>Answer inline

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Andrew C. Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 3:53 AM
>> > > ...
>> >
>> >I can not express this POV better than Linus did in posts reported
>> >this article:
>> > http://kerneltrap.org/article.php?sid=398
>> >
>> >Any corporation "organizizes" things and I do not see better user 
>> >understanding there.
>> > My viewpoint is a bit different then Linus on some things.  

>Keep in mind that Linus does not favor complete anarchy, as is obvious
>from the grip he has on Linux.

Yes.  Linus has different beliefs in release management.  I'm a bit more
disciplined in style.  Don't get me wrong, Linus is like my idol and
all, just I bet I'm far more likely to do a sequence diagram or write
documentation.  We have different viewpoints on a lot of different
things.  Yet I don't care to maintain as tight of control over POI.  I'd
exert my say if say someone wanted to do the equivalent of maybe embed X
inside the kernel (like the whole thing) directly, but mostly I don't
try to direct things quite as much in some areas.  

>>The point is that too many restrictions are bad. The problem is to 
>>find out what "too many" is.

>IMO, things can be improved but the main problem is not lack of rigid 

true, I wasn't meaning to say rigid discipline would.

>As an example of "too many" or "too less" restrictions, I believe that:
> - forcing every project to follow the same code conventions would be
>   counterproductive;

Completely and TOTALLY agree.

> - forcing each project to have explicit code conventions and follow 
>   them would be just fine.

As long as those projects can have explicitly lax coding conventions in
places where others would be more rigid.  (POI - write good code.  be
self consistent and we all kinda agree that embedded ternary operators
is the most evil sin of all)

>It is good to have diversity. There is the cross pollination effect and
>there is also the fact that what one group things is better is not so 
>sure that it should be imposed.

>> >Besides, there is no such thing as an Open Source external customer.
>> >Those that contribute to it (the authors and even noisy guys like
>> >ARE the customers.
>> > >People PAY Open Source by participating. If something is wrong FIX
>> > I don't completely agree with you on that.  Some contributions to
>> Source are less quantifiable than others.  I see I'm a bit
>> more....communistic.  I'm so far the the left on this that I'm on the
>> right?  

>I doubt you are that different.

*Looks down at his cookie monster slippers*

> is not withing to POI's mission, that won't fly.  (There will be NO
> components in POI)... If they feel like working on a feature that I
> don't think is in our critical path...go at it.  

>So, you try to keep people happy but you are not so communistic that
>make everybody happy (which would be crazy, I agree).

Which reminds me of an Abe Lincoln quite.
>> Anyhow I contributed ideas.  Take them for what they were.  They were
>> NOT complaints.  Apache is the most healthy opensource group there
>> > (its healthier then GNU IMHO)

>I also believe so, of course.

> >You probably know what I am talking about since POI is Open Source.
> > POI is opensource, there are some differences of opinion between you
> I on who the "contributers" are.  To me:
> > User: doesn't submit patches, but uses the software.  The more
> who USE POI the better and healthier POI is.
> > For example.  A user the other day sent a bug.  He had an toasted
> file.  It had confidential data in it so he couldn't contribute a
> sample.  I talked him through running HSSF through a debugger and he
> found the problem.  HSSF 1.0.1 can't handle cells with strings over  
> 15,000 characters long if they don't occur early in the file.  (there
> is a static string table and it is kinda blocked or paged).

> You are talking about users that contribute something to the projects:
>they test it, report problems and help making it more solid that way.

> I still do not see any difference in your opinion.

Gotcha.  It often does not seem that many agree with this viewpoint.

>In my posting I even including this paragraph:
>  Besides, there is no such thing as an Open Source external customer. 
>  Those that contribute to it (the authors and even noisy guys like me)
>  ARE the customers.

>"Noisy guys like me" means I only contributed a couple of patches but I
>still like to think that the some of the ideas I dumped on Jakarta
>are worth something (hey, some of them did result on something besides 

+1  Gotcha.  I missed your meaning before.

> One way or the other, I am involved. I am NO external customer. Even
> many times just with ideas, I try to influence and contribute to the 
>evolution of the products I use.


>And when I see no possibility of changing the product in the way it 
>suites my needs, I fork and still save a lot of work.

Like I said.  I see the fork as something to generally be avoided unless
there is another mission and the code can be used for two places.  I
still prefer to library-ize smaller components at that point as opposed
to truly ending up with two completely different code bases that have to
maintain the same code.  I'm sure you'll agree.

> were mine.  Like I said.  Thoughts.  I like open source.  I do open
> source.  I use open source.  I don't think its perfect and there are
> additional things I do that don't happen in most open source projects
> (like documentation ;-) and modeling the hard stuff), but thats a
> different story. 

> It is that free expression I am defending too.
So it looks like we agree more than differ.

> ...
> >Relax and have fun, organic growing works or we wouldn't be here!
> > organic growing can happen outside of open source.  
> open source can be inorganic.
> Like I said they were random thoughts in RESPONSE to messages.  I
> say anything in particular was busted, I stated some viewpoints I'd
> and stated some problems that exist and some things I thought could
> improve them.  Thats all.

>All I am saying is: do not try to regulate too much.

Completely agree.  But keep the ship sailing toward one
destination...side trips are fine ;-p and its the journey that matters
but keep your general heading.


www.sourceforge.net/projects/poi - port of Excel format to java
                        - fix java generics!

The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to
-Ambassador Kosh

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