Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
> Dude... is that available to other projects?  Secondly, are there any 
> bugs stored in it?  I tried to run a few queries to try it out and got 
> no results.  I'd love to try scarab and might convince POI to use it. 
> But I'd rather kinda start sooner rather than later because once we have 
> a lot of open RFE's and bugs it could hurt to switch. 
> So far I like what I see.  I just want to take it out for a spin...  Can 
> you maybe give me a couple hints on some queries to run? 
> Thanks,


I am loving Scarab too.  I have a copy installed on my laptop (along
with MySQL and Tomcat).  It's administration is clean, the app is well
documented and user friendly.

Last time I inquired about it, Jason Van Zyl said that it was a testing
area.  By virtue of the fact that it is running on port 8080, it is not
meant to be supported for primetime yet.

However, he did seem accommodating about adding a module for a
jakarta project.  Just ask.


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  deserve neither liberty nor safety."
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