improve and update the configuration javadocs to
  reflect the new namespace support. [JT]

*)  Deprecate the Loggable and AbstractLoggable classes,
  and replace them with LogEnabled and AbstractLogEnabled. [BL]

*)  Add an abstraction layer to the Logging implementation.
  Thanks to Peter Donald for supplying the interface. [BL]

*)  Add Namespace support to Configuration files. [BL]

*)  Add AvalonFormatter that was in LogKit's heirarchy.
  This way, we avoid circular dependancies. [BL]

*)  Previously resolve did not throw a ContextException.
  This made it difficult to indicate errors resolving
  objects. It now throws an exception thus allowing
  errors to be propogated and recorded. [PD]

*)  New ConfigurationSerializer to have your configuration
  objects persist. [BL]

*)  Upgrade DefaultConfigurationBuilder to be JAXP
  compliant, with the option to pass in your own XMLReader. [BL]

*)  Configuration objects are now Serializable. [PD]

*)  Add new support to ask a component manager if it has
  a component. [BL]

*)  Bug fixes for documentation [PD]

*)  Update developers docs to support new configuration
  methods. [BL]

*)  Improved "Hello World" documentation. [PH]

*)  Add UML diagrams supplied by Dieter Wimberger [PD]

*)  Add new author bios. [BL]

*)  Update build process to proposed standard. [BL]

*)  Added a method to Version to parse a Version from a
  string. Added accessor methods to Version to allow
  access to major/minor/micro components of version. [PD]

*)  Updated Version class to refer to micro version rather
  than revision. This is to match the terminology for
  JDK versioning. This is just documentation changes. [PD]

*)  Changed access of Enum and ValuedEnum constructors
  from public to protected, to prevent Enum users from
  breaking type-safety by adding new Enum items. This
  breaks backwards-compatibility in cases where
  Enum and ValuedEnum were being incorrectly used. [JT]

Downloads for Avalon Framework 4.1 available at


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