On Thu, 2002-10-10 at 10:39, A. Gunes Koru wrote:
> Dear Andy,
> First of all, I would prefer to discuss these matters individually not on 
> the list. However, because you are sending e-mails to the list I need to 
> write it to the list too.

Then you might have taken my smartassed remarks personally... oh wait..

> I am also in this list and I don't see the number of surveys blooming.  
> This is totally an incorrect statement. The e-mails I sent is related to
> the questions at the very heart of development. So, if they are
> unsolicited, unrequired, one can easily argue that non of the e-mails is
> required.

This is a circular argument...  If my smartass remarks on your survey
are unsolicited, unrequired then one can easily argue that any response
to your survey.... ;-)

> Regarding to the second part of e-mail, I think everybody in this list is
> clever enough to see you are just trying to place some definitions or
> labels. I am 30 years old I think I have been in many projects, which
> allow me to talk about what I know precisely. There are people doing their
> Ph.D. in their 40s and 50s. So, would you call them kids too? You only
> judge or identify yourself with what you say. You can not identify
> others. I think, any person who gained true mastery in a field would not
> feel this need to do it anyways. 

It was a generalization based on the last few of these surveys I've
gotten.  There are always exceptions.

> Let people decide. I have been received over 110 answers. Let me ask you
> this. If there are people in this project interested in what I am writing,
> how can you feel comfortable trying to put down this communication. Do
> you think your friends do not have the ability to distinguish what is 
> useful, what is relevant, what is not?

Because its was my opinion.  I've never gained any really useful
information out of surveys, most especially on software development.

> As I conclude, I should say that I am truly inspired with what I am doing 
> and would like to remind this
To each their own.  If Surveys inspire you...go for it.  If making
smartass remarks about how many surveys I get in a day inspires
me...well I'll go for it ;-)

You know what I hate most about surveys?  Trying to characterize my
answers into one of the choices.  I am that dot you throw out because it
falls outside of the acceptable range of deviation ;-)

> "I might disagree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death 
> your right to say it." 
> Voltaire

exactly ;-) 


> To everybody, if the things I write in my e-mails make sense, please
> visit:
> http://www.seas.smu.edu/~gkoru/surveys/dhsurvey.html
> and fill out my survey, if you haven't done yet.
> Regards
> A. Gunes Koru
> http://www.seas.smu.edu/~gkoru
> ===========================================================
> >I answered the first two or three of these that was sent to me (student
> >studies)...  But they seem to be blooming rapidly.  One could
> >hypothesize through the use of some kind of mathematical model that 
> >if one continues to participate they will increase exponentially and
> >eventually one will answer surveys with all of the time they would spend
> >actually participating in open source software projects.
> >
> >We should round these kids up and get them to maybe create a student
> >survey information site.  They could do it as their own opensource
> >project and then collect the data they need from themselves ;-)
> >
> >-Andy
> =========================================================
> On Wed, 2002-10-09 at 10:38, Gunes Koru wrote:
> > 
> > Hello Jakarta contributors,
> > 
> > I am conducting a survey about the way bugs are handled in open source
> > software projects. The survey includes questions that can be answered by
> > developers,testers, bug fixers, project managers, and owners of defect
> > databases. It is only and only for research purposes and it is very easy
> > to fill out. It consists of three short sections which can be completed 
> at
> > once or in different sessions. Please fill it out if you haven't done 
> yet.
> > You will find the questions interesting since there is a reason behind
> > each one one of them. They will make you think about how things work (or
> > could work)in your project. The survey can be found in the address:
> > 
> > http://www.seas.smu.edu/~gkoru/surveys/dhsurvey.html
> > 
> > The data in the bug databases can be used to identify the high risk 
> areas
> > in the software development. One of the ways of doing it is constructing
> > tree-based models, which could be very useful in open source projects. 
> If
> > you would like to read about it, I prepared a web page for you:
> > 
> > http://www.seas.smu.edu/~gkoru/surveys/tbdm1.html
> > 
> > Please accept my apologies if you receive duplicates of this e-mail. 
> This
> > is a survey, which will give useful results for all of us. I will try to
> > prepare and make some preliminary results on-line within the next two
> > weeks. Since this is a survey, covering many important open source
> > projects, it will be interesting for everybody to see what kind of 
> quality
> > assurance work is going on in the other projects. As always, we are very
> > dedicated to this research. Please contact me for any question you might
> > have.
> > 
> > Thank you,
> > 
> > A. Gunes Koru
> > http://www.engr.smu.edu/~gkoru
> > 
> > --
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> > 
> -- 
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> http://jakarta.apache.org/poi - Excel/Word/OLE 2 Compound Document in
> Java                            
> http://krysalis.sourceforge.net/centipede - the best build/project
> structure
>                     a guy/gal could have! - Make Ant simple on complex 
> Projects!
> The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to
> vote.
> -Ambassador Kosh
> --
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http://jakarta.apache.org/poi - Excel/Word/OLE 2 Compound Document in
http://krysalis.sourceforge.net/centipede - the best build/project
                    a guy/gal could have! - Make Ant simple on complex Projects!
The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to
-Ambassador Kosh

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