On Tue, 26 Feb 2002, Pier Fumagalli wrote:

> "acoliver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is that not a measure of success?  A healthy and mature project shouldn't
> > depend on its founders for its continued development...  Congradulations to
> > the founders.  :-)
> I wasn't implying any negative aspect on that... Actually "we" all moved on
> to do other things, and we're all pretty happy (AFAIK)... It was just weird
> not to see any of our names on there, that's it :) :) :)

Or was it just for the more mundate reason that you bunch of wimpy
founders finaly saw the cost clear - and ducked out collectively ?

Good luck to the new PMC ! (Let me know if you need gunpowder, brooms or a
minor river).


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