On 29 Apr 2002, Gunnar Rønning wrote:

| * Endre Stølsvik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| |
| | | Jakarta
| |   Annoying..
| Jakarta is a city on Java. The name makes perfect sense to me as Jakarta
| is a community developing software based on Java.

Argh! Of course..

It should be obligatory to have a "The name XXX" or "Why was the name XXX
chosen?" page! I found "Alexandria", they have the story behind the name
on their front page. Interesting, allthough "SourceCollector" or "JSDA -
Java Source and Documentation Aggregator" or _something_ would be better.

Well, whatever.. It's just that when you're somewhat new to the Java and
Apache/Jakarta communities, all these names are really weird.


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