At 14:58 04/03/02, Doug Mortson wrote:
>My name is Doug Mortson, an independent consultant with 15
>years of industry experience. I have developed a software package
>called Synergy (described below) that I think would be
>a good edition to the Jakarta project.

Hello Doug,

If you wish to make your product an open source project then no one is 
stopping you.
Go for it. I would suggest uploading it to and then 
doing some publicity
for it - eg by getting a mention on

You can even choose an "Apache-like" license on sourceforge

Your tool definitely sounds interesting - I'll happily try it out and give 
it a review <plug>on my open source news website    </plug>

You should investigate your "competitors" (such as Scarab or Bugzilla) and 
ask yourself why people should use your software instead of theirs - and 
write this up.

Apache is not like other open source projects - they don't just accept any 
open source project that is offered to them. The main thing they want to 
see before "adopting" another project is whether or not there is an 
existing team of developers maintaining it. I would suggest that you should 
concentrate on getting that team of developers and publicising your 
software, and then come back to Apache in six months or so.

(I am not speaking for Apache and hold no official position in the Apache 
Software Foundation).


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