(content was authored by Stefano M)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

the ASF is happy to present the creation of

                   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

the first ASF-wide mail list created to talk, discuss, propose, meet, 
collaborate with all the ASF committers, no matter what project or 
community they are involved with.

This mail list will be closed to committers only, the citizens of the 
Apache Software Foundation, and will serve as the place to talk about 
the future of the foundation.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] will replace [EMAIL PROTECTED] as the need for 
'reorganization' of the ASF turned out to be a much more deeper issue 
about lack of communication between the various ASF communities.

You might wonder why we can't use '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' for those 
discussions: well, Apache gives power to those who volunteer, it doesn't

impose things.

So, we give you a choice to partecipate in that effort to shape the 
future of Apache, or to ignore the issue alltogether (but then, accept 
the choices that were done!)

If you think there is something wrong that jakarta.apache.org and 
xml.apache.org host 70% of the code the ASF owns but have only 20% of 
the ASF members, subscribe there and help us fix this.

If you wished there was more synergy between the various ASF 
communities, show us how you'd make it happening.

On [EMAIL PROTECTED] is where discussions about new projects 
creations (like Apache Commons, Apache Incubator, Apache Graveyard) will

take place.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] will be where the 'architecture', the 'development'

of the foundation itself is done.

So, if you think you have good idea on how to run the show better, on 
how to make ASF even better than what it is today, subscribe to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] by sending email to

                   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

Oh, one favor: please subscribe with your @apache.org address (or 
@php.net address for PHP committers) so that list moderators don't have 
to scan thru the committers list to find out if you are a committer or

You can even use the ezmlm trick


if you are sending this from another account.

Ah, one last thing: Apache doesn't impose things, but it *does* make 
decisions based on a meritocratic consensus. It's up to you to 
partecipate but please be aware of the fact that decision taken on 
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' will serve as proposals later ratified by the ASF

board and *those* will be enforced.

So, we give you the opportunity to partecipate in the making of the 
future of the foundation, but no complain will be accepted if what comes

up doesn't fit your needs or doesn't make you happy and you didn't 
partecipate in its process.

You have been invited and warned.

Now it's up to you.

Scott Sanders 

Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when
there is nothing left to take away. - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

To unsubscribe, e-mail:   <mailto:general-unsubscribe@;jakarta.apache.org>
For additional commands, e-mail: <mailto:general-help@;jakarta.apache.org>

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