On Sat, 2002-05-25 at 17:40, Danny Angus wrote:
> > Is it a vicious abuse to ask to free this community from a concept like
> > "meritocracy as the number of lines of code you put into CVS"?
> I'm lagging behind here.. but, if you'll humor me,
> IMHO its naieve, and potentially harmful for the project to have one type of
> membership, commiters, with many seperate entrance "exams" of different
> standards.
> It also provides too much privilege in one go.
> I would suggest that there be two entry levels, commiter to a sub-project
> and non-coding-member (admin) for a sub-project, neither of which carry as
> many benfits/responsibilities as the proposed next level, commiter/admin of
> whole-jakarta (like current commiters), which in turn can become "member" of
> jakarta, with "members" electing the pmc. "members" would be the elder
> statesmen, and others elevated thanks to their contribution to the
> community, not just the code, eg jon,sam, et al.

Naw, I like the PMC being elected by the greater body of committers.  I
think that keeps em honest.  There already is the ASF that functions
somewhat more as you say.  Jakarta is somewhat of a flat organization,
and I think thats a good thing.  Too many steps in the hierarchy and
sooner or later you have a bureaucratic unmovable body.


> d.
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