on 4/22/02 12:19 AM, "Leo Simons" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> I never said they were the same. I said that crossdb is a few generations
>> behind Torque in design and thinking.
> In the sense that Torque is an object-relational tool and crossdb is not,
> Torque has a newer design. That does not mean relational tools do not have
> a place in Java anymore.

More confusion:

Torque doesn't have a 'newer design'. It has a more mature design. Torque
has been around for about 3-4 years now.

>> You also left out all the code related to getting the 'conn'
>> object. Torque
>> abstracts all that away so it isn't necessary at all.
> Which is not valid in every use case. CrossDB uses a factory.

Huh? Not to grab the 'conn' object.

>> Another problem with crossdb design is that you are defining all of the
>> database logic within the code instead of abstracting it elsewhere.
> Which has advantages over O/R, which is the reason not everyone uses O/R
> for everything. I'd say it is a choice instead of a problem.

Right...like using JSP over Velocity is a choice. That said, JSP still
sucks. :-)

>>     What is the benefit of using crossdb over Torque?
> You do not have to use an O/R layer that abstracts you away from the
> database you are using so much that it limits your ability to use the
> DB's functionality in something resembling a db-natural way.

That is like trying to argue that using ECS is the way to write HTML.

> You do not have to worry about typical O/R problems such as speed
> impediments. You can use crossDB in an interactive mode (like with
> BSH), while you cannot with Torque.

Huh? I don't see why you can't use Torque with BSH.

> I could go on and on, but I see no point. Summary:
> Torque is a persistence layer that uses O/R mapping to use a database
> to provide persistence. A persistence layer is a handy tool in many
> server applications.
> CrossDB is a database abstraction layer that uses the Factory and the
> Builder pattern a lot which enables you to write code that works on
> several databases, transparantly. You can see it as an extension to
> JDBC. Database abstraction layers are useful in any application that
> talks to databases.

Torque is that as well...however, it doesn't use the same Factory/Builder
pattern because it doesn't need to.

> While these may not be accurate summaries, I hope you now do see that
> CrossDB and Torque are not, in the majority of use cases, alternatives
> to one another.

I'm sorry. I don't see that. Torque can do everything crossdb can do and


Nixon: "At least with liquor, I don't lose motivation."

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