Paul Hammont wrote:
> There is some romance to extending the 'honor system' to the whole of
> Jakarta.  When we became committers we all treaded tentatively until
> we'd fully earned the respect of the seasoned veterans in the project in
> question.  An 'open' Jakarta would be nice, but even with a code of
> conduct , we'd inevitably get problems with
> incorrect/faulty/inappropriate commits.  How about for those that have
> been here for say two years?

First, this is not an issue that I plan to campaign strongly for.  I doubt
that there is a project or subproject under the Apache umbrella that I
could not get committer status in a relatively short order if I were to
demonstrate a sustained interest in that code base.

Second, a personal side note, possibly humorous to some.  What you
described is pretty much the opposite of how I joined this project.  Tomcat
was plain broken unless you ran on Solaris and with the latest JDK.  Same
thing was true for Watchdog.  Ant was barely useable.  And that was pretty
much all that existed on Jakarta at the time (anybody remember moo?).
Seeing as things were not getting done, and the PMC at the time was very
political and contained a number of non-coder types, I simply went about my
business of correcting what needed to be done.  For a while, I was also the
release manager of all things Jakarta - something that is hard to
comprehend today, but one thing that was for sure, when a release was made
- all the latest versions of everything worked together!

Ant was a particular focus of mine.  For a long stretch, I was essentially
the only committer.  Eventually I found capable successors, and let them
take over.  The reason I bring this up is that my current relation with
that team has evolved.  While I am still a committer, unless I am fairly
certain of what the implications of a change are, I may choose to submit a
patch instead and let someone else determine if my proposed change is the
right way to address a problem.

Third, I happen to have cvsroot authority.  There isn't a codebase around
that, given a sufficient emergency, I wouldn't choose to act first and deal
with the ramifications later.  I don't recall ever having exercised this

 - - -

Note: none of this contradicts anything you said.  In these circles, I
clearly qualify as a seasoned veteran, and it is exactly because I have
demonstrated enough judgement in these areas that people are willing to
give me more latitude.

- Sam Ruby

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