Sam Ruby wrote:
> The more important question is what is the community model.  As the XML
> bylaws are clones of the Jakarta ones, I would venture to say that they are
> fairly compatible.

What about TCL then? 

I wouldn't actually care if there is one umbrella project or six. But it
seemed like the ASF was trying to organize things along platform lines. 

Should we think about merging with PHP too?

Should there actually be umbrella Apache Projects at all?

Maybe having proved ourselves, perhaps each product should now stand on
its own, as the HTTP Server does. And there would be one PMC for them

Again, don't care. Just asking. 

> How many people here know what the Apache board does?

I used to read the minutes, but they've gotten hard to find. 

Perhaps they should be posted to the Committer list. 

> Here's a concrete example to illustrate the issue: I've always been under
> the assumption that at some point a few people in Jakarta land would take a
> sustained interest in contributing code to Gump, at which point, I would
> propose it to be a formal subproject.  At the present time, it looks like
> there is a greater possibility of interest of contributing by people in XML
> land.  This lead to a bit of soul searching, and I came to conclusion that
> if that were to come to pass, I would follow the community.  After all,
> what does it really matter whether the code is jakarta-gump or
> xml-whatever?

Perhaps if it were over here, then there would be more cross-pollination
between projects. 

Likewise with having things like POI in XML land, that Jartian products
might use. 

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Building Java web applications with Struts.
-- Tel +1 585 737-3463.
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