Lazy consensus.  Just do it.

Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

David Crossley wrote:

Greg Stein wrote:

The front page is also totally lacking any information about the the fact
that is a project of the Apache Software Foundation, and it
does not provide any link back to

[ there is a tiny copyright at the bottom of the page, but that is
insufficient ]

Top-left corner is the "Apache" trail. The lack of other mention
is something that needs to be addressed in the xdocs contents for
xml-site module. I just patched
to address the specific issue that you raised.

The same problem IMHO is with Jakarta.
At least the new XML page logo has "Apache" written in it, while Jakarta lacks it, which is not so good IMO.

I made two pages with possible solutions to this:

I have proposed alt1 to general@jakarta, and it basically didn't get comments, only one +1 and one +-0.

What do you think, should it be done?

Also, I have also made a Forrest version of the main Apache site, what do you think, can it be done?

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