I've been watching the recent 'discussion' on coding conventions with some
interest.  I promised myself I'd stay out of it, but in the end I just
can't.  I guess I'm weak that way.

When discussion coding conventions we first need to understand *why* they
are important.  What are coding standards really for?  This is an honest
question and I'd recommend that before you read much further you stop and
try to answer the question for yourself.

Over the years I've heard many justifications for coding standards, but only
one, in my opinion, is of much real value.  Coding standards are not to make
'everything look the same' (the code may look more similar, but that isn't
the real goal), they are not to protect coders from making stupid
typographical errors (they might, but that isn't their primary purpose).
The real purpose for coding standards to IMPROVE SOFTWARE MAINTAINABILITY.
Coding standards don't equate to improved maintainability, but they are an
important component.

Maintainable code has the following attributes:

1)  Readable (legible)
2)  Understandable
3)  Modifiable

Readability is related to the textual formatting of the source code.  It
involves indentation, bracing styles, naming conventions, etc.  Outside of
entries to the IOCCC (International Obfuscated C Coding Contest), someone
one reading code shouldn't have to spend much time trying to figure out if a
statement really belongs inside an if block or not.

Understandability relates to readability in that readable code is more
likely to be understandable, but it involves much more than that.
Understandability is the attribute of being able to read a section of code
and understand what that code is supposed to accomplish and how it
accomplishes it.  Understandability relies not only on the code logic being
clear but also relies heavily on source code documentation in the form of
comments.  Understandability can be measured on many levels.  For example,
what does a given loop accomplish, what does a given method do, what is this
class for, how does this class fit into the application as a whole?  All of
these are questions of understandability.

Modifiable code is the opposite of 'brittle' code.  Brittle means that a
small and seemingly benign change may have huge or catastrophic impact on
the system as a whole.  Developers are more comfortable making fixes or
enhancements to modifiable code because is there is less chance that their
changes will have unexpected impacts.  Understandable code leads to improved
modifiability because obviously developers are less likely to break code
that they can readily understand, but it involves much more than this.
Modifiability is more about proper design (OO methods, design patterns,
etc.) then about the specifics of language syntax or text formatting.

Coding conventions can be an important part of developing readable and
understandable code.  But, when codifying a set of conventions to impose
upon developers, it is important to understand how each convention relates
to improving maintainable code and then discarding those that really have no
direct bearing.  Otherwise, the coding conventions are simply one set of
developers imposing their will upon the majority by virtue of nothing other
than their position of power.

I've rambled on longer than I intended so let me finish with two examples to
demonstrate.  One will be an example of a common coding convention that
should be discarded because it does not directly impact maintainability and
other is a convention that actually is important.

First, bracing formats.  As long as a given module follows a consistent
strategy for using braces the specifics of that strategy are irrelevant to
any rational coding convention.  Each developer may have their own pet
formatting that they believe is the 'most readable' but in reality, as long
as a module uses a consistent format any developer who claims to be a
professional in this business should be able to read it with little trouble.

Now a simple convention that really is important.  Don't define or
initialize more than one variable on a single line.  Why?  Because it
reduces readability by making it harder to see at a glance the type or value
of a variable.  It also impacts modifiability because it is easy to overlook
an assignment that's buried in with several others on a single line so a
change to code may have unexpected results.

OK, that's enough for now, I need to go back to trying to keep my day job.
But please, stop debating where the damn braces go, stop trying to impose a
strict set of all encompassing rules that apply to all of Jakarta.  Focus on
defining a small set of basic rules that actually have a real impact on code
maintainability and leave it at that.

I have a set of coding guidelines that I recently developed for Java
developers within my company.  At some point, when I have some time, I'll
see about removing the Apropos specific stuff and post it here for

Marc Saegesser 

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