--- Shane Curcuru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hmmm.  A couple of comments.

Very good comments!  A few more follow.

> Have folks here read
> http://www.apache.org/foundation/bylaws.html yet? 
> If not, you really need to (well, skim it, plus the
> opening paras on
> the /foundation/ page).
> The ASF (Apache Software Foundation) is an
> 'official' non-profit
> corporation under Delaware, US laws.  It is
> membership-based, rather
> than share based, and Members of the ASF are
> essentially the
> stockholders of the corporation itself.  Membership
> carries a number of
> legal responsibilities, along with whatever moral or
> technical ones
> that Members feel towards both the ASF itself and
> towards it's
> component projects (or subprojects, etc., or bits of
> code, or
> communities).
> You should read on the /foundation/ page why the ASF
> exists; I can add
> my 2cents.  Legally, it's there so that committers
> don't get sued;
> since the ASF owns the code, any suit would be
> brought against *it*
> instead (this can be important in the US at least
> 8-).  
> Organizationally it's there to provide the actively
> managed framework
> that holds this all together.  In one way, it's the
> thing that
> differentiates the ASF from sourceforge: sourceforge
> may provide plenty
> of project hosting services, but the ASF also
> provides a sense of
> mission, community, and guidelines that help keep it
> more focused.  I
> believe the very fact that we are more organized (or
> at least the
> belief or appearance thereof) is what draws both
> cool people to
> contribute here, as well as draws other
> contributions - like servers,
> bandwith, and a crack root@ team who keeps it all
> running as
> volunteers.
> So in my mind membership and committership are
> different things :
> members think much more strategically about the
> whole of the ASF, not
> just individual bits of code or communities.
> Some other random notes:
> -- While the members can and will decide how the ASF
> runs (it's a legal
> responsibility to do so), don't worry, we really do
> care about what the
> committers think!  (Many/most/all?) Members believe
> that it is the
> communities of committers (and regular users) that
> make the ASF strong,
> and we definitely want to keep them going.

I think the members by and large care about what the
committers think, but sometimes they do a poor job of
soliciting those opinions.  I think they're too close
to it, and they forget that forums like
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" are closed to many of us. 
Hopefully the attitude is not, "if you can't vote on
it, you don't need to know about it."

> -- We all shape the ASF through our contributions. 
> If you care, then
> read up on the existing topics on reorg@ or
> community@ and respond - we
> have a lot of people doing that already.  Just
> remember, if you have a
> great idea and someone takes you up on it, you need
> to follow through
> and help out with it - hopefully in an organized
> fashion.

I think those lists are great and are helping us
understand a lot more about the Apache process.

> -- There's a lot of stuff that is happening, and
> plenty more that may
> happen.  Lots of people are trying to all share
> ideas at the same time.
>  And we're all volunteering here in some way or
> another, so it's hard
> to keep up.  Unfortunately I've also seen a lot of
> miscommunication or
> people responding without really reading the rest of
> the email chain,
> which makes for a lot more worries and bad feelings
> than I think are
> really due.
> -- Not being a jakarta 'regular', it's a little
> difficult to judge the
> mood here.  But I believe that many of the
> jakartaites who are
> participating are more worried than they should be. 
> We'll have plenty
> more discussion before we decide on a way to
> reorganize how the ASF
> works (if we even do make changes), and we'll
> definitely want to keep
> the jakarta community strong.  

Great!  I think one of the simplest ways to alleviate
concerns of Jakarta folks is to foster more
proportionate membership in the ASF, as Roy suggested.
 By the way, a certain PMC member (can I say which? :)
 has offered to sponsor my application, so hopefully
I'll be able to do my part to bring Jakarta into the

> The central 'Commons' project is *not* a replacement
> for
> jakarta-commons; IMO it's quite a different beast
> (although
> complimentary); likewise the central 'Inbubator'
> project should *not*
> be a replacement for jakarta-commons-sandbox, but
> again, should be
> complimentary.  And why don't they have much
> documentation yet? 
> Because people haven't had time to write it up yet! 
> I don't think most
> things happen in 'secret', it's just that we don't
> always get around to
> documenting stuff publicly as soon as we should -
> since in an
> all-volunteer organization, it takes longer to do
> things sometimes.

Here I have to disagree.  I think a public discussion
should be a prerequisite to new project approval. 
Elements like charter points and PMC members are
_much_ more difficult to alter after a project is
approved.  Especially for projects like Commons, which
clearly tie to existing communities.  Jakarta Commons
is a very active community and our charter was created
very deliberately; I think we would have had a lot to
offer to the discussion.  And I don't think that j-c
has a monopoly here; projects like Commons are
relevant to all committers. 

> - Shane
> Disclaimers: ASF Member; xml-xalan, xml-commons
> committer; IBM
> Employee; Massachusetts, USA resident; lover of bad
> puns and cats.
> =====
> - Shane
> <eof .sig="'When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, 
> in a very scornful tone, 'it means just what I 
> choose it to mean - neither more nor less'"
> "Oohayu oyod?!"=gis. />
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