"Joe Kesselman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Just got a note from someone complaining that the subject
> web page shows them how to subscribe and unsubscribe, but
> doesn't actually tell them how to _post_ to the mailing
> lists. Took a look, and they're right; the description of
> each list uses its colloquial name rather than its actual
> name (going from "General discussion list" to "general" is
> not necessarily obvious for a novice, to take one example),
> and while there are some discussions of general principles
> it never actually says "send to [EMAIL PROTECTED]".
> Easiest fix: Along with the Subscribe and Unsubscribe links,
> add one for "Write to list."
> Next easiest: Modify those links, and this new one, so the
> mail ID being used is visible before being moused.
> (Yeah, I know, it would be nice if the end-users had a clue.
> But apparently some don't, and we should hand them one.)

-1 on that... It will mean that people will start writing to the ML without
being subscribed. And we have enough spam to catch up with...

If someone's not able to read what the subscription confirmation message
tells you, then he'd better not even be on our lists...


To unsubscribe, e-mail:   <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
For additional commands, e-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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